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2007-09-01 23:06:56| 人氣83| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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New York,

New York, probably one of the most famous city in the world, is the destination of our 5 days trip before the summer ends. Ally had plans about where to go and what to eat. I know she spent a lot of time doing research on the NYC and I was also wondering in my mind about what New York has to offer. We have been to many great places such as Venice, Vienna, Paris and certainly looked forward to this trip. However, there are absolutely no comparisons !
New York sucks !

Assuming the first thing we expect for a vacation is to relax, enjoy a new place and learn something special. But, I didn’t feel relaxed before coming back to D.C. There were people everywhere; there were tourists all over the places; People were rude, impolite and full of shit. Everywhere we go, it reminds me a lot of places I have visited for the last 10 years…….

When I walked in the Central Park in New York, all I can think of is the Hayde Park in London, the Luxenberg garden in Paris and the Stadtpark in Vienna; When I saw people boating in that stagnant pond of the Central Park, it reminds me how nice it was boating in a volcanic lake near the Fiji Mountain, Japan; Certainly, when I saw the famous Brooklyn bridge, I miss all the bridges across the river of Seine in Paris….. All I am saying is that New York indeed offers many things and people live in Manhattan are probably proud of what they have and once claim they don’t need to go outside because they have everything. They are right. Indeed, they have everything--- in a very odd way.

Maybe it’s not fair to compare New York with other great cities based upon it’s weakness. The only things I want to remember about New York are the Broadway (Les Miserables), the Metropilitan Museum of Art and the Yankees. I left the rest in New York, a city I will probably never come back.

台長: allyweng
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