次序 Week | 教學內容 | Course Contents |
01 | 1.教學計畫表概說與課程安排交換意見 2.個案教學法融入專業課程之簡介 | 1.Presentation on syllabus of management, Q&A between course and schedule. 2. Presentation on case teaching method. |
02 | 第一篇 導論 CH 1 管理思想與理論的演進 1.1 管理哲學思想的回顧 1.2 管理意涵的探索 | Part One: Introduction CH 1 The evolvement of managerial thought and theory. 1.1 To review the philosophical thought of management. 1.2 To approach the extensive meaning of management. |
03 | CH 2 跨世紀產經發展的管理議題 2.1 產經革命的衝擊與挑戰 2.2 管理議題的核心焦點 | CH 2 Managerial issues along industrial and economic development in cross-century. 2.1 The impact and challenge for industrial and economic revolution. 2.2 The focus of managerial issues. |
04 | 第二篇 規劃 CH 3 規劃的基本概念 3.1 規劃的定義與功能 3.2 規劃的方式與步驟 | Part Two: Planning CH 3 The basic conception of planning. 3.1 The definition and function of planning. 3.2 The method and step of planning. |
05 | CH 4 規劃的運用 4.1 策略管理 4.2 目標管理 4.3 專案管理 | CH 4 The application of planning. 4.1 Strategic management. 4.2 Management by objectives (MBO). 4.3 Project management. |
06 | 第三篇 組織 CH 5 組織的結構與設計 5.1 組織的結構 5.2 組織的設計 5.3 經營團隊的建立 | Part Three: Organizing CH 5 Organizational structure and design. 5.1 Organizational structure. 5.2 Organizational design. 5.3 Operating team building. |
07 | CH 6 組織功能的運用 6.1 組織發展 6.2 組織溝通 6.3 變革與再造 | CH 6 The application of organizational function. 6.1 Organizational development (OD). 6.2 Organizational communication. 6.3 Organizational change & reengineering. |
08 | 期中評量—個案教學法(一): (1)科技與創新-美國Microsoft 公司 (2)核心競爭策略-日本Parasonic公司 (3)策略管理-韓國Samsung Electronics公司 | Midterm assessment-case teaching methodⅠ: (1) Technology & innovation: Microsoft, USA. (2) Core competitive strategy: Parasonic, Japan. (3) Strategic management: Samsung, Korea. |
09 | 期中評量—個案教學法(二): (4) 組織整體效能-中國Lenovo公司 (5) 全球運籌管理-美國GE公司 (6) 組織變革與再造-台灣南僑集團 | Midterm assessment-case teaching methodⅡ: (4) Organizational total effectiveness: Lenovo, China. (5) Global logistic management: GE, USA. (6) Organizational change & reengineering: Nanchow Group, Taiwan. |
10 | 第四篇 用人 CH 7 人力資源管理與發展 7.1 人力資源管理的基本概念 7.2 人力資源管理與發展-選才、育才、 用才、留才 7.3 策略性的人力資源發展 | Part Four: Staffing CH 7 Human resource management & development ( HRM & HRD). 7.1 The basic conception of HRM. 7.2 HRM & HRD- recruit and select, education and training, description and compensation, and detain and partnership. 7.3 Strategic HRD. |
11 | CH 8 人力資本與組織智慧資產 8.1 新經濟時代知識管理的概念 8.2 人力資本為組織智慧資產的關 鍵樞紐 8.3 組織最適人才-適性、適才、適 所、適用 | CH 8 Human capital and organizational intellectual assets (OIA). 8.1 The conception of Knowledge management in the new economy era. 8.2 Human capital is the vital point of OIA. 8.3 Organization-person-ability-job fit (OPAJF) - personality -job fit, ability-job fit, position-job fit, professional-job fit. |
12 | 第五篇 領導 CH 9 領導的意涵與發展 9.1 領導-帶領全體成員達成組織目標 9.2 領導的哲學與發展 9.3 領導與激勵-帶領高績效團隊的催 化劑 | Part Five: Leading CH 9 The meaning and development of leadership. 9.1 Leadership - leading total followers to attain organizational goals. 9.2 The philosophy and development of leadership. 9.3 Leadership and motivation – to promote and lead high performing team. |
