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ontology sky inn

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ontology sky inn by pollywoo
<Chapter one: on top sky hood>
93.5.25 P.1
<Every name in textbook is replace>
  I was told that myself is a female worker in micro computer company, who is so fighting with her workmate Henry, every time they argue with computer theory, they just fault each other by some misleading orders, but my extra boyfriend is famous in writing textbooks nowadays, after Henry knows my romance, I tell him that I want higher status in employee, as why does not he coments my winning choice on the way a fairly game should be charged.
  My boyfriend Billy is my roomate when we are university classmates, I live in his rent house with the promise of making love with him, by this deeds I can save my rent money of partial and he is happy to fall in love with a smart girl in Yellu Campus. We live in second floor of aindependent villa in the city, where left only a big bed furniture, we should move every things of usage materials if is useful to apply in cohapit life, I believe love will come' bight if we really in love. It is not possible to trouble by a mean of materialism different opinions, and loves don't bother by things all around if they are truely concentrated.
  When I say to Billy that I want his house become my property under my name of signing, then he is in such a worry that he run back to the place and deal something of book procedure, but it is just when my old boyfriend knowing my pale Kent is on gallery.
93.6.9 P.2
  I phone Kent's mother who says she does not due know where is he living, and Kent become an exhibition of relic of my life, I decide to report on his exhibition in the digital way, and introduce it to the artist magazine by articles pattern, but the road to the mountain gallery is very far, so I have to take all day long to go on bus, until it reach out to the final station stop. The entrance ticket cost thirty dollars, and I keep it in my memory.
  Although I have been separated with Billy for years, but he still care about how I react in the company of computer construction design. I have a strong anemy in career field whose is named Henry and compete with my ideas of practicing, because of his effort I learn more striveful to win above his wisdom. In fact, I tend to use genius methods to think problems, and I analyze every employee in this silycom computer grouping.
  After I get back from exhibition of black and white, I found out my watch in left hand is damaged cannot repaire again, and my ring bell clock is going quickly of one hour, I wonder if my life is spending like web time, but I buy a digital alarm of aikia brand, to hope that my time and space turning in the right direction. Kent got a family like monitor supervisering on me. So I can't tell how unhappy I found Kent's father is on the gallery watching paintings but in fact he is watching over me on his back, I am afraid of his father will be the breaker if I have good feeling on Kent's artificial works.
93.6.9 P.3
  My boss keep an eye on me behind my back, he wants to know who is my real boyfriend, and the deep secret of my hyper sexuality toward males, he tries a dream work spell on my sleep, while I am at a statement of senseless, he works on my nape with thunder and pouring rainy power, that I thought it was just a phantan fallen on me, not really the hurt of sex deeds, he says he will pull me to the rising place of employee higher than Henry, but I indeed do not believe this promise, so I come back to find for helping from Billy, when he is in OhiO.
  I am working hard compete and race with the wisdom man Henry, who already marry a wife and bear a kid of only one years old with full moon. When I realize that Billy is still single waiting for me, I feel so strongly desired to come back to his kiss on my dream, the mouth is sweared like a lip of eight-feet fish with black ink, of course I remember when we share book-reading at Yello.
  And I will turn back to university relationship of artist's idealism, where every member in the group has a personal wish to complish, it is a period of time during the war from student struggle, but I never go to take part of any activity, but I heard even someone has attend is treated as the same punishment of unable to gradnate from school, as I am unequalified to take the honor of textbook but knowledge from bookstore buying.
93.6.9 P.4
outology sky is probibly report digital art by journalist
in theory reality and edit recoganition field, who plays important
role and put postmorden building into thirty-three sky, including
erotic, desire, and none-dining structure of three level, actress
Heaven investigate president's information then enter magazine
index by accident, especially art shape on main-topic, as student
work hard on homework by brain world, the end is caused by news
info explows for web closed, but not because operate wrongly,
in Buddha terms there is so-called straight and soft two core,
Ontologysky is the highest place where advantage sky oftenly
stand, also the policeman of whole Heaven, actress beyond work
lecsure time watching on Buddha's painting by Judgment, as
one kind of interest and study, so she see the paint as the
statement of visuralization, nobody can really reach the top.
93.6.10 P.5
  Let me count thirty-three sky by detail name of hood, from term to term, they are under rules of high and low, like ladders of Buddhism.
1) Four big king sky and their relatives live in
2) Advantage sky where Empiror sky lives, highest
3) Night Rubbing sky or the third fire sky hood
4) Music changing sky or instrumentize sky inn
5) Rounding direction sky where Milubuddha lives
6) Sixth sky of desire monster called feedom sky
7) Erotic Four zazen sky from one to four level
8) None thinking sky or the way find out erotica
9) Eroticless sky where surpass material inhabit
10) Angry meaning sky or named play sky to forget
11) Psydo sky includs world, clean, born, justic sky
12) Number one meaning sky or sky within sky
13) Eight partment of Dragons or Heaven Dragon
14) Hardship Buddha Naga written as Nanda
15) Out of hardship Buddha Naga named Upananda
16) Dragon of Sagara which means the Ocean
17) Dragon of Vasuki who has nine heads
18) Dragon of Taksaka who has pair Wings
19) Anavatapta who is dragon king of sanmai
20) Manasvin dragon who figures as Dinesour
21) Utpalaka dragon which named as Lotus flower
22) Night cross from earth, sky to Heaven yaksa
23) Medicine cross of twelve brothers member
24) Food Goodness or God named as Pisaca
93.6.11 P.6
25) Ashura who loves to fight as a war god
26) Golden Wing Bird named Garuda in crane
27) Kimaara who is personized from tree plant
28) Mahoraga who walks by belly as a big snake
29) Kumbhanda who is practiced like Dracula
30) Preta represents for big progressive sky king
31) Sky of Poly Heard of knowledge as a teacher
32) Big eye sky takes charge of five eye sight
33) Male yaksa who stays in Hungry Ghost hood.
  I remember those time in university when we follow Vacom to talk none-sense in western pub, it is the time of society activity members gather in meeting suggestion, we are not like his coffee hair and black deseart where white pouder falling like snow, or when all beverage tubes of different type and colors, drop down continued like rainy day trouble.
