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2014-12-16 16:09:55| 人氣4,920| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

瑞士名山馬特峰風情-The Peak

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瑞士名山馬特峰風情-The Peak

不知道經過多長的時間才有辦法製作一部4分鐘的短片,大自然有多美,這一生也 許都沒機會看到!

The Peak

This is a from my home country Switzerland about the most famous Swiss mountain the Matterhorn. I was 3 times in Zermatt between August and October 2012 to make this film. I stayed some nights outside under a starry sky and a lot of falling stars. During October on 2'700m/8'858f over sea it gets really cold. But it was worth to do it.

Please share it, if you like it!

Thanks Roberto Cacciapaglia and Glance Studio for the permission to use this great piece of music. 

Special thanks to Petra Leidorfer for her help and support

Music by
Roberto Cacciapaglia (Oceano).
More Information about him on his site :
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/rob...

More info about me and my work on:

For this video I shot approx 25'000 pictures.
Footage is also available in 4K

Gear used:
Canon EOS 5D Mark III and Canon EOS 550D with Magic Lantern (specially for sunset and sunrise)
Canon EF 16-35mm F/2.8L II (great lens for the Milky Way), Canon EF 50mm, Tokina 11-16mm, Samyang 8mm f/3.5
Dynamic Perception Stage Zero + MX2 + Acuter MERLIN

台長: Rex Wu
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: 影音欣賞 |

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