Yes! In the course of last week I've moved out of my parents' house, moved into a one bedroom apartment near where I work. The upside is liberty, freedom to do what I want when I want it - although work is occupying the most of my life at the moment. I have a great plan in mind, consisting dissipated late nights, bikini bashes, friends coming over whenever, and of course the two things everyone in the industry desires - models and bottles. However life on my own is not all smooth riding. First of all I've got to cook for myself, a skill I have yet to acquaint so I've been mainly relying on take away meals. Secondly I have yet to unpack properly, decorate my hovel, and I dread a proper house warming party - which will be next Saturday. Before then, my problem is loneliness. Yes, the doppleganger of liberty, loneliness finds me first. Lukily my neighbour, who is also my landlore happens to be a very warm family with two little girls, they're cute as jam pies, and they come over every night to have a little chat, which quite nice.
So I'm still getting used to a grown up's life, it's exciting. Paying my own rent and expenses, saving up for the overseas trip at the end of the year, trying to plan my chores, get my clothes ironed, and then gradually throw in there dance classes, regular Friday nigiht drinks with friends...and I need a relationship, man or woman at this point I'm not too fussed. I'm not ready for a serious relationship so let it be casual and fun. This senior consultant at work is interested in me but god he's like in his 30s? 40s? I mean I like him, he's a great mentor but I prefer someone younger, and cuter, please god! Make my work life as professional as your mighty power can.
I felt like I've managed my life quite well at the moment, adapting to the new environment pretty quickly and easily, making friends the way my charming self would naturally. But then again, the test has yet to begin. Right now I've been assigned to four projects, but really all of them have yet to start. I've scheduled several appointments with my clients next week, but they're all easy bluff with no real context. There's this business looking to expand overseas which is a big project, spanning over 9months, it's going to be more intense soon. So I have yet to be tested. In terms of financial modelling I have yet to fully construct one on my own... next week will be short - 4 working days only, that means I have until end of next week to ramp up my excel skills one last time before I'm thrown into the deep end.
Would I swim or would I sink? I think give me some time and I'm a champion material.
I do, however, need to write more succintly in English. I wish Hilary is here, she has the best talent for writing - and speaking - coherently without wasting words. It comes so naturally to her. She is so sharp she can read ten lines at once. I bet she can write in one hour what would take me a day to finish. I remember working with her is such a daunting yet exhilarating experience. Daunting because I'm so self conscious of my shortfalls and exhilarating because she brings so much spark to the project that I always feel enlightened in her presence. Anyway I just wish she was here.
My option would be to write and speak more English. Reading also would help as they say, so I'm planning a few romantic classics in the pipeline. Let me be just as fluent at this language! It stupefies me that after being exposed to it for more than 13 years I still feel this language barrier between the native English speakers and myself. What the hell? 13 years, enough to learn two foreign languages in 13 years and I still can't master a single one! Damn!
Ok enough rant for tonight. I'm exhausted!