Queueing for about an hour is just for the valuable but inexpensive tickets of the Chinese acrobats' and Jam Lam's performance. Although my parents and I had to wait for the bus for half an hour and later bear the cold in the Stadium, we enjoyed the experience and laughed a lot. We were surprised at the interesting souvenirs given by the organiser, and greatly amused by Jam Lam's humour in his stand-up comedy. He joked about himself as well as the seemingly trivial matters in a relationship, with his own music and dance and wittiness. These are the matters we, or people around us, have once experienced and did not think much about, but he made his remarks impressively funny, like: "It is not uncommon that a young woman calls her lover "Silly Piglet", but this "Silly Piglet" will be transformed into the "Damned Thing" once they get married..."
Ignoring the fact that I had to start working at 8am in the following morning, I went for our department's karaoke party and stayed up until 2am. It was a precious gathering of many of us, in which we shook off the invisible reins, truly had fun and doubled the joy of the birthday stars, despite a series of resignation these three months. Some have left and some are going to leave, I know, for one reason or another. We are colleagues that have worked under the stressful days together, but how many chances do we still have to gather around? I don't mind joining the party while losing my time to sleep. I don't mind going crazy until my voice got coarse. I don't mind giving up my day-off and going back to the office whole-heartedly - for the farewell. I'm glad to have lived the days this way.