TT可說是AUDI近年來最成功的作品,堪稱上世紀的末段經典。早在1995年德國Frankfult車展以概念曝光後,圓潤飽滿、線條獨具的風格備受好評,讓AUDI萌生遵循原始概念量產決心。1999年正式推出上市。曾被Newyork Times譽為Car of the century,並榮獲英國What Car推選為Car of the Year,多項殊榮加身出盡鋒頭,誠如評審所述:「TT從裡到外都讓人驚豔,駕駛艙細節精緻和外型一樣迷人,可說是件藝術品。儘管很多車模仿它,卻沒有可媲美的精細品質」。接著推出的TT Roadster,也深獲好評,更在好萊塢電影「Mission Impossible 2」中展露風采。*
本刊試駕的是AUDI最新版「3.2 V6 DSG」,因應較窄引擎空間,採用的是與VW Golf R32共享的VR6引擎,這是以之前2.8升VR6為基礎開發而來,排氣量3189cc最大馬力輸出250 bhp/6300rpm,最大扭力236lb-ft/2800rpm。搭載的則是DSG(Direct Shift Gearbox)雙離合器手自排系統,由於多了一組離合器來銜接進退檔位的過程,換檔平順性比傳統液壓自排更好,系統會同時解除和啟用一組雙離合器,以換取毫無間隙的動力傳遞。更渾厚的動力單元和更新穎的變速科技,這次試駕TT應該與1999年接觸的1.8T不同。
實際駕駛這輛Papaya Orang的TT Roadster,在路上很難不受到注目禮,渾圓的TT即使不全油門伺候,於都會巡航也感到樂趣橫生,尤其是觀察那些路人表情。進入山路小試身手一下,TT雖然軸距短但動態不神經質,過去1.8T的turbo lag明顯問題一掃而空,3.2 DSG的懸吊比過去的1.8T硬、行程短,有效地減少側傾和頓挫,且車身動態不會突然改變。新的V6引擎讓車頭加重了且集中在車頭,但出乎意料地,仰賴Quattro的四驅特性,使轉向和急煞的動態表現穩定,直線奔馳公路時車身平穩度高,這些都是過去駕駛前驅1.8T版本時所沒有的收穫,如今再度駕馭同一部車變化讓我訝異。
TT DSG的表現讓我感到相當好奇,過去接觸過Selespeed F1、SMG等變速箱,DSG是我駕駛過最平順的系統,幾無頓挫的說法一點都不誇張,運用雙離合控制切換檔位,筆者得以讓這顆V6引擎發揮最大效果,零到60mph我們獲得6.2秒成績,相信在尚未碰到BMW的SMG III系統前,筆者認為DSG的運作功率堪稱當今之最。
*TT Roadster若與同級相較,仍有些許改進空間。首先,在高速下的車體浮動、彈跳,無法讓人盡情奔馳,雖然抓力比過去已有改善,但懸吊設定似乎再硬些、車子可以再低些,這可讓TT傳回更直接的訊息使駕駛者易於掌握。Quattro表現功不可沒,平均分散輸出使驅策油門時變得較中性,但偏不足的轉向得略微改變駕駛習慣。TT 3.2 Quattro不像其他Roadster對手來得刁鑽、犀利,卻自成一套方法詮釋操控,老實說剛開始感覺悶了些,加上DSG的介入幾乎無法享受煞車退檔的快感。依個人主觀看法,希望TT能多著眼於駕駛導向而非科技導向。*
TT Roadster真的是當代經典,車身線條飽滿俐落不失狡捷,車身比例不慍不火,均衡體態遠勝於駕駛愉悅感,而新的3.2 DSG對性能表述又向前了一步。TT Roadster是個人身份的最佳表率。
Audi TT Roadster 3.2 DSG
We had the pleasure to test drive the new Audi TT Roadster 3.2 DSG. This car maintained the attractive shape featured in the movie “Mission Impossible 2”, however, it had a major upgrade from the original TT. Instead of the 1.8L Turbocharged 4 cylinder engine, this TT features the narrow angle 3.2L VW VR6 engine which produces 250 HP @ 6300 rpm and 236 lb-ft @ 2800 rpm. On top of this powerful engine, this TT also came with the new innovative DSG transmission, and Audi’s Quattro AWD system.
It is hard not to attract attention in this Papaya Orange roadster. It is especially fun driving this car at normal speed and observe the expressions from the onlookers. In regular highway cruising, this new suspension set up combined with the Quattro AWD system produced excellent stability. Even in emergency lane changing and braking situation, this TT still is unflappable. No excessive nose dive, nor excessive body lean. In the curvy mountain roads, the firmer damping combined with shorter suspension travel effective eliminated the excessive body rolls which plagued the previous generation. We can easily extract all of the power produced by the 3.2L V-6 engine through this new DSG transmission, achieving a 0-60 mph time of 6.2 seconds.
Compare with other roadsters in this class, this new TT is still not as fun or nimble in the curves. The suspension can be firmer; the body can be lower to further improve on the handling. The new DSG transmission is effective but still not as fun as a full manual transmission.
This new TT Roadster is really a modern classic. The beautiful lines really impressed all onlookers. The new engine/DSG combination put the driving enjoyment in a different level. If you are a new generation Yuppie looking for an automobile to show off your taste and status, this $42,595 TT Roadster is really your best choice.