  When I check the Buddhism dictionary, about the spell of each sky, I think about when thirty-three one charger of god or goodness holding hands to make a big round circle of flag symbolic ideal, I book a novel of Borges named <The lottery in Babylon>, which is paid by internet card billing, I dominate from Amazon bookstore on company web line.
  The sky will always be shining blue, while the thirty-three sky is only the reflection of humanity in the society, what people do is a tendency toward the god or goodness asking for some protection skill.
93.6.11 P.7
  The temper of boss in Micro Co. is observing relationship between me and workmate Henry, though we are sitting in front of each other's table and PC Mac, but we do work by thinking inside instead of talking, that makes boss more curious about my ideology on blue pillar male, I thought he know that we are all about distingurish on personal type of view pattern.
  I figure out the stylish regard of boss, his complex of mind is what makes every employee tries to explore out, so that they can get to his hinding kind of strategy more closer, and make themselves important status and contribution so that he will be the last one to be fired, in this company, boss is our cloudy sky. Billy never understand why I go to prostitude system doing one day beach and earning one night easy money for I want to make sure if he feel my falling and aching in his mind, or the boss will threaten me by the dishonor behavior I attend that business of day with nickname, and he take the crime to fire me.
  Billy used to be my golden watch, but I don't pay to let the fix man change the gear wheel which stop going on time, I would rather buy another new one to wear, and never wanna please him go back to be my partner, I know he hiding in his hometown to escape my tracing of his family situation data, anyway, we do not continue loving since the day he would allow me to wave good-bye to him.
93.6.11 P.8
  I planed happily to cut off all blond hairs of Billy, if I luckily catch him anywhere, I will give appealing prize to the hair designer, buy on the exchange deed to satisfy my revange. Billy does not aware that he is under my arrest order, I know he hates the house where I slept with him, so he leaved the place empty and went to discover how to get close to my career if there is any weakness of mine fallen on his hand. I never imagine the way he mix up with missing and sentmental feelings about my hankerchief.
  But I am bad enough to prevent myself from losing the Micro job I decide several policys to do, first of all. I use thinking to compare with the way he thinks silently, and I try to identify as a modem, so that I can see into his mind more cleverly, and express the news through another reporting lines, other method is to put the brand mark upside down, and let right turn to left side, to make it become a brand new remark of my web territory, I rent the house of Billy used to live to rent for other person.
  Before I write this page, I just read some English interprete on <Net Sutra> of Buddhism, it is five thick books analyze about how computer internet is working out on the ralue of religion, but it is only structure of meta, not how evil I am to take his stock and share his divorce story.
93.6.12 P.9~10
  I send a email to Eric who is my university friend and in the department of software business, the letter mention about how kent do secret killing in his gallery exhibition for I guess his family has already buy this inn to manage cultural activities, so it tells as below (Eric: I go to young ming mountain see the photo exhibition of Kenny, it is in 草山行館(Museums around the corner built on international museum day) and I see his papa, his mother still lie on his virgin show, for there is a work of dead brain, it must be brutal of someone patient's head being open to show the content glands, cannot believe he do the image so peacefully, is it so possible a friend catch from the future that cause his rage or hatred? Sorry for I guess so vicious, will it be possible like a gothic novel of Allen Poe? Polly Woo 2004/6/11 at night.
  In another way, I try to spread rumor about I am killer of golden hair male that they must cut off hair to take punishment of losing the game with me, I think about triangle until never end, which makes male strategy shrink into crazy poly-demention that they cannot solve the puzzle of my hiding in the crowds unfound any secret to be explored. I am glad to set up tricks on fooling around complex to get excitement of writing high tide with such kind of pleasure, if I turn here and over there unexpectly in the complicated city, and role in this novel will probably get nuts once again, because they don't get what I am doing all by myself with papers creation.
  When I planned so well to sign the passport to California achademy school couple years ago. I origionally decide to major in English writing lessons for only one month, but I spend the money on buying a small house, instead of going to chase my ideal dipoloma in the age of twenty more, now even I try to privately ship my purpose into the state, it is still very difficault to get the permission. I thought this time I can use the identification of a student and sale my paintings of oriental style on that western world, but somehow it is not so mature to imagine there will be a wonderful future, because I know it takes effort wisdom to live on.
  But anyway the nervous hunter dog shows up on my way to require the management of passport, I feel he really care about my safety and security of life, woman of deep thoughts is what he curious for, except for him, nobody worried about my sudden making up mind of falling desire, if I don't go out to play like a spy, I can never get satisfy about the spring of insperation that I want to be adventuring around, but today I refuse to myself.
  Utopia building is the community where I lived for since I work for Micro Co., and recently I buy an advertise colum for one day cost of thirty-five dollars, to express the business of publish music disc by mass production, more over I start to prepare reporting on digitalized art installation, so that my boss will think my work out to keep the salery is a attertude of admiring on his authority policy. I use time after work to do news as a web journalist by nickname, every terrotory about technology development are all under my research method to show up the multimedia world in mirrow science, as I go to the money machine of vending value, the service of card is such a machanic of complicated setting, that every hyker dream on one day they can regain a big money from any system of computer internet connected with econimy line of banking, for the purpose of fighting against threatening banker in the cours of society black, they use brain work to chase such kind of easy money around the margin of policemen detective risk, their instructions are highest secret which I am curious to know interlectural property ministry of econimic affair, express a warning advertisement on transit rapid traffic line of metro Taipei, in the station of technology building right railroad, it tells the copy unlegal of publishment will cause some direction of losing government benifit, such as <influence of> bad impact:
(1) 語文著作
(2) 音樂music
(3) 戲劇舞蹈
(4) 美術Artificial
(5) 攝影Photograph
(6) 圖形著作shape
(7) 視聽影片video
(8) 錄音廣播record
(9) 建築設計Arch
(10)電腦程式Computer Program
著作產財權loading 45%

