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2008-04-30 16:11:09

Subject:FR: A nice PUA day

Hey fellows, i went to a town center today and i actually did two apporaches, one is on the level of OK, another one is little bit better. They are both girls in ages around 16~19, i like apporaching ...

2008-04-29 11:08:32

Sorry, but I have a boyfriend

author: "Flame" date: Sat, 30 June 2003 09:13 GMT subject: Sorry, but I have a boyfriend ...Maybe she does, but wants to have a little fun - your prompting about a possi...

2008-04-25 12:18:22

Self-challanging--breifly explained

I recently got a girl’s MSN, i finally found out by myself that how much i have changed during the conversations with her. First, she tlaked to me on facebook, by asking like why did you add me, C...

2008-04-24 10:41:58

How to deal with ONE-ITIS 真命天女症

Hello, both fellows and others, this time i am going to introduce a common "disease". Well, not really disease, a mental sticking point--the ONE-ITIS. First of all let me introduce this stuff with c...

2008-04-20 13:58:08

Sexy Bad Boys vs. Nice Guys -- By David DeAngelo

So, as I promised, i put an article of David DeAnglo, He is a very good mPUA, he invented C&F, and others awesome stuffs, it is an article he introuduces Pickup to other AFCs, which is quite interstin...

2008-04-19 10:42:31

FR: The Two Iranian girls

The article is totally not relative to the picture. It is my first filed report in this stage. Well, that was two weeks ago, the science fair, my best performance that i ever had, i think i was total...

2008-04-18 11:55:43

What happened to me during summer?

Hello world~ As you guys might think, what happened to Dennis during summer? What exactly had changed him to be such a confident, cocky and funny person? What made him turn from an AFC (average frust...

2008-04-16 13:27:21

The First Post

跟大家脱节很久,距离上次见到大家的时间也似乎有4个月了,时间过得好快啊~~ 所以说,我reopen了我的部落格(我叫他我的讨论区+推广区),从无名到这里,原因很简单,大家都在用。(这不会算是同侪压力吧?) 认识...

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