(中央社記者張蕙燕達拉斯三日專電)全球最大的航空公司美國航空公司(American Airlines, AA),一年來在經歷幾乎瀕臨宣告破產的危機之後,公布上個月的載客率達百分之七十五,明顯出現業績回春的現象。
附記 911事件
At 8.46 am on Tuesday September 11, at the height of the New York rush hour, American Airlines 11 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center, starting a chain of events which saw the worst terrorist attacks on US soil. This is how the events unfolded throughout the day...
08:40 Eastern Daylight Time, 13:40 British Summer Time
American Airlines Flight 11 is reported to have been hijacked.
08:43 EDT/ 13:43 BST
United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston to Los Angeles is also reported hijacked. Two F-15 jet fighters take off from Otis Air National Guard Base in Falmouth, Massachusetts.
08:46 EDT/13:46 BST
American Airlines Flight 11 crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center.
09:03 EDT/14:03 BST
The world watches as a second passenger jet, United Airlines Flight 175, crashes into the south tower of the Trade Center causing a devastating explosion. It became clear to everyone watching that this was not an accident.
09:10 EDT/14:10 BST
In Florida, President Bush is reading to children in a classroom when his chief of staff, Andrew Card, whispers news of the attacks into his ear
09:40 EDT/14:40 BST
American Airlines Flight 77, carrying 64 people from Washington to Los Angeles, crashes into the Pentagon in Washington.
09:50 EDT/14:50 BST
All airports across the US are shut down and all commercial flights grounded.
10:03 EDT/15:03 BST
United Airlines Flight 93 crashes 80 miles south east of Pittsburgh. It had been bound for San Francisco from Newark, New Jersey.
10:05 EDT/15:10 BST
The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses. Many fire-fighters, emergency services and workers are still in the tower
10:29 EDT/15:29 BST
The north tower of the World Trade Center collapses.