1. no good songs to hear
2. no funny games to play
3. creater lose ideal to do
4. no big cast on movie
5. publish company stop one /3
6. software co. is bubleized
7. several record co. fire
8. popularity of large dishire失業
9. international reverge
10. country competing force stand back behind
Wanna have a bite? Welcome you a pirate Buying pirate copies is piracy itself, you fall
  The day before Sunday, I copy 600 pages of small advertisement paper, it is for my business of studio service, and the other day I take the trasif to WenFan Hospital, see the Big Warning as content above, then I think about how Ximen this china computer engineer is purchasing after my sister in(資策會), he use meanful trick to appeal her fly so many times to ShanHai city, but still has no will to marry my sister Sendy. I believe he just try to let woman who is so successful in computer business to fall off her job, unable to continue to play important role of government employee.
  I remember when I was in university of province catholic campus, I major in the Literature English and at the beginning of typing lesson, I practiced like a piano player, at that time we only learn basic ? and the way to format disc of floopy modle, I remember I designed a evenlop with a poem of a famous monk named Hon-one, he praise the moonlight as close friend who knows your heart and care about your situation, it is a mini size, after all I only mail one good friend with season's grecting, after the scorde is passed, I turn to Chinese system.
  Every night, I dream about the scorpia boss sleeping on my body, and I never refuse him, because ever since I sleep with him over night, I will get some gifts of surprise which really make me happy. I know he sent a few employees of female to let me manage there working efficial effect, if I don't take charge on this email of commend disorder, then this group of employees will be fired with me, we are in the controlling of his black list to keep others fear for the tradgic ending.
  I please a library manager to contact with information about Louis Borges creation non-fiction of <The Lottery in Babylon> which is unable to get the 1959 publishment and book the novel on the web bookstore. I am so feared that my story will come to his dig hole inside the mineral mountain, I do not wish to repeat any history or prelouged plot, because all I want to write is original archtype mode, that nobody before or after me can surpassed.
  From now on, I am going to think on the main topic of why Babylon building is slant at the very top stucture almost reach 33 sky?
  Two or three days ago, I go out to find a vice job at night, and I frequently meet some host or master of Acholic shop, but was in vain for my age is much too mature, but when I go home, the boss is unhappy for my escaping him in such excuse. So my feet get castrated by sour of bones that every time I walk down ladders, I just cannot ease the pain, why is he jealous for?
  And another sign I found out, is that each time I dare to depart from interlecture place to fallen on hell, hunter dog just so strangely show up in front of my sight seems to stop me wondering myself to the lower spiritual situation of stunning nerves like a horse life, I know he already quit the practice of pretending a erotic wolf in the world. I am willing to be his companinship of such a upper class in society as a wisdom fighter, but we just haven't got the chance to date out, and one night he peeps on my boss has done to me, and feel a little jealous for the relationship. I wonder if hunter dog will do any action to interupt my comtemperary surrounding illusions.
  I talk to recording pen of philip ? every night or day when I have something to ???
  Once I talk with buble in the chatting room, he hasn't encountered with lover in Bible of the daughter named nora square ship. (chatings) While I keep on telling story with my boss, in the theory type of web discussion, and also the skills of writing intenigent drama, whenever I try my best of realization to read <Geeks> this digital novel, I just fail to continue because I don't know how to begin, with any narrative that attracts me.
  My sister of elder named Diana, who invest a class of teaching kids about mathematics and English, especially robots structurism, and they usually go abroad to take international race with other same age students, and they luckily win two more times the championship, that is a software under window 3.0 period of appilcation wisdom, but they still happy within teach and learn.
  I am so tired to be honest treating my boss with emotions straight from the heart, so I declare a theater performance ideal to practice in daily life and in company, so that I can play double character to cover my boss sharp eyes, all I do is for freedom of 倚天(depending on Heaven) to write down my prose in order to continue my creative interest since senior high school, that good friend Efanny is major in 物理學(physics) and chemical, and her father is a member of Chinese research achedemy(中研院士), we used to write literary letters to each other, and she always folding the paper in different creative 幾何形狀(geometric figure) which I treat it as a symbol of theory, but my mother took them away, until one day we met in a lecture achedemy of the origional Buddhism, she is still very nice and treat me as best friend, after class is over, we go back to career of ourown.
  My little sister Stacy buy an English novel named <digital fortress> which is a computer romance story made by bestseller writer Dan Brown, it is all about decode on his topic of writing fiction plots, but I have no time to read it over, on the opposite way, I am afraid that my novel will fall in the similar plot if any writer has been mentioned, therefore I often treat the writing experience with Buddhism in digital world I regard this to be special.
  I want to produce computer editing music to make a elbm on sale, or plan to express a magazine publishment in my studio, its content must be computer system in the work of apply functions which I intend to report in the gener of theory analyze, the way I go broadly and widely to each spheres of professional research, just like a series of background vision of video reflecting continued like a film without any people, while I am the only actress on the stage, saying all topic as a speach maker express herself on screen. And every headline that I interviewed with the object and subject is out of my vituraliz?
