today is sunday...a sunday with a .....i can say ...not a bad weather..
i have stayed in the house for another week...i hate this...but...tomolo is the deadline for 2 assignments...i still have 3 questions not yet finished....total around 5000 words...
when i was in Hong Kong, sometimes i will also stay at home on sunday...coz i may tidy up the house for 2 or 3 hours and then go to restuarant to "yun cha" with mother...sometimes i will go out alone to have a walk.....maybe go to TST or ......even far aways.....stanley...
I don't mind to go alone coz....i enjoy in it...u don't have to care others feeling and go where u want to....freedom.......Stanley ...the place i like most
Stanley has a feel like greece or california...shiny and near the sea...pubs are next to the shore....美利樓 is a wonder building...and is a good place to hv lunch and dinner with girls....what a romantic scene...
travel alone maybe is my signature...from Wuhan, Chicago, NYC and here...do i feel lonely? yes...absolutely yes...but...who is willing to go with a crazy guy..? No.
my next destination, i don't know...whether i have sufficient financial capacity or not.....but my first stop....i mean in summer...maybe Italy or Greece...Chicago is still under consideration...coz u know...getting Visa is fucking troublesome ......also costs.
so if anyone who want to go to these places during summer...no matter u r now in HK or somewhere else.....just contact me.....let's arrange a fantastic summer vacation (4 or 5 days only becoz of my dissertation deadline)........of coz.....girls is preferrable....A_A...just kidding...guys is also preferrable ... M_M