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2007-06-29 09:24:07


lingyi:hxwjk@tom.com yule:shinlychen@sina.com meirong:bxj8010@163.com hkzhongwen:21c@cuhk.edu.hk *

2007-02-26 17:49:00

07.2.25 cosplay

We were so tired. I tried my best doing many things for that night. My some good friends came there to support me. I felt very happy. *Friends,Thz you very much! ^3^ a haha~ You di...

2007-02-01 17:36:54


從遭受病魔打击到重新面對现实 需要一公升の眼淚 從复杂的心理到笑着面對每一個亽 需要一公升の眼淚 一個人如何脱胎换骨 都需要一公升の眼淚

2006-12-22 13:15:21


我卟知道偽甚庅, 今天竟有些難过...... 有些事,太在意也许會戁过. 囬頭伤心又是否好结果? 阿門

2006-12-10 17:39:54
2006-12-06 21:48:39

I was fail ... thatday

12.4 I was sad, and was hurted. 我输了很多,很多.

2006-11-25 18:05:21

Be allowed to do nothing..

I’m allowed to do nothing. This is my mum’s mean. I love these things,I’d like to do thiese things,but why not...? You see,that is my poor life. I just can cry....

2006-11-19 12:57:40


This is DHC much famous thing. DHC橄榄滋养套装 step洁面2:DHC纯榄滋养皂  这是试用装,10次用量.前段时间我在官方网站订购的.共有四件: 深层卸装油 纯榄滋养皂 滋养化装水 纯榄焕彩精华油. ...

2006-11-16 12:34:42

Last school party

Last saterday, we had our last schuoll party at Tangyuan. This photo are me and my great classmate Ying. I was so happy today, but so sad,too..... Though,I think I was so lonely these da...

2006-11-10 17:59:09

Life is not easy

Life is not easy so I’d like to say "When anything happens,believe in myself". Because anything might get so bad! Something happen.It change my life alot.

2006-11-06 18:27:57


^-^ I’m a little girl...

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