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2006-11-16 12:34:42| 人氣56| 回應4 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Last school party

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Last saterday, we had our last schuoll party at Tangyuan.
This photo are me and my great classmate Ying.
I was so happy today, but so sad,too.....

Though,I think I was so lonely these days,But I know, I also have my good friend and classmates all the time. Haven’t it?

台長: 尛蚊兒
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

Tina Chen
in fact,you shouldn’t always be so sad,,,(It’s not good for our development!)
There are still many wonderful things in the world and if you find them,you can easily become happy.
Tomorrow is another day,why don’t we enjoy ourselves?
2006-11-25 17:33:08
Thank. I think I know it.But you have to always know that we are so busy now,nothing is free. We have to stydy,study,and study....
I joined a cosplay club last week,but my mum were serious, and didn’t agree with me.I don’t know how to deal with that.... I don’t want to leave this funny club...

I don’t know what to do,
I’m so tire.
2006-11-25 17:59:00
Tina Chen
Yes,I know..Everyone knows that we are so tired now,and if we don’t work hard ,we’ll fail..But to be honest,I also want to sleep in the classes very often(especially in maths!)....I don’t like to go to school on weekend..but I have no idea about this...
Have you talked with your mum?Tell her it won’t influence your study,and it just a relaxation,you’won’t put your heart into that...or do something to change her mind.for example...get good grades in tests..
2006-11-25 18:14:23
I haad tought to her.But she said never.!And we are both unhappy now. We have no idea!
I Don’t want to talk about this.
How ever, I’ll still work hard.
2006-11-25 21:23:32
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