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2011-02-25 21:16:37| 人氣6,167| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Artist-上野 陽介 (Ueno Yosuke)

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相較於加藤彩的飽和畫作,一樣大受歡迎、16歲就開個展的「上野 陽介」(UenoYosuke) 則是完全不同的風格,逗趣、可愛、非常卡通是大家對他作品的第一印象,在創作背後則與加藤彩一樣,都是具有追求完美的既剛毅、柔軟並純誠的性情。


欣賞他的創作IDEA !! ^0^


其實他在2008年來台參加國際藝術博覽會時就在國內造成不小轟動ㄛ---DNA色彩密碼」^0^‧‧‧‧‧ 1977年 出生於東京的上野陽介(Yosuke Ueno)16歲發表自己的個展後,即以其獨樹一格的插畫風格在日本畫壇逐漸堀起,除了插畫創作之外 也幫雜誌或音樂公司製作CD封面。



ï <以下摘自相關網頁>





無止盡地 探尋著未知的美麗境地」



Yosuke Ueno Biography & Works

Yosuke Ueno comes from Japan but might be from another planet. His themes are very cosmic and he's also known as SpaceEgg77. His palette of colors is otherworldly and his themes range from Anne Frank looking down on earth from the heavens to cosmic ducks and magic mushrooms. Bizarre, surreal and thought provoking, conjuring images from another galaxy are words that come to mind.

“I am very careful in an important thing when I paint. It is a consciousness in which I couldn’t know what kind of work comes about, and I hope to challenge what I couldn’t handle in my mind. An adventurer makes his way because he didn’t know what there are, and a chemist never grasps the answer without any experiments.


All the time I venture into my execution, I get off the point where I can’t look over the destination and then I seek my own brand-new beautiful way. I always start new work without any detailed designs. My hope is for a piece to complete itself beyond my imagination. I sometimes say that artists are parallel to scientists. Scientists have no way of knowing the result of an experiment before hand. The same can be said about creating art."


網站: http://www.spaceegg77.com/








台長: DJ
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