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2010-11-03 23:01:42| 人氣551| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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There were manycars parking outside of the building. The entrance of the building

was locked.Peering through the window, Le couldn’t see anybody except the Buddha statuesquietly standing there. Usually a lot of people worship them in the ceremony.


Turning into theright alley, Le found a side door. “Please ring the bell on the top right.” Anote sticking to the door read. Le rang the bell. Two gentlemen pulled thedoor, letting Le in. Inside people sat on the several round tables, eating soquietly that they even didn’t notice Le standing there. Standing a littlewhile, Le didn’t know what to do. She heard a nearby noise. Following the noise,Le went to a kitchen. “No strangers are allowed to enter” a note said. Le knockedat the door lightly.


“Excuse me. I’vejust called to pick up the prize for someone.”

Her face blossoming like a flowerbut already a little wilted, a lady put down the pan. She said, “Hello” to Le, andthen left the kitchen to find the person who was in charge. Le stood in the kitchenoutside. The hallway was dark, and the outside of rooms were covered with metalbars. The lady appeared on another side. She called Le. They entered a room, lookingfor a little while, then she handed Le a gift box wrapped with a silver paper.It weighed about two pounds.

“Do you want tojoin us for lunch?” she asked.

“No! Thanks!” Lereplied.



After receiving theprize, Le took a deep breath, and quietly left the building. It was fiveminutes to one o’clock in the afternoon.


雷午餐時刻跑去幫人領獎品,花了些時間.不過, 讓他深深體會到'等'的滋味.

'寧可慢, 不能錯'是很多機關辦事的原則.排長龍等去寄包裹、領錢、吃飯、投票....聰明人就要避開巔峰時刻, 記住"只有緊急的事,沒有緊急的人".


台長: 佳佳
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然) | 個人分類: 佳佳說故事 |


2010-11-12 13:32:09
2010-11-13 01:30:09
M0NG0LIA BA0 ..Storms maKe oaks take deeper roots,
2013-11-22 20:49:07
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