  Another production is collection of my photo graphing on sense, made up into a runercallender of 365 pieces in dates, I send the disc to one Kodek photoshop and rely on their service so that I can save my time of choosing each photo file to see if it will be printed clearly. I believe next year this creation will become popular in the internet shopping mall, so I invest some money to produce copies and the package, in order to trade them out abroad.
  I pick up a blue ribbon on the ground, when I find a job of teaching kinder garden kids the learning of English and Art, then I directly tight it "on my hair tail of partial blond color" when I get back home with two feet very tired and rest for hours in the afternoon, I have dreamed about boss of Micro Company force me not to give up my job in his company, because he does not understand I just want to regain as many possible job that I can endure to take responsibility on, but he suduce me on dream plot.
  I am shaping with a shade of sunshine reflect over the window, and my boss come to use his finger of right hand, the second finger paint a transparent vocabulary of AN, but he write it from right to left as NA, and I don't get his metaphor about this, what is that stands for, any pose of meaning under his kiss on the trace of words, is so much like a rename order on my body, and he even push his phalus to let my back bone feel the energy, I think he know I am more interesting on earning serious money.
  Even when I pass the Holly Wood marriage photographic shop, to see the collection on the front door, and imagine hunter dog is the gentalman who is playing the bridegroom with me, but this secret is discovered by boss by one needle of blood showing up(一針見血).
Boss give me warning on the black list, else employees are Jasica, Candy, Apec, Sendy and Cathy, I know the boss is sending a message to me, which says: your lie is going around the world, I can understand how he see over my mind on the topic about this spy novel which I am planning right now, sometimes I lie on my bed thinking about it, sometimes I take a bus figuring it out, while in other times I just break my head and mde it up by fiction ideal and with the insperations nock me out, at final decision I turn out toward the pubmeet when we employees love to discuss some determinal huge plans on our hand, and I make an announcement on them which shocked each one on that hotspot pubshop, what I say is go on obviously steal the most important thing of boss drawer, where hides a key to his wisdom card, I know his practice of staying in the office and sleep over night, someone of my extra manager do this way too, so I print one page of his personal data as information comes from my discover plot, I test on the info by exact experiments so that I can attach much more closer to the simple true, in order to change my boss about his sturnborned practice graduately, and at last I can charge over him as any wish I want to get on, I will take over his never taking part any meetings, and he seldom go to the roof where puts a very large installation that nobody could realized why, he never rely on any vice manager or secretary to do his ordered will, he does not trust anyone in his company, but since he is on doubt of my purely ambition working hard, I start to cheat on his that I am a spy from IBM, not INTEL the anemy of his institutional regislater, whatever I do on staying the night after nightship is over thought by his consideration, I even tell him that one day I will built my own company as a net kindom of idealism, but he wants to watch forward on that possibility if I get success for his fire, I can only make his suspicious heart goes more confusion to protact my site, he is the one I have been causcious treating for a long time, and I will conseat my final poster card until the end of my salary, I know he used to check on who is the most richious person on his wings, he would not allow the one to make him bankropt, he is a typical president of indepandent ruler of computer political world, he even lie to me the wish to use his property to control united state in the selection of president pool, but I dare not to deny it if any change is holding on his powerful hand, I think he sees only the hole on silver money but not the value of humanity to stop the monsterous strength, therefore we all keep underline of his magic power, unable to keep order on ourselves in the way we firmly cheerful to bear, he is a shivered film screen, when I use nickname to make love with other men, he can see that, and the way I betray his mind he sent black message of my email, but I still split all of his terrified influence on employees and also my career plans, one time I even test on him if he has a little wave of jealous about my fair with Billy or a new lover I called him black hunter dog, he bit very bloody on the postcard I memtioned about who is double doctor degree on professor status, he test it with teeth of sharpness in order to make sure if I am only telling a lie, when i see his wounds on television I feel so horrible and I have decided to throw away the nightmare he scretchs on my back skin by a slim wood, I can't ses on my dream the deep metapher that he paint on my human body, but I guess he is angry that I forget to attend his lecture on his own history in 1920s ancient Russian, as the time people go to fight the radical activity of so called red revolution army, I know he is the war god that symbolicly being tight out by a cave chain on the train to the farm land of nothing survived.
I can only make myself believe that I am just a movie star on the age of war, and maybe I am not in any realistic truth as one member of boss company, I am a book writer while he dig a hole for me to fall, he is a scopia rumor to me, the word which imagine myself can take a refugee to hide inside so that nobody can find me in a sudden timing, I can relax for a while before get arrest by the authority above my head, it sounds like a game of heart attract.
My boss usually come to my sleep time when it is nearly darn in the sky, my two hands are purple hurt in the connecting bone, I know that it is the way when a male want to castrate his lover from the important portion of her body, for instance, I am a work-holick that cannot live without my working both hands, so he take my labor engery away to win the plot of leting me lose, I am so painful that I rest for the hurt to recover from some medicine cure, and I am taking highly emergency on his dangerous comment, he marks me as five star dangerous degree in his mind, so that he will not lose intention to win eternity of his seat in the top of this building made up by digital.




