Thank you all, I am doing well today!
Last Monday was the 1st appointment of chemo. Because the doctor only sees patients on Mon or Thurs, and the prior Thurs was Thanksgiving so there was 3 hours delay of my doctor’s appointment! I arrived NYC at 12:30, had lunch and went to the dr’s office at 2:00 for my 2:30 appointment but I didn’t get to see her until almost 5:30.
After that, I went to wait for my appointment of chemo (was scheduled at 3:45), I don’t even remember how long I was waiting but I know I was the last patient left the chemo hall which was about 7:45 in the evening.
I started to vomited not long after I arrived home even they gave me 3 different drugs to take plus one shot for anti-nausea and anti-vomiting before the chemo shot.
I guess I had puked everything and couldn’t even take water. Sister came to help me to give me the shot to boost the white blood cells on Tuesday afternoon. I was still very weak.
The chemo nurse called and asked me to local hospital to get hydration. Brother took me there and another couple brother and sister came all the way from home to help me out.
They gave me not only IV also anti-vomiting drug. My husband also went home to help; he got the prescription drug from a local 24H pharmacy.
It was a raining night, so sorry I had to bother so many people.
I kept taking different drugs from another few days even I had no more vomiting. Felt very dizzy and fatigue all the time, couldn’t get up for more than few minutes, didn’t want to talk or do anything. Appetite was ok but didn’t really feel hungry.
Then the constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, heartburn, headache, sleepless, dry mouth... those side effects showed up but they weren’t too bad.
It was last week, I am doing well today, I drove to run errands, and everything was fine!
Thank you all for your support.
Thanks God.