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正想續久未更新的〈情歌手〉系列、正要寫MLTR,怎知道卻“六月飛霜”——竟傳來“流行樂之王”MICHAEL JACKSON撒手人間的噩耗……的確可惜!MICHAEL JACKSON,無人不曉;而同樣以MICHAEL之名行走江湖的MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK在抒情搖滾樂界的成就亦超然斐然!

記得江郎初次接觸MLTR的時候,就是初到唱片行打工的日子。一向中華情結深的江郎除了知道MICHAEL JACKSON之外,對其他西洋歌手根本一竅不通。

偏偏給一位MLTR的男歌迷叫住:“能幫我找MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK嗎?”他講得很溜,讓江郎抓不住!“什麽?”硬著頭皮的江郎只好再問一次。“MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK!”江郎除了聼懂MICHAEL,其他依然摸不着頭腦。結果,初哥江郎竟要顧客說第三次;難怪他重復到發火。

難爲的那位先生選擇放棄了,他沒好氣地問:“可以叫一個有聼西洋歌曲的人來服務嗎?”就算他不要求,難爲的江郎也打算放棄了。搞了大半天,才知道原來這大名鼎鼎的樂團叫MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK,唱片量堆積如山、擺在最顯眼的位置!沒想到MLTR雖讓江郎出糗,卻也從此讓江郎深深愛上他們的情歌!

説到樂團的名字,的確讓江郎疑惑,怎麽會是“麥克學搖滾 ”?怪不得聼無路!因爲江郎根本不會去想到,MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK會是一個團名!關於團名的問題,樂隊主音JASCHA RICHTER也承認源于已故“流行樂之王”MICHAEL JACKSON之名;惟兩個MICHAEL的音樂風格各異。

無論MLTR是從前四人組,還是現在三人行,JASCHA RICHTER一定是樂團的靈魂人物;他的才華,鋒芒畢露!包辦大部分詞曲創作的JASCHA RICHTER已不僅是主音那麽簡單;雖説牡丹尚需綠葉襯,但從MLTR走紅的經典曲目來看,若說MLTR儼然是JASCHA RICHTER一個人的樂隊也不為過。


這首〈25 MINUTES〉無需等到二十五分鐘,讓江郎一聼就愛,也是MLTR一籮筐情歌之中,江郎心頭的第一冧歌!這是一首畫面豐富的情歌,會愛上也是因爲被歌中情景感動!遲來的表白、錯過的愛,讓垂手可得的幸福在二十五分鐘内就變成追不回來的遺憾……愛人結婚我沒有份;透過對白式的敍述,交換一對戀侶的心聲。

若有機會,很想問問JASCHA RICHTER,爲何不是半小時?或者早一些?偏偏是25 MINUTES?有意思!也許要在對的時間遇見對的人,的確不容易。

25 Minutes
主唱:Michael Learns To Rock
作詞:Jascha Richter
作曲:Jascha Richter

After some time
I've finally made up my mind
She is the girl
And I really want to make her mine
I'm searching everywhere to find her again
To tell her I love her
And I'm sorry about the things I've done
I find her standing in front of the church
The only place in town where I didn't search
She looks so happy in her weddingdress
But she's crying while she's saying this
Boy I've missed your kisses all the time
But this is twentyfive minutes too late
It's too late
Though you travelled so far
Boy, I'm sorry you are twentyfive minutes too late
Against the wind
I'm going home again
Wishing me back
To the time when we were more than friends
But still I see her in front of the church
The only place in town where I didn't search
She looked so happy in her weddingdress
But she cried while she was saying this
Out in the streets
Place where hungry hearts have nothing to eat
Inside my head still I can hear words she said

I can still hear her say


當相愛的人不再相愛,分手之後便不再留戀。但很多時候,兩個人的遊戲卻往往只有單方玩倦;倦的人離開了,可憐的依然無法自拔;曾經的回憶,說過的承諾,最初的約定……生在心底如老樹盤根。甜蜜的情話猶然在耳,再聼卻已是心如刀割。JASCHA RICHTER的詞句簡明,筆觸卻很細膩,看似不經意的總是最觸動人心。

That's Why (You Go Away)
Michael Learns To Rock
作詞:Jascha Richter
作曲:Jascha Richter

Baby want you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget
But there is something left in my head

