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2007-09-20 06:34:00| 人氣541| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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2007. 9. 20

一個企業經營不善,或由盛而衰,或終至關門大吉,原因何在 ?

個人認為答案只有一個 : 主事者無能及/或無德,但


1. 經濟不景氣或經濟持續衰退

2. 經營環境變化速度太快, 產業 / 生意競爭太劇烈

3. 產品生命周期已盡,再也無法扭轉趨勢

4. 工會對經營管理團隊採取不合作,甚至對抗的態度或措施

5. 所在行業或地區的員工離職率太高

6. 找不到足夠合適的人才

7. 發展或競爭策略錯誤


    不論主事者還能舉出多少其他的理由,你若是董事會的一員,你會因此讓他繼續幹下去嗎?據我四十年來的觀察和分析,企業經營出問題,其實真正的原因只有一個,就是主事者 “無能” 及 / 或 “無德”。

    一個領導者,本就是被請來解決上列問題的,怎能反過來,將它們拿來當經營不善或失敗的藉口? 若因無法獲得經營管理必須的資源, 當初即不應接受該項職務, 或於中途即應求去, 而不該茍且等到名譽受損.
    企業主事者無能無德,董事會視若無睹或無動於衷,讓他們繼續幹下去,大約只有兩個理由: 一是董事會成員瀆職,二是找不到較現任主事者能幹之人。





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The first one to roll is Chairman & CEO for company failure. I have seen many well-known CEOs quit immediately, not waiting till pressures from the corporation board. Generally, corporation chairman in Taiwan is the owner of the corporation, no one can move him or her from his or her position. That`s the disaster where comes from. anyway.
2007-09-21 14:54:04
I am in full agreement to your comment on
the problem of having a CEO being the Chairman at some corporations in Taiwan.
2007-09-22 08:29:08
Kindly to ask the major responsbility difference (your opinion) between COO and CEO ? Some companies use COO and else buy in CEO in Taiwan.
2007-10-01 15:28:44
COO and CEO are terminology borrowed from Western countries, where in some cases, COO (Chief Operating Officer) and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) are almost the same in
terms of the responsibilities, but in some large scaled corporations, CEO may mean the highest executive position in the organization while COO takes care only the functions relating to the manufacturing section of the corporation.

CEO could be acting as the Chairman, but I did not seem to have seen the cases where COO acts as the Chairman concurently.

In my opinion there are no definite division between the two terms. It all depends on how the Board of Directors of a company defines them.

In Taiwan, I really don`t know what the differences are between CEO and COO that some local companies have chose to use. You
probably need to look at what the Chinese
translation to get some ideas.
2007-10-01 18:47:06
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