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2007-08-23 23:18:02| 人氣212| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Ally 我愛潘朵拉音樂線上盒 !!!

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今天早上意外發現一個很棒的小玩具想要跟大家分享: 那就是我的新朋友 –
Pandora (潘朵拉) 線上音樂小盒 !!!

潘朵拉音樂線上盒是什麼東西咧?! 它是一個線上音樂撥放器, 然後透過網路來收聽. 你可能覺得這有什麼了不起阿? 因為現在早就一堆電台是網路收聽了, 甚至是Ally喜歡的衣服線上購物網站Abercrombie & Fitch 和American Eagle, 都早有自己的music station阿! 所以, 我的新朋友Pandora的強項並不是它的網路收聽, 而是你可以在它的網站上面選擇自己想要聽的歌手或是歌曲, 因此它可以幫你把你喜歡的歌手或是類似風格的其他歌手與歌曲都體貼的幫你找出來, 好像老鼠會一樣你就可以知1知10知100, 也就是利用它的database和所有station儲存, 你就可以把自己喜歡的風格, 屬於你自己的音樂資料庫放在一起; 或是你也可以輸入歌曲的名稱, 讓它幫你尋找!
總之你就是給它一個hint, 它會根據你給的資料, 再幫你增加你的音樂知識與收聽囉!
大家有興趣不妨試試看, 如果你不喜歡它所選的歌曲, 還可以回報給Pandora咧! 那麼下次Pandora就會根據你的喜好來撥歌. 這樣的設計, 真是好人性化阿! 科技帶來的方便真是令人開心!

希望你們也會喜歡我的新朋友 ~ 神奇潘朵拉小盒 !!!


關於潘朵拉音樂盒的更多知識在Wikipedia ~
Pandora (music service)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pandora is an automated music recommendation and internet radio service created by The Music Genome Project. Users enter a song or artist that they enjoy, and the service responds by playing elections that are musically similar. Users provide feedback on the
individual song choices — approval or disapproval — which Pandora takes into account for future selections. On June 26, 2007 Pandora participated in the Internet Radio Day of Silence. While listening, users are offered the ability to buy the songs or albums at Amazon.com or iTunes Store. Over 400 different musical attributes (see List of Music Genome Project attributes) are considered when selecting the next song. These 400 attributes are combined into larger groups called focus traits. There are 2,000 focus traits. Examples of these are rhythm syncopation, key tonality, vocal harmonies and displayed instrumental proficiency. Potential subscribers should be advised that many songs are not the original recorded versions and may sound altered in some manner. The Pandora media player is based on Open Laszlo, allowing for simple cross platform portability; it plays through a browser. Pandora can be listened to through any Slim Devices’ or Sonos product(s). MSN Radio stations now run off Pandora.com and use Pandora accounts rather than Windows Live IDs. The service has two subscription plans: a free subscription supported by ads, and a fee-based subscription without these ads. On May 22, there was a change of the Pandora interface with new pull down menus and buttons. There are also now advertisements ”Pandora on the Go” for phones and ”Pandora at Home” for hardware and speakers for home purchases.

台長: allyweng
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