1 Polly Woo(作者) writer 18 Barby Superstar
2 Billy boyfriend 19 Babel Bible write
3 Henry Workmate  20 Buble chatting friend
4 Kent Photographer 21 Efanny My classmate
5 Boss Computer Co. 22 Slave Radio D.J
6 Vacom Friend 23 Rabbit Eric’s wife
7 Heaven Actress 24 Philini Kent’s father
8 Eric penpal 25 Hunter Dog My teacher
9 Sendy  Elder sister 26 Aden Crown’s relative
10 Stacy Younger sister 27 Fyre English teacher
11 Diana Big sister 28 Austine Billy’s girlfriend
12 Brity My mother 29 Steve European friend
13 Lenny My father 30 Five Lee Literary Budda
14 Uker A singing star 31 Phenket 聞一多的好朋友
15 Kola Professor Ku 32 Oldking Highest Preast
16 Crown Chinese writer 33 Apple Big freedom sky
17 Ximen Sendy’s boyfriend 34 Sun My monk father

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* 網頁設計 * 劇作指導
* 封面創意 * 藝術攝影
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* 文學排版 * 海報印刷
* 雜誌專題 * 平面美術
* 中英翻譯 * 文具信封
* 型錄特製 * 歌詞詩文
* 名片設計 * 代客裱褙
* 廣告外製  

I go to young ming mountain see the photo exhibition of Kenny, it is in “草山行館” and I see his papa, his mother still lie on his immigration to USA, would you like to see there is a work of dead brain, it must be brutal of someone patient’s head being broken open to show the content, can’t believe he do the image so peacefully, is it possible a friend catch from the future that cause his rage or hatred? Sorry for I guess so vicious, will it be possible like a gothic novel of Allen Poe? Polly Woo 2004/6/11 at night

