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母親節的献禮-天使之翼合唱 念故鄉

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母親節的献禮-天使之翼合唱 念故鄉


Going Home
作詞:William Arms Fisher   作曲:Antonín Dvorák 1893

Going home, going home

I'm going home
Quiet light, some still day
I'm just going home

It's not far, just close by
Through an open door
Work all done, care laid by
Going to fear no more

Mother's there expecting me
Father's waiting, too
Lots of folk gathered there
All the friends I knew

All the friends I knew ooh.ooh.oh.going home

Nothing's lost, all's gain
No more fret nor pain
No more stumbling on the way
No more longing for the day
Going to roam no more

Morning star lights the way
Restless dreams all done
Shadows gone, break of day
Real life just begun

There's no break, there's no end
Just a living on
Wide awake with a smile
Going on and on

Going home, going home
I'm just going home
It's not far, just close by
Through an open door
I'm just going home

德弗札克 「新世界交響曲」念故鄉


作詞:李抱枕 作曲:德佛札克

念故鄉 念故鄉 故鄉真可愛
天甚清 風甚涼 鄉愁陣陣來

故鄉人今如何 常念念不忘
在他鄉一孤客 寂寞又淒涼

我願意 回故鄉 再尋舊生活
眾親友聚一堂 共享從前樂

台長: Rex Wu
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