in Food Safety Management
Management of Outbreaks of Food Borne Disease
Tutor: Mr Andy C.
“Critically evaluate the ability of
University Hospital in managing a large food poisoning/ contamination incident
Terms &
IACM (Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais) :
Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau
Hygiene Inspection Division
under the bureau which is responsible
for the Mainland to Macao fresh, chilled meat, vegetables and other food
management standards.
Lab. (Laboratory of Civic and
Municipal Affairs Bureau): conducts investigations and laboratory tests
including the analysis on food samples sent for inspection, including rapid
tests for pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables, and avian flu tests;
Safety Center: which is directly under the administrative
council of IACM, includes 3
departments: 1)
The Division of Planning and Management; 2) The Division of Risk Assessment; 3)
The Division of Information Risk.
safety law No. 5/2013 (Lei n. º 5/2013 Lei de segurança alimentar):
This law shall enter into force 180 days after the date of its publication, on
the date of October 20, 2013.
(Serviços de Saúde de Macau): Macau Health Bureau is responsible for import and
export food safety inspection, quarantine, etc., all the food from production
to consumption, the whole process of health bureau responsible for food
inspection standards;
Macau :Macau SAR Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, under SSM
Center for Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Disease Surveillance, a
department which is under CDC Macau of SSM.
Public Health Laboratory carries epidemiology
analysis, studies and reports the
result to CDC or SSM esp. during the infectious disease outbreak.
Customs: responsible for the import and
export of food; which has the authorities to detain the problematic food
Government Tourist Office : responsible
for tourism-related restaurants, hotels, bars licensing;
Economic Service : responsible
for the licensing of food factories, implementation of pre-packaged food
labeling requirements and the corresponding regulatory measures;
² Macao SAR
Government Consumer Council: responsible
for food spot checks, announcements, controversial rulings, advice and
education, etc.
² Government
Information Bureau (GCS): is mainly responsible for the
work of the government news released.
Macau University of Science and
University Hospital of MUST
University Hospital is currently the unique
hospital in the island district [23]. The hospital was established in 2006,
which is the
first hospital in Macau SAR that provides both Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) and Western medical services. Since
the inpatient department (INPT) is in a small-scale (with 57-patients capacity) and ward turnover is
not high, outsourcing catering service is offered by the canteen contractors of
MUST. The catering service is only for the meal processing, the meal delivery
and distribution are responded by the UH staffs.
There is a long and opened distance between the
hospital and the canteen [23], and the takeaway meals are delivering by the
staffs. The food-borne
illness risks do exist
in the hospital. Some microbes like SRSVs (Small round structured viruses), norovirus
etc; which are the common gastrointestinal infections that appeared in hospital ward
outbreaks [27];
for the virus usually spread by the routes as faecel-oral,
vomiting/aerosols, or by
the route of food and water [2,3]. Form government statistics in 2012, 203 cases of the acute
gastroenteropathy due to Norwalk agent were identified; and the happening rate
of norovirus is higher for 160 cases in average in last 5 years (compare with 37
cases in average in last 25 years) [33,35]; outbreaks of norovirus in various
places; including nursing homes, long-term care facilities and hospitals, as
well as cruise ships, airplanes, military establishments and schools [13].
Even no food-borne
outbreak has happened in UH at the moment; hospital meals are processed in the canteen kitchen and then delivered to wards. As the meals are considered as the “hospital food”, i.e. the
food should be made aware that the need for the highest possible standards of
food hygiene. If food borne outbreaks occur in wards, this will lead to ward
closure and major disruption in hospital activity [2]. Once
the norovirus case is identified in the hospital, the measures will be adopted
as follow mentioned.
Preparations & arrangements
The Food Safety Law No. 5/2013 will come into effect on
20th October 2013[9, 10]; the legislation is yet in very detail. In
the past years, all the food related laws, duties and the general affairs were
carried from several government departments [35], when a foodborne outbreak
occurs; mostly involved in the outbreak are the SSM, IACM and GCS; the local
food safety agency is established. Different form Hong Kong adopting the single
agency system in food safety control [39]; before the establishment of Food
Safety Center, like most of the countries, carrying the multiple agency system;
and now the food control systems trends to integrated system, which is more
cost-effectively and make use of the existing resources, coordination between
the existing food control agencies is needed [8, 35].