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Chapter Two On-Topic-Sky-Hood
<figures of acting>
1. Heaven
2. Boss
3. Barby
4. Sendy
5. Stacy
6. Eric
7. Kent
8. Hunter Dog (hyker)
9. Uker
Chapter (2): On-Topic-Sky-Hood
Last night i see that co. of babylon building is improved by night ship of many floors in department operation, what I have doubt is go to spy here and there, see if anyplace got enough money to promote me for second career after Micro affairs are finished during working time, but my boss does not permit me to do extra job outside his company, in my dream, I attend a visit from a famous singer in Taiwan, he tells me the writer who is referred to attach with youth topic of romance conflicts is his best roommate, so he asks me go to his home with him, he kiss on bad like two tongue stick together with glue. I feel the way of his singing skill is perhaps so mouthful that makes remember how boss plays his fingers on my naked body to make rock & roll music and let me high. The singer Uker collect a group of Literary comrades to discuss each and every one's future plannings, where Eric and his girlfriend Rabbit is over there too, he ask me how is Kent's brother produce the business of disc and make big forturn on this trade, and they really prepare some profound programs to copy into mass production of bestselling DVD, it is content about social revolutional discorse from some preacher who is interviewed by the topic of communist politic thoughts, when we share decision to practice, my father come to sent order of my mother, she called me to end such a society plot, or I may go to see the god of Hell. I know she wish me to catch a big fish from pockets of my boss, so that our family will regain more income and advantage from computering business directly and indirectly. My mother Brity is so stuff that I dare not to offend her therefore I awake from that dream.

Anyway although I sense the risk and danger that my predicted scandle in doom year of next, will soon be made into reality, but I still go right straightly to the place where my technology comfirmation is fixed come true, so I start to open the button of note book Asus, and type words to edit a column text about how to teach theory of daily livings.
For example, calligraphic talks tea drink of service dharma, movie critic, culture theories. Aesthetic discussion, linguistic analyze, Enlightment of Literature, surrealism on art history, study of postmodern novelist, and so on, all these topic engenders people to think independently toward the reference information. My father Lenny used to do underground theory for a long time, and I can see through what identification he has been looking for, while there is another logic puzzle which I am intented to make, just like a myth of who write down the whole Bible with pen, the answer is so much alike my requirement about the fuzzy of computer dialectic adios. So many employees find out the highest rule of climbing status, but I am arising for the purpose of making authority of standard in the method works out calculated order, the unknown logic sets unsolved only for the victory of my inner duty to keep company under the laboratory efforts to provide, right now I duly felt the important situation in the background of my realized knowledge which stands for the power to control, some people stay in my small circle of relationship in social manners, but he others got their own way to survive, but what I think over is who will be the best policy to figure out the biggest puzzle that stops their programming will to exam the truth of Net sutra, and the reason why I take Buddhist lawing to manage business by hands, is that I believe Bible is just the other mirror of Lotus Sutra, that human cannot deny this simple truth all over western and eastern world of nowadays, this made up logic is internet into everyone of dealing apply service online, most of people could not escape from the gate of net work, it takes mathematics to conceder on the algorithm, humbers are instrument of statistic formula, and codes of substitute is phoneme status, because of Buddhism protection. I am a woman not allowed to down the ocean do prostitution behaviors but only in my dream that I can have intersex with famous male, but I do not know how come I often suffer as a noble.
I tell Eric in dream that Kent does not know his father Philini invests on the buying of young-ming-mountain inn, to offer Kent take part in the exhibition and he does not understand why his father make such a helpful temptation for, maybe it is beginning that Philini want to sale his son on the market of artistic altar(藝壇).

Sometimes dream is a red road leading to preparation act in the reality hyper-sequence, but most of people who have the shadow of dreams is in fear of entering into such kind of meta world, the way Uker creep with me on the hall ground of each room in the hotel building, I know he lives in the bookshell storeage, department of a series of book store.

His decoration of living room is so delicate and clean, where he taste my lips and I touched his tongue so wet with month waters, I don't know how come this way, seems to be my paranoid desease to forcefully searching for any scandle of my life, and wanna turn it into headline of trash news of artist field, while I feel like wearing ten condemns on fingers, but not a glove of baseball, this dream is deep story that everyone talk by dialogue from sincere heart without any lies. Should I bare in any case of scandle fate within two years of prediction and happen into a diary of queendom, or am I just find some subtitles to fulfill my world wide loneliness by covering the desire of no return?

