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2015-07-11 10:48:05| 人氣1,648| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My Shoes 我的鞋

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My Shoes 我的鞋
 Never just look at the surface
Everyone has his own life to go.  On average, bad lucks and good lucks eventually will
even out equally.  How to limit the damages when in down turn and to maximize the benefits
when in up is the key to make a substantial difference in your life. john
300 million viewers watch this short movie
My Shoes 我的鞋

Never just look at the surface.

Everyone has his own life to go.  On average, bad lucks and good lucks eventually willeven out equally.  How to limit the damages when in down turn and to maximize the benefitswhen in up is the key to make a substantial difference in your life.

300 million viewers watch this short movie.

台長: Rex Wu

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