According to
the new Food
Safety Law No. 5/2013, some guidelines and alerts are provided for food
manufacturers, retailers and caterers etc[10]. The food safety center is under
governed by IACM [6]. In the other hand, all the public and private entities
have a duty to cooperate with the IACM whenever requires it in carrying out its
oversight functions [10].
In order to have effective control measures to the
food borne outbreak, preparations have to be done beforehand. According to the
guidelines form FSA [12] and the legislation of reforming health services Macau
[7, 26], coordinated outbreak control plans should have already been drawn up
by local authorities: IACM Food Safety Center, IACM-Lab.[20], SS, Macao Public
Health Laboratory, and CDC[7,10]. And the plans should be clear, succinct, and
practical and be generic in nature.
Case Identification & Diagnosis:
of the virus: norovirus gastroenteritis can happen all time of
the year but high occurrence in the winter [14,33].Symptoms of norovirus
gastroenteritis are: vomiting, watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache,
malaise and myalgia etc. [33] norovirus are transmitted directly from person to person, or
transmitted indirectly via contaminated water and food such as raw shellfish and salad ingredients [13,14, 33]. For the treatments, no specific treatment for
norovirus gastroenteritis but requires to consume
plenty of fluids to recharge the loss of body water; and the infectivity of the
virus is not long lasting (for 48 hours after resolution of symptoms[28]); so recovery
is completed in few days [2,14]. Hands washing (with soap and water or use
alcohol rubs) and dry the hands thoroughly [14]. Avoid direct contact with
infect people are the effective preventions of the disease.
Diagonosis: During the high peak
season of norovirus gastroenteritis, physicians are alerted by those symptoms and
decide to take the diagnostic tests: the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) test and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) [14].
Also the virus structure is easily to be identified by examining stool
specimens through the electron microscope. Diagnosis skills are also required
for the physicians can help case identification and early recognition of the outbreak;
this will help implementation and controls effectively [13,35].
Investigation of outbreak
the source of an outbreak is suspected to be a food, a food safety
investigation will be conducted to determine whether the food may be
responsible for the outbreak and to strive to identify the root cause of the
contamination in the affected food [1].The
primary purpose of any outbreak investigation should always be to limit and
control the spread of infection. Since hospital meals are produced in campus
canteen, supposed the outbreak is originated from the canteen kitchen, the affected people should not
be only the consumers in hospital but
also the diners from university and near places. According to the Queensland
Health [31]
and FSA guidelines[11]
in food borne outbreaks management, several
stages and management are carried by both food agency, local health sector and
the UH. The
outbreak investigation and controls are responded by Food Safety Center
officers [10], the epidemiological investigation and analysis will be carried
out by NDIV and Public Health Laboratory (SSM) [15].
Currently in Macau, food
borne outbreaks related to microbes are much more common than those due to
chemicals or toxic [33,35].
In the primary investigation of an outbreak, it’s better to consult the
microbiologist in the early stage. Due to food borne outbreak investigation,
food sampling should be an integral feature; all the samples and relevant
information should be totally collected and provided to the microbiologist/
analyst. All the information
collected from
diagnosed patients, medical information from
hospital [14]. The microbiological report helps the
identification of the outbreak and can narrow the scope of the investigation. And food samples must be submitted to IACM
Lab. by the Department of Food and
Animal Inspection and Control of the IACM [20].
Control measures of the outbreak:
When particular infectious disease outbreaks
happen, NIDV promotes the epidemiological investigation of major emergencies in
the area of public health [15]. Division of Planning and Management (of Food
Safety Center) is responsible for the Investigate and deal with food safety
incidents [6].
from government officials:
Once the outbreak is identified, food safety center
and SSM can consider the degree of outbreaks throughout the cases amount of the
foodborne illness, the origin place of the food product, and frame of time
which the cases happened[37], the communication and reporting system is essential.
The initial case should be reported to CDC [16]. IACM can take measures of
prevention and control by considering the outbreak degree and size [10].
