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2001-11-17 00:34:59| 人氣1,633| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Am I That Easy to Forget?

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They say you've found somebody new,
But that won't stop my loving you.
I just can't let you walk away,
Forget the love I had for you.
Guess I could find somebody, too,
But I don't wan't no one but you.
How could you leave without regret?
Am I that easy to forget?
Before you leave be sure you find
You want his love much more than mine.
'Cause I'll just say we've never met,
If I'm that easy to forget.
Before you leave be sure you find
You want his love much more than mine.
'Cause I'll just say we've never met,
If I'm that easy to forget.
If I'm that easy to forget.


台長: 其石山人
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