13 | CH 10 決策的行為與模式 10.1 決策-決定企業組織的經營策略 10.2 最適化決策模式 10.3 授權賦能 | CH 10 Decisions-making behavior and model. 10.1 Decisions-making - to decide business strategy for enterprise organization. 10.2 The optimal decisions-making model. 10.3 Empowerment. |
14 | 第六篇 控制 CH 11 控制的定義與功能 11.1 控制的定義 11.2 控制的功能 | Part Six: Controlling CH 11 Definition and function of controlling. 11.1 The definition of controlling. 11.2 The function of controlling. |
15 | CH 12 控制的程序與工具 12.1 控制機制的設計 12.2 管理道德與公司治理 12.3 資訊控制系統 | CH 12 Controlling procedure and tools. 12.1 Controlling mechanism design. 12.2 management morality and corporate governance. 12.3 Information controlling system. |
16 | 期末評量—個案教學法(三): (7) 智慧與人才資產-美國IBM公司 (8) 最適人才與創業發展-台灣統一關係企業集團 (9) 員工第一與營運績效-美國HP公司 | Final assessment-case teaching method Ⅲ: (7) Intelligence & talent assets: IBM, USA. (8) OPAJF & venturing development: Uni-President Group, Taiwan. (9) Performance appraisal management: HP, USA. |
17 | 期末評量—個案教學法(四): (10) 兩岸佈局決策-中國頂新國際集團 (11) 領導風格與利潤共享-台灣台塑集團 (12) 溝通與授權-台灣華新麗華集團 | Final assessment-case teaching method Ⅳ: (10) Two-strait location & decisions-making: Ting Hsin International Group, China. (11) Leadership style & profits share: Formosa Group, Taiwan. (12) Communication & empowerment: Walsin Lihwa Group, Taiwan. |
18 | 期末評量—個案教學法(五): (13) 企業文化與核心價值-台灣台積電公司 (14) 風險與危機管理-美國Intel公司 (15) 管理資訊系統-美國Amazon .Com書店 | Final assessment-case teaching method Ⅴ: (13) Corporate culture & core values: TSMC, Taiwan, (14) Risk & crisis management: Intel, USA. (15) Managing information system: Amazon .com., USA. |
參考書目/ Reference Books: 1. Robbins, S.P.(2003), Today Management 10th ed., New Jersey: Pearson Education LTD. 2. Daft, R. L. & Marcic, D. (2007), Management: The New Workplace. Canada: Thomson South-Western Corporation. |
評分方式 | Grades |
1. 平時:學習態度、重點導讀、到課率等表現,30 %。 2. 期中評量個案教學法學習成果—分8組第一階 段課程自訂主題,撰寫6頁之研究報告並製作 PPT.與發表及討論,30 %。 3. 期末評量—第二階段課程學習成果(同上), 40 %。 | 1. The feedback of teaching time: participation, key-points guiding, and etc.(30 %) 2. Midterm stage assessment (1/2): case teaching method with 8 teams, 6Ps paper, PPT., presentation, and Q&A,(30 %) 3. Final stage assessment (3/4): the same as above(40 %) |
教學方法 | Teaching methods |
1. 指定課前預習的範圍,必要時採取「重點導讀」方式進行,亦即以「學習需求」為導向之教學,藉資激勵發揮閱讀和求知的潛能,永無停止追求新知。 2. 管理領域的專業知識,已伴隨產業發展與日俱變,除提供補充教材之外,特別鼓勵同學到圖書館或上網搜尋相關的最新參考資訊。 3. 期中、期末評量個案教學法之學習成果模式,活絡教學互動氣氛與確認學習的投入 程度與產出效益。 | 1. To order step by step about student’s studying range prepare for and key-points guiding, and put learning demand first. So far every student do his best to upgrade potential of reading, learning, and never cease to chase knowledge. 2. Managerial professional knowledge has been great change as following industrial development, besides, support current courses, students want to search modern referent information from library or on WWW. 3. To use interaction model of Q&A, and to understand learning situation of input and output of study. |
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