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2012-06-21 01:13:03| 人氣300| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【出賣紐西蘭】市場問卷調查 有獎徵答

推薦 0 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

Thank you for taking your time doing this survey. 謝謝您願意花時間參與調查。 

To improve overall performance of homegrownz.com and our capability of providing you with right products, I am carrying out this survey. 此問卷之目的,為改善出賣紐西蘭整體表現,及能夠為您提供適當產品的能力。 

There will be a prize draw for completing and returning this survey within 3 days. Our way of saying thank you for telling us what you think. 為了感謝您的參與,在三天內完成問卷者,將有機會參與抽獎活動。謝謝。 

Please note the survey is for Facebook "likes" only. Please "like" us first. 請注意,此問卷調查及抽獎僅供臉書粉絲團。請先“讚”我們! 

詳情請看: 臉書粉絲團 www.facebook.com/homegrownz


台長: 人生=美食+旅行+小孩+愛人
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