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2007-04-18 02:45:50

feelin DoWn

life’s like a movie people usually waitin for the climax to happen uphill and downhill are takin turns to make the movie till the end what if a person’s climax’s gone before the person even...

2007-02-24 03:45:20


WELCOME^^~ Kimie’s: www.wretch.cc/album/babikimie 都是加拿大貨!! 走在街頭上不怕大家都一樣喔^^~ 任選二件含郵 1件$50郵資 WELCOME^^~

2006-11-20 07:30:45


前幾天在教弟弟妹妹中文字[惜], 我說:可惜的惜;    愛惜的惜;    疼惜的惜... 弟弟突然舉手說:我知道我知道!!! 我想:(疼惜的惜有什麼好我知道我知道的‥) 等我一點他之後他就說...

2006-11-18 12:49:56


愛情最折磨的不是別離 而是感動的回憶  讓人很容易站在原地 以為還回的去 講的真好不是嗎...

2006-06-06 21:33:54

Memory of the Past

Memory of the Past By Kim W. Some people cannot face their own past, they cannot understand or realize who...

2006-06-06 21:33:54

Memory of the Past

Memory of the Past By Kim W. Some people cannot face their own past, they cannot understand or realize who...

2006-06-06 20:33:54


Change By Kim W. People would work hard to make a better living and a better life to be a different person. Some peo...

2006-06-05 20:43:43


加入我們吧︿︿ 加入後繼得到簽名簿留ㄍ言.. 跟大家一起哈拉吧~ 力挺"驛"

2006-06-05 20:33:54

Pursuit of a Goal

Pursuit of a Goal By Kim W. It’s an unusual film that begins as a lighthearted romantic comedy and ends with a descen...

2006-06-05 20:33:54


Determination By Kim W. Every person needs to have the power of the motive to go forward...

2006-06-05 20:33:54

Air Force

Air Force The sky is broken Cracked by screaming, careless jets Harsh military angles Pierce ancient, unassuming nimbus Trailing ragged water vapor scrags Three or four of these Arrested at...

2006-06-01 03:33:54


命中註定要扛起家計的女人 1.鼻子太挺或太陷:鼻子太挺,不管嫁什麼老公,她會主動做事情,非常的自立,有自己獨立的個性、想法,會主動負擔家計,例如說有小孩,會主動的去養。若是整個臉很大,鼻子很塌、很小叫...

2006-02-15 03:33:54

love you...

I know how you felt about your game everytime you finished it. I want you to know that it is your game, not "our team’s" game... it is a team work, but who would actually not being selfish on the g...

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