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2006-05-25 13:01:49| 人氣761| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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屋內飄蕩著費城裡頭湯姆漢克隨之翩然起舞的『La mamma morta』,屋外是一群隱身在樹枝頭的小鳥們跟著唱和……坐在書房裡,修改著最近畫好的畫,嘴角揚起一絲微笑,或許,這些鳥,需要著女高音的刺激,才會用力唱出牠們的天賦……喔,沒有啦!我還是流行通俗音樂的愛用者,雖然我非常偏食地只聽某些人唱的歌(不說你們也應該知道是誰)。古典音樂對我來說,仍然像是個深奧的殿堂,我不知道自己是不是有那樣的精力去搞清楚誰的曲風是怎樣,誰又是哪個年代的哪一國人,身邊有太多的事情在試圖分散我的注意力,所以,對古典音樂,我抱持的態度就是,不研究,純欣賞。儘管這樣的欣賞看熱鬧的成分居多,但是或許哪天熱鬧看久了,我就可以看出什麼門道了,對不對?

『La mamma morta』是朋友帶來給我的生日禮物其中的一首歌啦!別問我這是什麼文,在說什麼,我可是完全不知道。不過朋友可是對古典音樂頗有研究的喲!所以,當我這樣跟著看熱鬧看久了,被朋友強迫洗腦之後,雖然記憶力不是太管用,但我相信也會像認識星星一樣,記得幾個星座的辨認方式的呀!這又是一個要多交一些不同領域的朋友的例證之一,或許你也跟我一樣,身邊有著不少能人異士的說,只是你沒發現而已!















然後,比照過數十種的植物之後,找到了這棵樹的名字:Black Locust。如果要翻譯,叫做黑洋槐,但是因為花很香,所以師大老師說她要翻成香洋槐,比較貼切。呵,隨便!


Robinia pseudoacacia (Black Locust)

Identifying characteristics: The black locust is a fast-growing, deciduous tree to 50 feet with a straight trunk and an open, irregular crown. The leaves are once-pinnately compound and alternate, with 7 to 21 leaflets each 1.5 to 2 inches long. The leaflets are elliptic, with entire margins and a dark, bluish-green color, turning yellow-green and dropping early in the fall. The flowers are produced May to early June in dense racemes 4 to 8 inches long. The extremely fragrant flowers are 1 inch wide and creamy-white with a yellow blotch on the uppermost petals, remaining showy for 7 to 10 days. The fruit is a flattened, brown-black pod, tapering abruptly or rounded at the ends, containing 3 to 8 dark, spotted seeds. Pods may remain on the tree some time after maturing in October. The twigs are characteristically zig-zagged, with pairs of spines up to a half inch long at the nodes. The buds are apparently absent as they are embedded in the leaf scars. The terminal bud is absent. The reddish-brown bark is deeply furrowed into thick, interlacing, fibrous ridges.


Distribution: Native to the central Appalachian and Ozark mountains and southern Illinois, this tree now reproduces on its own throughout eastern North America and parts of the West. Naturalized or escaped from cultivation, it grows throughout most of Iowa along the edges of woods and in waste areas as thickets or groves.

Habitat: The black locust is extremely adaptable to a variety of soils and climates, although it prefers rich, moist, loamy soils of limestone origin. Because it fixes nitrogen in root nodules, this species can grow on sterile, sandy soils, helping to improve the condition of the soil. Tolerant of dry and saline conditions, the black locust has a wide-spreading root system and is often used for reclamation plantings of strip-mined or eroded land. The locust borer is the most damaging insect pest, generally killing trees before they reach mature size. The US Forest Service has worked to develop borer-resistant clones. Other pests and diseases of the black locust include canker, leaf spot, powdery mildew, locust leaf miner and scale.

Wood: The wood is more resistant to decay and possesses a higher fuel value than any other broad-leafed tree native to temperate North America. The wood is hard, strong, heavy and shrinks and swells less than that of most other trees. It is used for fence posts, railroad ties, mine timbers, tree nails, insulator pins and fuel. The wood is widely sought for ship building and was exported to England in the last century for this purpose.
Wildlife: Bees make delicious honey from the nectar, and quail and squirrels eat the seeds. Black locust thickets are useful nesting sites for birds and form protective cover for wildlife.

Horticulture: This tree has long been used as an ornamental in Europe, but is seldom used in the US-perhaps because it provides poor shade and is attacked by many insect pests. It is a good tree for use in difficult conditions such as highway cutouts and strip-mined areas. Several cultivars have been developed: ’Aurea’, with young growth emerging yellow; ’Purple Robe’, with pink flowers and bronze new leaves; ’Pyramidalis’, a columnar, spineless cultivar.

台長: andie
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