Yesterday was the third day when I arrive at the University of Memphis. I felt upset all day for time deference or something like homesick. My brain was just like someone beats the drum continually. Maybe it’s the time when I feel everything is out of control or where I live in seems a little dangerous to every foreign student. Anyway, yesterday was the longest day I had ever been through.
Before I participated in the graduate student orientation, I spent some time dealing with my immunization in healthy center such like providing the approved documents of immunization. It went so smoothly that I didn’t find the awful mistakes I shouldn’t have made. After orientation, I went to international student office to complete some forms and let my I-20 and passport be checked. By the way, I bought my student insurance and payed the fee of the conference housing called Richardson Tower I must live in till Friday before moving to Carpenter Complex. At that moment, I thought that today is my day, and I should complete everything I must do before semester starts. The most important thing I must do is to open a saving account in bank on campus. After opening the saving account, I can save the check in this account to pay my tuition.
What I thought is where I went. At the moment, I checked my handbag to see if my travel check was over there. The place I accommodate my check was empty except one postcard. I checked my bag everywhere and found nothing at all. Perhaps my check was left in the Richardson Tower (my temporary housing), I went back and still found nothing. My heart seemed to blow out; I felt nervously and awfully. The feeling can be described hardly. I called the American Express to cancel the right of using these check. I phoned my family and searched for help. To live in the empty room accommodating a full-filled worries animal is just like in the hell.
This morning, I went to campus police to tell them what I encountered. So astonished, to the biggest surprise, they have my check. They illustrated that one kind nurse from Healthy Center picked up the check and turned to police. When I took my passport and something else, I put the white envelope on the table and forgot to get it back. The check was in the envelope.
So, jump to the conclusion. I am such a stupid person doing fool thing such like this.