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2006-07-06 00:08:44| 人氣2,600| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Gates and Buffet

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股神 Buffet 宣佈把 85% 的財產﹐約定 370 億美元﹐捐獻給由 Microsoft 主席 Bill Gates 伉儷成立的慈善基金。善款主要支持發展中國家對抗疾病(愛滋病﹑肺結核﹑瘧疾) 和貧窮等問題﹔並協助西方國家改善教育質素。這筆善款附帶三個條件﹐盡顯 Buffet 的精明﹐顧慮周全:

1) Bill Gates 伉儷必須健在並積極參與基金的運作
2) 基金必須擁有慈善機構的資格
3) 基金每年必須全數捐獻 Buffet 之前一年的善款﹔並最少捐出資產淨值的 5%

Buffet 伉儷曾以自己的名義成立慈善基金﹐但為了讓財富獲得有才能之士管理﹐更有效地利用﹐Buffet 因此決定把財富交給忘年交 Gates。 Buffet 認為﹐不捨地追求龐大財富﹐沒有多大的意義﹐捐出善款反而令六百萬有需要的人受惠。 而 Gates 已宣佈將於 2008 年捨任 Microsoft 主席一職﹐全情投入慈善基金的營運工作。


台長: 卑斯


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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

一直以為Bill Gate 不會退休
... 或者,真的是人性本善?
2006-07-06 10:08:48
2006-07-06 10:53:17
When the news about the Buffet’s donation first came out, 2 days after Gates’ announcement of his retirement, it came as a shock to most ppl, and some even wonder whether Buffet’s decision has to do with his desire to keep his fortune from becoming US Federal Tax. Funny isn’t it, how some ppl just chose to think of only the ugly side....Buffet even regretted not donating sooner - with the inflation, the same amount would even be more substantial.

I am always impressed with Gates, not with his fortune, but of his great intelligence. Acknowledging the unfortunate events that are happening in this World, he founded the Gates foundation in 2000. It wasn’t enough to just spend his fortune, but it takes great intelligence to know when, where and how to spend in order to make the greatest impact. That’s probably be reason why Buffet has entrusted him with 85% of his fortune. Deciding his early retirement has been a bold and selfless move, so he could save his prime years do devote to his foundation.

It is just wonderful knowing that there are ppl who truly care about this World. Acknowledged that they are privileged, have the ability to make a difference, for the sake of their Country and the whole of society; they would do all they can.

So less of this happening, ppl have become accustomed to the believe that, we live for our future, our success, and forgetting that it is our duty to be selfless sometimes, and with our best ability to help and build a greater community, better society, for our country, and for the World. It is sad to see this kind of thinking is gradually dissolved in this modern, most educated society.
2006-07-06 15:22:23
Woow, thank you very much for your informative comment. I go along with your thought that it takes great intelligence to know when, where and how to spend in order to make the greatest impact. Money is essential to sustain life, but the level of happiness seems to be unrelated to the amount of wealth. What do you think of satisfaction derived from income which affords a big sum of consumption, sense of security due to the possess of a large amount of wealth, and happiness come from making the world a better place?
2006-07-08 19:55:36
hi BC, sorry that it has taken me so long to reply, very interesting question indeed, though we probably hear about it everyday since we all try to achieve to ultimate answer to true happiness....I always wondering if there is actually an answer at all to be discovered....hmmm....
It is no doubt to say and acknowledge that being two of the richest man on the planet has given them the privilege and the sense of security that the rest of us could scarcely experience. To the rest of us, we would probably imagine that they live a life of a royalty, since their future is secured so that they could afford to spend the rest of their time and effort devoted to helping others, unlike the rest of us; we have to labour on our present for the sake of a better future, or at least it is the reason most of us would think of to shy ourselves away from giving.
However, I do not believe that their fortune alone would give them the satisfaction they needed for being here, living in this crumbling world. There is never a set obligation for any of us to provide for the unfortunate, but I truly believe that it is part of our duty as citizens on this dear earth; it is our mission to give what we can, and I trust that it is the true reason behind the satisfaction to Gates’ and Buffet’s. We may never figure out whether they give because of their obligations or satisfaction, or both, nonetheless, their senses of selflessness have given me insights and realization that, it is what we truly lack in this modern world, especially our beloved Hong Kong (BC: hope you don’t mind if I explore more on this topic in the future on your blog….heh). It reminds me of yet another famous figure, Alan Greenspan. As an well educated man, a successful American economist, he would make a wealthy living working for a bank or some investment firm. Instead, realizing his vast knowledge and ability, he decided to devote this time to serve the government with a minimal earning (practically enough for a light lunch in NYC daily). He acknowledge the fact that his knowledge would best be put to use for the better of the US and the World economy. After his retirement in the US, he has gladly accepted an honorary (unpaid) position at the United Kingdom’s HM Treasury, a continuation to his commitment for the betterment of the society.
As for happiness, it is an ideal that all of the living desires. It is composed of all the things we mentioned earlier, satisfaction, sense of security, plus many more. Each of us defines the criteria and the prospective measure that are required to meet our standard for happiness. Therefore, it is safe to state that it is us, and mostly us alone that have control over whether we would be happy. It is probably to say that Gates’ and Buffet’s decisions have devoted to their token of happiness, possibly for a lifetime. As for the Gates, it will be a long road ahead to their lifelong mission, and I hope along their path, it will bring them and others more joyful moments.
2006-07-24 03:31:04
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