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2001-01-27 15:35:07| 人氣638| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

End of May

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End of May


Songwriters: Zeidel, Keren Ann; Biolay, Benjamin Gerard F

Close your eyes and roll a dice
Under the board there's a compromise
If after all we only lived twice
Which lies the run road to paradise

Don't say a word, here comes the break of the day
And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May

Close your eyes and make a bet
Face to the glare of the sunset
This is about as far as we get
You haven't seen me disguised yet

Don't say a word, here comes the break of the day
And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May

Close your eyes and make a wish
Under the stone there's a stonefish
Hold your breath then roll the dice
It might lead the run road to paradise

Don't say a word, here comes the break of the day
And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end...

Don't say a word, here comes the break of the day
And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May

 Keren Ann

(引自網友安肚臍的“”: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/rinata/post/1321594227 )

(YouTube 音樂欣賞:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB3dvfJlM-0&list=QL&playnext=1 )

台長: 其石山人
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