You're the one who set it up
Now you're the one to make it stop
I'm the one who's feeling lost right now
Now you want me to forget every little thing you said
But there is something left in my head

I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feelings so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know

You were never satisfied no matter how I tried
Now you wanna say goodbye to me
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget
But there is something left in my head

Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere
Don't know which way to go
There is so much to say now between us
There ain't so much for you
There ain't so much for me anymore



江郎聼MLTR聼得最多的時期可分爲兩段;一是在唱片行打工的日子,二是大學歲月。由於最初接觸MLTR是從〈PAINT MY LOVE〉精選集開始,當時正值唱片剛推出時,幾乎每天不停熱播(還好是一張動聽耐聼的唱片)就連廣場商店,飲食中心裏的點唱機都經常出其不意播放,不唱西洋歌的江郎聼得多了也琅琅上口。

Paint My Love
主唱:Michael Learns To Rock
作詞:Jascha Richter
作曲:Jascha Richter

From my youngest years till this moment here
I' ve never seen such a lovely queen from the skies
Above to the deepest love
I' ve never felt crazy like this before
Paint my love
You should paint my love
It' s the picture of a thousand sunsets
It' s the freedom of a thousand doves baby
You should paint my love

Been around the world then I melt you girl
It' s like coming home
To a place I' ve known
Paint my love
You should paint my love
It' s the picture of a thousand sunsets
It' s the freedom of a thousand doves baby
You should paint my love

Since you came into my life
The days before all fade to black and white
Since you came into my life
Everything has changed

Paint my love
You should paint my love
It' s the picture of a thousand sunsets
It' s the freedom of a thousand doves baby
You should paint my love

My love paint my love
Oh you should paint my love
It' s the picture of a thousand sunsets
It' s the freedom of a thousand doves baby
You should paint my love



旋律動聽、詞境淒美是江郎鍾愛MLTR情歌的主要原因,尤其欣賞JASCHA RICHTER的才華!就像以下這首〈FOREVER AND A DAY〉那把來自北歐純樸深情的歌聲輕輕哼唱,悅耳舒服暖和!歌詞深入淺出,偶爾在字裏行間撿到一些仿似自己的心情,聼得更投入!只有他們的歌,多年之後重聼,始終不會厭膩。

Forever and a Day
主唱:Michael Learns To Rock
作詞:Ashley Mulford/Jascha Richter
作曲:Jascha Richter

When the night has come
and the day is done
I'm always thinking of you
you are in the air
You are everywhere
in the every thing I do

If I could keep this moment in time
if I could make you forever mine
Baby I'm lost in your love
from heaven above
You came to bring me up

With you I feel I could stay
in love forever and a day

When I walk alone
through an empty home
I just can't stop thinking of you
do you feel the pain
Could it be the same
are you missing me too

I see your face when I close my eyes
I see a glimpse of your own paradise
you came from heaven above
I'm lost in your love

Free as the wind
you give me wings to fly
My girl I feel I could stay
in love forever and a day

I feel that I could stay
In love forever and a day



喜歡一個人,但對方又不知道,叫暗戀。暗戀的心情,是偷偷喜悅,也是暗地裏煎熬。見到對方時,整個人像盛開的美麗花朵,天天皆晴天,心情吹口哨,捨不得時間的溜走。若碰不到面,做什麽都無趣、食也不知味;陰天好討厭,好像要下雨又不下,憋住很辛苦!暗戀人的人,最渴望是一句MORE THAN A FRIEND。

More Than A Friend
主唱:Michael Learns To Rock
作詞:Ashley Mulford/Søren Madsen
作曲:Søren Madsen

You got me counting the seconds
It happens every time
I'm waiting for the moment
we can sit down and talk for a while
And every time that you're near me
my heart is running away
How can I tell you when words don't come easy
and there is so much I'm trying to say

I wanna know that love will surround us
and you'll share it with me every day
Tell me you'll care for me now and forever
I'll give anything to hear you say
that I'm more than a friend

I'm gonna try in the future
not to live in the past
I guess that I was a dreamer
if I thought it could ever last
But every time that I see you
you bring me out in the sun
How can I hide it when we are together
I just know that you're the only one

I wanna know...