Why I sense upset the way of dream land is occupied within my foolish body, that the libido is such a wasteless energy I treat it as a dictionary that represent for my temperation weather of flesh and blood, if any man want to discover any detail, they can read cross the line of limitation of imaginair and get to know me more specifically but the book is not on sale in the bookstore of kingstone, for it is feminism manufacture work that prohibited by the princess of morality in woman's law ill, most of my boyfriend only feel the silk of soul by penetration so fake, but after dangerous of attraction come to break such a enjoyment, they simply get away from experience of phantanized memory, they don't know I preserve my younth character by this kind of practice, like a throw away glasses of transparent acuvu colorful exchanges of innocent world that fresh new by none ordinary fiction of my mind. Every night my dream goodness change partner match for me, and I can feel curiosity of different male shows their sexual reaction to my naked dream. I am always keeping in the role of mainstream actress, that no other woman will take away my part time lover of subconscious movies I believe what I narrative for is very similar to so-called net intercourse of erotic sexuality any situation of wired creatures will reveal their subnormal by the wave of some virtualization behaviors, but after all there is no payment billing to each other only pleasure made to be content beyond words. Now I know scandal is only for the effect to make fans laugh at you, it seldom cheer yourself with the totally satification of body in language frenzy or crazy pressure, the rumor of affair is a basic calling to your self-aware invent from id falling into black gulf of unluckiness.

I conduct erotic as a Chinese rope tight up to be wishfully symbol like fringe and tassels. I wonder if once have a male who really know what is my need without asking me any offerings in return, but that is a hope of much too far away from womanness, because a mature woman is the one who understand the desire under bones of her media hair-do. I want my inner side by side with the holding of never losing spirits, but sometimes I left the hair staying in the type of pretending kindly as a good lady complex. There is a rape song singing some relationship secret between Billy and me, but what I am so worry about is not scaring cause and effects blur my mind, but none existence photo one day scandles me on a mirade mean that could not in any explanation to declare it that I am really innocent of it. I certainly do not want to express any conversation about how I was threatened by silver hunter, my daily life is mixed with many winding roads of thinking materials, but this time I do not know what is my relationship with Uker in history, it is risk on dig up the wonder, when I am surrounding in the grouping of anti-politics activity discussion. I am still so naive to accept the friendship come towards me, now I regard it a little trapped miss understood. I am indeed the measured one who seems to be a weapon of separating homo-sexual comrade, and I have temptation to interrupt their love connection with cutting out drama so hard to see through just like a novelist never use real knife to kill audience, but training on his pen of brain to murder the plots which readers could not easily stood by his side, all he want to get is popular by expand out his fame and being accomplishment of praise maybe some honor turns opposite, but fictionary is essence of made it up, like tennis misleading the catch by eyes judgment, no one guess how I work the fiction by another way of departure, and the other starting page to make dementions out of order, eventually I press the story with three kind of me, and they are all the same one but differs in tones of discourse in my subconsciousness, it is my writing will that makes no any conflicts in narratives.

I think it is genius inspiration to do it as a goat stops steps on the crossroads of three angles. I am the main character who is take it easy to point out myself with triangle structure inside the whole story, it is like never use boiled water to nutrition plants. Unless it is addition process of dried or roasted on its leaf, to make tea of drinking, woman should watch out to remained alive, never kill yourself by binary wisdoms, topic comes from questions, such as if love is brought by idol in one's mind, or springs from the way woman despise a super star, then he turn out to be scarified of her underline, or under wear Uker tells me he used to be gay, but I believe somewhat beneath the lie, he must be taking for excuses on me, to make me betray the one he says his partner, so that I will stop the desire to fuck with that writer crown, my sister of sendy at the same time is workmate of mine, she buys one novel of this writer who produce all predgedy about misogynist, he thinks girls of his age are birds of a feather flock together as protein, but I know that means over pro-stein horrible, if I cannot obtain him to fuck with, I think myself lose power to punish him such kind of gay history, in spite of asking Uker to introduce the crown who runs away from me, like a test drink of Johnny Walker Ball he writes about, where I refuse to join the free trick of enter in his novel, maybe he is blow up bull to hide the frightened fear to beauty of beast.

I thought that he tries to scold his employees with novelist private critics, you know this makes me feel like making fun of advertisement never exists by any showing image, and my heart is grave of man, it keeps on raining under sunshine, which is sticky uncomfortable like sweat wet the shirt of skin, so how can we forget each other's disguise and dance with music of wine.
That Email sent from Johnny Walker is to say be my guest, but I drop it away so obviously that usually I don't drink achole for the mood of falling in love, or tease for flattery purpose, on the reverse, people drink to forget something painful inside, but today my nerves on feet stops the aching, so I should say good bye to the cure method perhaps I will use at the very last time of hurting.
My micro-disc left in my mama home, tomorrow I will go back home to take it and carry it to my studio, so that I can lined on my note-book to go on doing my works, I have been wasted for one week pretending as a career translation maintaining person. I do this for cheating on boss his sharp eyes in order to survive eternality of my digital programming.
In order to make him jealous I fried my dream as many famous male as possible to distress his laying and relying on my barely sexy body with fancy I cannot describe until the end of the game come to me, before that I will enlength my hired statement and take his duely trust first for I know his next turn is a trouble wheel stock on my road, so I must prevent from now on, my victory is to stay firmly in my working table and never be his needle in eye, or the meat under his nail scrap God knows how I suffer from his pressure of chess plot, that one day I can't escape from lose my hardship of working out the logic of Buddhism ideal. I must quit playing during the film of his productive planning cast, because I am black seed while he has the righteous choose to stay white. I cannot tell him that I write a diary behind his back to overcome his directive film of perfectly magic, even though I don't agree with him, I can only keep it on mystery of super-realism by nick home, if I get threatened and it's time for me to mark it by publishment.

