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There is no royal road to learning

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Happy learning

J. Tsai


There is no royal road to learning.   –Anthony Trollope

Euclid, having opened a school of mathematics at Alexandria, was asked by King Ptolemy whether he could not explain his art to him in a more compendious manner. “Sir,” said the geometrician, “there is no royal road to learning.”

No Royal Road

According to ancient historians, the great Greek mathematician Euclid wrote a formidable thirteen-volume text for the study of geometry. But Ptolemy I, King of Egypt, wished to learn the subject without laboring through so many books. As a king, he was accustomed to having his way made easy by his servants, so he asked if there was a shortcut to mastering geometry. Euclid's reply to the throne was terse: "There is no royal road to learning."


偉大的希臘數學家Euclid(歐基里德)寫了幾何學(geometry)的巨著。但是埃及王,托勒密,希望可以無痛學習,因為王已經習慣僕人將事情簡化,所以他也希望可以有學習幾何學的捷徑。歐基里德回答:「There is no royal road to learning.」。

    諸君,大德生長在現代優渥的經濟環境,特別是少子化的情勢下,從小是家庭培育的重心,不免習於後勤充裕的學習方法。但是,學術自然有學術必須苦思之處,我常要引用Google Scholar首頁的標語「站在巨人的肩膀上」說明學術的進程。高中以前屬於紮根,學習前人之研究成果,大學之後則是轉換成站在前人成果上,進行研究的角色。自然,不宜再沉溺於不需腦筋思考的填鴨式教導學習法,而是開始要接受思考方法的訓練。思考的副作用是肚子容易餓,頭皮很發癢,極需要耐性。不經一番寒澈骨,哪得梅花撲鼻香。

    所以,即使逆耳,身為師長,仍不免要八股一番,籲請諸君能定靜思慮,改變煩躁的學習方式,接受繁雜的思考訓練,轉變學習what is的模式,轉而思考why?而最終研發how to solve it?的境界。行百里始於足下,往後回首,心境自明,勉之。

台長: DR.J
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