Coordinate with the instructions from local Food
Safety Center, the Outbreak Control Team (OCT) of UH is major formed by doctors
and nurses, also a microbiologist consultant of OCT is needed in a private
health sector [24]. Some measures such as suspected food withdrawal, isolation
precautions and location cleaning should be done in priority.
measures inside the hospital: In order to control the
size and outspread of the outbreak, reducing the risk of staffs, patients and
visitors. OCT should implement the control measures as soon as possible. Gould [14]
has generalized some key points including:
Hand hygiene is the best control to prevent infection form
direct contact [19]; proper hand washing is required for staffs, patients and
visitors [3,14,19,24].
Personal protective clothing and masks were
used during contact to infected patients, vomits [19] and the surrounding environments. All the disposable gears should be
discarded carefully into yellow bag to avoid cross contamination [14].
Isolation precautions
Most of the time, isolation is effective in decreasing the spreading
rate and speed of the food borne disease [18]. Due to the highly infectious
norovirus spread by person-to-person contact, isolation for infected patients, and
their waste disposals should be discarded properly. Wards should be closed to
new admissions to avoid spreading of the virus [2, 3,13,19]. Restrict staff and
patient movement between wards, especially into infected areas; and limit the
exchange of staff [19,40]
Environmental cleaning & disinfection
cleaning and disinfection should continue for at least 72 hours after the last
documented case
[2]. The whole canteen area, the wards, the
route of meals delivery, and the food incident location, should be totally cleaned and
sterilized before use. Basically, use the cleaning solution with 1000ppm of
available hypochlorite for solid area, a higher concentration chlorine
(>5000ppm) contained solutions is more effective to reduce the norovirus on
the surface [14,19].
Advice to visitors: masks and protective clothing before their visit to
infected patients; and wash and dry their hands after patient contact.
Children, elderly and pregnant are advised not to visit until the risk of UH is
released [40].
Advice to symptomatic members of staff:
Staffs with norovirus symptoms should stay away from work; several studies stated
that ≥48hours isolation after recovery for infected staffs is recommended [2,3, 14,19].
Food handlers also have ≥48hours after the symptoms have resolved
before food preparations [14]. Reinforcement of the personal hygiene and food
processing practices are keys to food-borne outbreak prevention [24].
General advice to the public:
NDIV is responsible for the public advices and communications (including
personal hygiene, alerts to raw shellfish and water, cleaning and disinfection
approaches [14]); and Sub-sectors of food safety center will be responsible for
the risk communications. UH OCT should help to make the guidelines or
recommendations according the existing evidence at the time and the managing experiences
The food Alert System, traceability and withdrawals:
The food withdrawal mechanism is not mandatory implemented
by the local legislation; IACM encourages premises to have the problem food
product recalled and withdrawal. All the food products (including the hospital
meals) are open to public consumers, so food recall should not only include the
area of MUST, and also to the public. The food alert system may not be
official, but it should be carried out and cooperate with CDC and IACM
officers; But Hong Kong Food Safety Order
encourages premises for voluntary recall of food products[39].
Trace back of food products may be required in the
investigation. The purpose of having the food product traced back is to find
out the contamination point (time, environment information). The
microbiological reports can help us to identify the species of the bacteria,
but there is more than one way, more than one condition to contaminate the food
with same species of bacteria (base on the information of epidemiological and
microbiological evidences). And often the trace backs result in a food product
recall [31]; the food product traceability is highly correlated with the food
alert system.
Record keeping can provide accurate and detailed
information for the courts[11] and help trace back through the investigation. The
importance of the traceability is that Macau’s food supply depends on mainland
China and countries over the world, and the increasing of consumer demand for
food that is less processed, that makes the food production and distribution
more complex, and that will increase the risk of food source outbreak[38]. Local
entities that produce and sell food have the duties of maintaining records of
receipt and delivery of goods or of their invoices for the period prescribed [10]
; comparing with the Hong Kong the Proposed Food Safety Bill, the information
of the movement of the food is required in order to reinforce the registration
scheme of imported/ exported food; all the retailers are required to have
declarations of import and export of food product (that costs over MOP5,000;
the fresh foods are excluded in this law[10]). But the food movement
information is still not mentioned [22]. According to FDA guidelines [36], form
the food ingredients to the final food product, it’s better for campus canteen
to maintain the food records according the type of food, and the record should
be kept form 6 months to 2 years.
