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2015-10-26 06:37:52
2001-12-17 16:34:59

I Swear

I Swear (1994) by All 4 OneI swear by the moon and the stars in the skyAnd I swear like the shadow thats by your sideI see the questions in your eyesI know whats weighing on your mindYou can be sure I...

2001-12-17 14:34:59


新不了情演唱 萬芳作曲 鮑比達作詞 黃鬱心若倦了 淚也乾了這份深情 難捨難了曾經擁有 天荒地老已不見你 暮暮與朝朝這一份情 永遠難了願來生還能 再度擁抱愛一個人 如何廝守到老怎樣面對一切 我不知道回憶過去...

2001-12-17 14:34:59


廣末涼子 "Sailing" I am sailing, I am sailing,home again 'cross the sea.I am sailing, stormy waters,to be near you, to be free.I am flying, I am flying,like a bird 'cross the sky.I am flying, pass...

2001-12-17 14:34:59

Fly Away

演唱:梁靜茹這一次 是我自己為自己下的決定很小心 你說慢慢來別怕來不及如果我 還有一點點不安或者遲疑我不會 對你的反應那麼好奇落葉啊 其實也很不願意其實也不想回憶 誰沒等到錯過了流星我們啊 交集在這意...

2001-12-16 00:34:59


"Tammy"recorded in 1957 by Debbie Reynolds Lyrics by Ray EvansMusic by Jay Livingston I hear the cottonwoods whisp'rin' aboveTammy...Tammy...Tammy's in love The ole hootie owl hootie-hoo's to the...

2001-12-05 09:34:59

Can't Take My Eyes off You

You're just too good to be trueCan't take my eyes off of youYou'd be like Heaven to touchI wanna hold you so muchAt long last, love has arrivedAnd I thank God I'm aliveYou're just too good to be trueC...

2001-12-05 02:34:59
2001-12-05 02:34:59

Three Coins in the Fountain

Three Coins in the Fountain Frank Sinatra Three coins in the fountainEach one seeking happinessThrown by three hopeful loversWhich one will the fountain bless? Three hearts in the fountainEach ...

2001-12-01 06:34:59

Yesterday Once More

When I was youngI'd listen to the radioWaitin' for my favorite songs When they played I'd sing alongIt made me smile.Those were such happy timesAnd not so long agoHow I wondered where they'd goneBut t...

2001-12-01 06:34:59


當你老了作曲:趙照 作詞:葉芝 趙照 當你老了 頭髮白了 睡意昏沉 當你老了 走不動了 爐火旁打盹 回憶青春 多少人曾愛你 青春歡暢的時辰 愛慕你的美麗 假意或真心 只有一個人 還愛你虔誠的靈魂 愛你蒼老的臉上 的皺紋...

2001-12-01 06:34:59

When I'm Sixty Four

When I'm 64 When I get older, losing my hair, many years from nowWill you still be sending me a valentine, birthday greetings, bottle of wine?If I'd been out 'til quarter to three, would you lock...

2001-11-30 07:34:59
2001-11-23 03:34:59


中越典子 陳秋霞霧的茫然 琴韻尚未撩動 琴弦已經中斷歌唱尚未開始 聲音已經瘖啞 故事還沒起頭 說書的人已走了留下一個影子 一團霧的茫然說書的人已走了 留下一個影子以及一團霧的茫然 茫然 琴韻尚未撩動 琴...

2001-11-23 03:34:59


光年之外詞-鄧紫棋 曲-鄧紫棋感受停在我髮端的指尖如何瞬間 凍結時間記住望著我堅定的雙眼也許已經 沒有明天面對浩瀚的星海我們微小得像塵埃漂浮在 一片無奈緣份讓我們相遇亂世以外命運卻要我們危難中相愛也許未來遙...

2001-11-23 01:34:59

盼望 (席慕蓉的詩)

其實 我盼望的也不過就只是那一瞬我從沒要求過 你給我你的一生 如果能在開滿了梔子花的山坡上與你相遇 如果能深深地愛過一次再別離 那麼 再長久的一生不也就只是 就只是回首時那短短的一瞬

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