Additionally, the beginning of making moral and religious judgment signals the awakening of human culture. Since our ancestors solved their problems by giving each other some limitations and boundaries, they developed and grew from these limitations and boundaries. Jung believes that there are many memories, such as every culture's rituals, symbols and myths, which exist in human unconsciousness. He calls those memories, archetypes. This is the awakening of human culture.
I am in agreement with this idea that we do have many memories learned from our ancestors. Nevertheless, I don't think those memories exist in our unconsciousness. I would rather call them, culture education. This culture education was learned from our teachers, significant others or ourselves and existed in printed books, experiences and as Jung says, myths, rituals and symbols. We learn to survive by following what we believe to be helpful and useful culture principles. In the end, we grow to be a better person by learning those principles.
My second view of human nature is the concept of homeostasis. I believe that my vision builds my psychological world; it would be a crisis if my vision of the world was not balanced. That my vision builds my psychological world means my view of the world comes from my perception of every event which I have encountered.
The concept of homeostasis can be explained in many ways. For instance, from a biological perspective, Seyle (1976) defines this term as "the tendency of the body to maintain a steady state despite external changes; physiologic stability. " Homeostasis is the staying power of the body. Seyle (1976) believes that the most characteristic feature of all living beings is their ability to maintain the constancy of their internal milieu, despite changes in the surroundings.
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