When a foodborne outbreak occurs, local food
entities are responsible for the call back of the food that endanger the food
security; and withdrawal the problem food products from the public [10]. Hong
Kong Food Safety Authority is also empowered by the Food Safety Bill to issue a
food recall order and withdrawal from the food manufacturers, suppliers and
retailers immediately[35,39]. Guidance form FSA Scotland [12] also mentioned
that the premises are involved in a serious outbreak, the most priority should
be the product recall even though there may be short of scientific proof, and
the withdrawals still need to carry out as large as it could, in order to
remove the contaminated food from the food chain as soon as possible.
SS-CDC-NDIV will be responsible for updating the
latest infection cases numbers, prevention information to premises, public and
schools of norovirus.[34] By following the instructions provided by NDIV, UH
OCT should keep risk communication with staff and inpatients. And proper hands
washing, giving advices to who consults for norovirus from the public.
The public communication is responded by CDC
officers and IACM which reports their analysis and in-depth investigation
result according to be outbreak situation. Tong stated that there must be a
transparency in communication to public [35]. IACM can apply prevention and
control and issue warnings to the public, based on monitoring results and risk
assessment for food security [10].
Identify all parties that need to receive outbreak
information e.g. those dealing with the incident, wider support services,
national and regional agencies, those affected by the outbreak, the local community
as well as the outside world. Staff in other areas (physiotherapy, radiology
etc.)[40] Should be alerted for the issue. Visitors, particularly young,
pregnant or elderly, should be discouraged during the outbreak. Signs or other
visible communications should be necessary to notify visitors about the
existence of an outbreak, guidelines and precaution measures need to be
notified to the visitors [14].
Close of the Outbreak and review:
Identify the end of the outbreak (usually when the
number of new cases has returned to background levels). At the end of the
outbreak, as the hospital is sure to be out of risk, IACM will order to release
the alert and control measures of the hospital [10]. After the outbreak, it
should enhance two-week surveillance for new cases following the last know
case. Produce outbreak report. OCT needs to give out a guideline for
precautions and make a brief report to all staffs in UH. Alert all the staffs
for the importance of food safety and the potential risk. After all, the
complete outbreak reports needs to summit to UH admin office and CDC.
Discussion & Conclusion:
After the investigation and analysis of the
outbreak, people are always neglected the seriousness of food borne diseases
for the food borne symptoms are mild and only last few days, so the numbers of
affected people are under-documented[13]. The case identification really relies
on diagnosis skills and experience of physicians. For further investigations,
UH should keep cooperation with CDC investigation team and provide all the
relevant documents and evidences. Even though the problem food caused the
outbreaks may be originated from different sources. If the final investigation
proves that the poisoned food is originated from campus canteen, UH also has
the responsibility and implement the control measures for prevention.
Early recognition of the outbreak and prompt
implementation of effective infection control measures, including staffing
restrictions and ward closure, was successful in containing the spread of the
infection and limiting the outbreak to a few days’ duration [13]. The measures
adopted, the assessments evaluated are very important for preventing the food
poisoning incidents happen again. Due to the special situation of UH, precautions
and strengthen the staff training (in both the food safety and the emergency
measures) are just for reducing the probably and control the outbreak scale. By
the way, though outbreaks of food borne infection in hospitals are associated
with high attack rates and disruption of services, the outbreaks can be
preventable by the effective controls planed by the OCT [24].
For the prevention, it should be based upon the
points as follow: canteen contractors should adopt the measures to protect the
cooked food free from contamination, because poor practice in hospital kitchen
was important to food borne outbreak. Standard and hygiene practice of food
processing can also reduce the probability of contamination of bacteria or
virus. Besides, third party specifications and compliance checking periodically
is also suggested. IACM has provided the guidelines for food processing places
such as keeping the purchasing and stocking records [7, 17, 36], cleaning and
the operations [10]. Even the IACM is yet to legislative control of the health
certification of food production places, it suggested to have the regular
cleaning & regular check by inspectors from IACM and CDC.
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