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2006-07-05 16:53:09| 人氣242| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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昨天﹐眼部動了小手術----用 laser 矯正視力。不計檢查時間﹐手術過程只需要一分鐘。那重要的一分鐘﹐四周漆黑一團﹐我只見紅燈﹑綠燈閃亮﹐還聞到一陣陣燒焦的味道。天呀﹐難道這是 laser 燒我的角膜的味道嗎?



No Eye See! 無眼睇!

台長: 卑斯
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

WOW....didn’t know you even planned to have such an operation being performed on you....I am basically freaked when it comes to anything foreign touching my cornea, contacts included. How did it feel? Hope you get better soon =)

I was thinking you wouldn’t miss the game for the World....anyways, definitely better this way....The WC Match with Germany and Italy was definitely a disappointment....the moment when Italy got the goal 2 mins before the overtime ended....My Dad and I had our jaws down to the carpet....it was an amazing goal I have to say, and at that precise moment, I was wondering if you were screaming with despair, because I was....sad indeed....Germany would definitely win with the Penalty Shoot Out....

如巴西對法國的賽事﹐德國隊像吃了迷藥似的﹐ 完全沒發揮已往的本色﹗

心想﹐是否又是那些賭波集團在從中作更。。。。I wonder eh....
2006-07-06 12:32:03
I’m getting much better now, 2 days after the operation. It’s like seeing the world through a piece of glass, somehow foggy.
I would have cried out in anger if I had seen the match with Germany and Italy. My anger will be relieved until I finish all Italian spaghetti. Haha...
2006-07-07 11:41:48
Ding Dong
Jesus Christ!!! when does all these blog entries pop up??? I have only not checked your blog for a couple of weeks!!!

Actually i am very surprise to know that you are having eye treatment!! =P Your are one of those last people i would think of for those kind of op!

anyway, get well soon =)
and i can’t want to see you next time back in HK!
2006-07-08 08:11:35
Haha... Know what, I’ve to take the operation before your entry to the workfore as a oculist.

When will you be back?
2006-07-08 19:06:20
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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