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2014-03-17 22:13:24| 人氣666| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Head position for endotracheal intubation

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(A) Successful direct laryngoscopy for exposure of the glottic opening requires alignment of the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axes. 

(B) Elevation of the head about 10 cm with pads below to occiput with the shoulders remaining on the table aligns the laryngeal and pharyngeal axes. 

(C) Subsequent head extension at the atlanto-occipital joint serves to create the shortest distance and most nearly straight line from the incisor teeth to glottic opening.

台長: 木木醫師
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全站分類: 健康樂活(醫學、養生、減重) | 個人分類: 麻醉科 |
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