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2009-05-23 02:24:52| 人氣473| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

What’s wrong with me?

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I don't understand why I keep meet person like this.
Is my problem lead these thing occur? 
I know I am pretty, single and kind to everyone.
I agree to go out for a simple dinner is not the same meaning that I agree to be someone'sgirl friend.
Or even more ---is ready for body touching.

No. I just want to make new friend first. To understand each other first is the most important thing to me!
Why cannot we be a friend first?
Why need to be so rush?
Even I agree to be someone's girlfriend, it doesn't mean my body is alway allow for your touching.

No. I mean NO!

Do I not deserve to be treated good, just seems I am some kind of treasure?
I know I am 30 years of old, so what?
Should I not need a certain time to make sure who can be my company for rest of life?

I am not that kind of girl, just want to play. I am always serious for each relationship.
If you really like me, and want to invite me to joint your life. Please be nice and ask gently.
Don't let me feel you just instreasting with my body.
If you also take serious for this relationship, you won't only care about how my body shape is, and won't just want to touch me immediately when you see me. You will care more about how I am feel at that moment.  Please pay more attention to look into my heart and what I am thinking in my mind.

It should not a difficult thing to let me fall in love. Guys, I just want to be loved. I just want someone will spend time to know my feeling and talking with me sincerely without no infringe upon my body.
Say something nice that would be also another way to move me.

Please.....my pretty should not be a excuse that you cannot contorl your behavior.

That's all my truly feeling in my heart. Don't hurt my feeling any more. PLEASE.  


台長: Sunflower's whisper
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 向日葵的碎語 |

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