I wanna make you see
everything you are to me
Try to understand
I wonder if you can
The love I have for you
will always be true



愛情,尤其像霧又像花的時候,總是讓人患得患失。閩南語有句話説道:“愛著卡慘死”,意即愛到無可救藥;無論眼淚抑或歡愉,都總被對方的一顰一笑牽引;若即若離最要命,糖黐豆時飛上青天,冷落之際似坐針墊。盡管如此,愛的力量足讓人心甘情願被俘虜,只要能守在對方身邊KEEP AN EYE ON,對癡狂的人已足夠。

Nothing To Lose
主唱:Michael Learns To Rock
作詞:Jascha Richter
作曲:Jascha Richter

There are times
when you make me laugh
There are moments when you drive me mad
there are seconds when
I see the light
though many times you made me cry

There's something
you don't understand
I want to be your man

Nothing to lose
your love to win
Hoping so bad
that you'll love me in
I'm at your feet
Waiting for you
I've got time
And nothing to lose

There are times
when I believe in you
These moments when I feel close to you
there are times I think
That I am yours
though many times I feel unsure

There's something
you don't understand
I want to be your man

Nothing to lose
your love to win
Hoping so bad
that you'll let me in
I'm on your feet
waiting for you
I've got time
and nothing to lose

I'll always be around you
keep an eye on you
and I won't let you run
cos you are the only one

Nothing to lose
your love to win
Hoping so bad
that you'll let me in
I'm at your feet
waiting for you
I've got time
and nothing to lose




The Ghost Of You
主唱:Michael Learns To Rock
作詞:Jascha Richter/Johan Stentorp
作曲:Jascha Richter/Johan Stentorp

Summer's ended and without a trace
time goes by - while you remain
Funny how I thought I walked on through
with my heart in one

Why do I still cry for you
dying to get close to you
Why do I still fear to face
the ghost of you

How I tried to get you off my mind
but you return - all the time
I believed I could just let you go
like the fool I am

Why do I still cry for you
dying to get close to you
Oh baby why do I still fear to face
the ghost of you

I've been trying to release you
to get my feet back on the ground
Still I need my hope to hold on to
even if I know I should back away
It's just a part of me that I can't erase

Why do I still cry for you
dying to get close to you
Why do I still fear to face
the ghost of you

Baby, baby why
Anyway I try I'm still reminded
[the ghost of you]
Anywhere I go I keep colliding with
[the ghost of you]
I've given up I just can't fight it
[the ghost of you]

Everytime I look away I see
the ghost of you




You Took My Heart Away
主唱:Michael Learns To Rock
作詞:Jascha Richter
作曲:Jascha Richter

Staring at the moon so blue
Turning all my thoughts to you
I was without hopes or dreams
I tried to dull an inner scream but you
saw me through

Walking on a path of air
See your faces everywhere
As you melt this heart of stone
you take my hand to guide me home and now
I'm in love

You took my heart away
when my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
and a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
and you sleep by my side
you become the meaning of my life

Living in a world so cold
you are there to warm my soul
You came to mend a broken heart
You gave my life a brand new start and now
I'm in love

You took...

Holding your hand
I won't fear tomorrow
Here were we stand
we'll never be alone




情歌,也有浪漫時;就像A KISS IN THE RAIN。



I'm Gonna Be Around
主唱:Michael Learns To Rock
作詞:Ashley Mulford/Jascha Richter/Oli Poulsen
作曲:Ashley Mulford/Jascha Richter/Oli Poulsen

It's been so long since we took the time
to share words from deep inside us
We're in our own world spinning our wheels
but you know how I feel

Since the first time I took your hand
my love for you has just been growing
You always seem to understand
You know how I am

I'm gonna love you til the end (I'm gonna be)
I'm gonna be your very true friend
I wanna share your ups and downs
I'm gonna be around

When you're alone and I'm away
don't be sad don't be afraid
I'm gonna turn my thoughts to you
like I always do

I'm gonna love you til the end
I'm gonna be your very true friend...
I wanna share your ups and downs
I'm gonna be around

Catch you when you fall
Hold you when you’re down
Sharing every moment
I wanna show you all I do
I believe I’ve found a miracle
in you

I'm gonna love you til the end
I'm gonna be your very true friend...
I wanna share your ups and downs
I'm gonna be around (x3)


台長: 江郎
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