ebay live!2006 Jun 13-15 in Las Vegas Mandalay Bay
三天的活動包含課程(三天總共有178堂,包含seminar、discussion and computer LAB)、攤位展示(上百個攤位)
eBay Live! is the annual 3-day event where thousands of eBay Community members, industry experts, and exhibitors get together to share the secrets of success, network, make new friends, and celebrate everything eBay. Learn how to take your eBay experience to a higher level all day, then party into the night with world-class entertainment! That’s the power of all of us. That’s the power of eBay Live!
The Highlights
This year promises to be our biggest and best conference ever, with more than 10,000 attendees, hundreds of workshops and classes, and hundreds of exhibits in the heart of Las Vegas!
Day 1 eBay President and CEO Meg Whitman
discussing the future of eBay
ebay的大家長Meg在第一天晚上和大家介紹未來ebay的規劃,中後段交給ebay北美區總經理Bill Cobb來主持
Day 2 Special Guest Speaker Jerry Greenfield, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
這個活動內容很有趣,上面寫”簽書會和冰淇淋社交活動”(book signing and ice cream social),Jerry Greenfield當然就是美國有名的冰淇淋品牌”Ben & Jerry”的Jerry
Day 3 Closing Gala Headliner Entertainment Huey Lewis & the News at the Big Gala
至於這個團是什麼來歷,我就真的不知道了,不過他們是ebay新一季廣告”ebay express, get IT new, buy IT now”廣告曲的主唱
第一次參加ebay live,特別把它的活動FAQ看了一下,有一題關於 dress code
Q: What is the dress code for eBay Live!?
A: The dress code for eBay Live! is business casual. Make sure to bring a sweater in case you get chilly and comfortable shoes for a lot of walking. The gala is not formal so you can wear the same clothes that you wear to the conference. Feel free to show your eBay pride and wear eBay clothing as well!
business casual是吧!所以第一天我穿了簡單的套裝和一雙有點跟的鞋子
然後開始前往會場,我住的飯店是New York New York,有人和我講說到MGM有火車可以搭,我從NYNY走到MGM,在裡面走了半小時 好不容易找到train station,很抱歉這車是往北開的,和我要去的飯店完全沒有關係,只好用走過去了
裡面的美國人通通穿背心和夾腳脫鞋,什麼business casual阿!!@#$%︿&*
大家看一下我的腳,這就是Day 1的紀錄