Yes I've been slowly settling into my work life - my new apartment, living on my own, work, work and work. Life goes fast when I don't plan, and yes, it's May the 1st already.
I think I have had a good April. But going forward, I know there are things I have to do to be better.
Number one on my list, is yet the same, ENGLISH!
I am just completely disappinted at the fact that I can't speak or write fluently and efficiently in English.
What the H..?!
There are about four reports piling up for May and I really need a rapid improvement on my writing skills, or else I can envision myself working over time drafting and redrafting these client reports.
I also need to speak better english and not be so nervous in front of clients.
I need composure and presence!! And I know to do that I will need confidence in myself.
It also helps when David is not around because of the deep and vast knowledge he has in the industry, when he speaks everybody tends to listen, and for a rookie like me, I'm too intimidated to speak up in fear of saying something wrong. Which is totally obsurd because there's nothing that can not be undone in a meeting but being the perfectionist that I am, I'm still too shy to voice my opinions.
Relationships with my colleagues - namely the receptionist - is fantastic now, I think I'm really bonding with the female colleagues and they've been quite helpful. Male colleagues - well they're easy to get along with from the start, the exective consultants are happy with the work I've done so far. What has been a bit weired is yesterday when Nathan, this other colleague who started at the same time I did but is 3 years older and had worked in another consulting firm before, asked David a modelling question. And David, either being impatient or not particularly sensitive, told him to ask me instead. Although I'm happy to know that David is pleased with my learnt Excel skills, it didn't go well with Nathan I think. He's suppose to be more experienced and knows Excel better than I do. Luckily Nathan and I get along quiet well so I don't think he takes a grudge against me but I'm quite embarrassed myself. Especially when I know I'm not much of a teacher and can't be of great help to him. Arrrgh!!
What else has happened?
Oh yeah last week I went to see JJ Lin 's concert. My friend who's a judge in the Chinese singing competition (or something like that, the one organised by TVB HongKong) got some free tickets and invited me. Yay! JJ Lin's pretty good, but we were running late to the concert so I missed a large part of the opening.
I'm back to the music scene eventually, now I'm writing lyrics again for my friend's band and enjoying it.
I would want to spare some time to practice my guitar again.
Ah! It's May already! There are tons of things I want to do this month, I want to organise my time properly and fit everything in!! But my lazy bone is affecting me all the time and it's such a struggle to fight laziness sometimes. But, will do my best.
Ah go go go!! Fighting!