I will make my boss to be the last one to know the entire of story I edit in the spacement of my oddly experience, what I write down is not for court or the crime of begging for remedy, it is just simply to keep a job, one way or the other, the night mare is vanished through-out my diary genre, because I am a woman of easy forget. I seldom memorize any encounter for revenge, and I always look forward on plans so proudly to make come true. In this empty week I conceder about to sign passport out of this country, and steal one way of never coming back hometown, but it seems very difficult to past the agreement of highly capitalized country like Canada or European place, so I cancel the ernest way.

My world is insert of belief in traditional conservation, but what I missed up on the sidewalk is my pursuit of the meaning in real love that I haven't got I am on the middle path that I almost fail to continue searching for, no man shows me preciousness of how tears is flowing for so I am longing for someone brings me laughter instead of unhappy ending.
When love opens the miss of mass around, it means in Buddhism terms that if you don't enter beloved on the very beginning, you are not even under the twelve message of cause and effects in a way off yourself so far away like sea, the sky is always blue but the web is such a muddy cloud to me, opening junk email is so butterfly that nobody can stand it anymore.

When biggest desire of breathing is over, what else do we want for, I try to paint a small size of temple in my heart, but it is like stop bleeding in darkness, sarcasm throw away only others, but not give up yourself frustrate, somehow I do not fantasize a television screen open for me to performance alone, for my life is struck not doing for show time or superstar provider, I like to lock down all words and study philosophy by my own world, besides if anybody speak the dislike way to me, I cannot compromise any longer, that's why I act like a single batman's real wife. I live as vividly as I can, with gorgeous vocabulary and sentence to construct my style of thinking, how can we stop thinking in the ego of Buddhist role in society? Opening Wolf's novel is like a virgin surfing on the beach of deep ocean, while reading fairy tale is reaching the top of grand-mother censorship. I should say that Gates is on line but who is that Gates in my life or in the standby of any net worker's reality? He is not my emperor in Tibet world, but is a death door that I am cautious for, he rules the short country while I stay in temple as non reading Lotus sutra to see the sun shining on my head and fore head, while the door set of my studio hasn't make me awaken, why is the sun never come to visit me by personal, to prove that he is my really a Buddhism teacher at the age of massive history.

Made up story is for fun but do no good for me, so I do it for novel, and do good for my readers, I don't want to lose face in the age of 34, it sounds like thirsty for scandal, woman of this age should know how to be a postmodernist designer, but I invadely think of the dream when Uker this buddy creep like double dog gesture with me climbing on the ground land, I can't stop laughing as I am performing like a animal habit, it is not until I wake up that I feel shameful for it, why should I mask with his classic solitude, he invites mine by parallel to ask what is the verb if dog is walking by four feets, how can he make my stray trick tortured like this, feel like play funny in the dream movie, and wishing this spot be cut down, only the birth year belong to dog is the reason why male got a wet tongue to kiss disgustingly, it is a little sick to realize the truth that I really hate, if you kiss like dry clothe, that man must has a tendency to be a wolf, whether is best for me as I taste of both and can't tell why, I got to save my rescue before my dog anniversary year comes, few man impress me as I am the one feel crazy for playing dialogue drama, my critic about my folly is so low stream of my imitation on taking over place host, such kind of deed is silent theatre, how I check the privacy of a dog if it does not have the crime of doing without Buddha deity or dignity? That night I change my pillow upside down and lay in the place I put it on. I never take pity on my slave, since I am a madam of south but do things like northern, then who is my husband of no temper at all? Why slave don't go Russian wave, the race of esthetic named after slave is not poor as foreigners thinks, I better be the lash of liberty but not liberty, suddenly I heard Uker is laughing at my thought, from fallacy to foolish. I across the bridge of worry a lot, I would like to know how he explain about drag on doggy, it starts from left hand to right hand, then the movement from left feet to right feet, such square structure is bothering me so much like Sphiney riddle, if he is she lion, his bent of hand to toe is the same if female do that too. I think I have guess more than he set up on my mind, and all I want to do is to shake his hand away or kit his feet out, how he twist my symbolic sink like a bomb under the ocean, but not straight to the heaven, anyway, Uker is not my scrod of romance. I want Crown fall for me, he is the topic to make me go western comedy abroad, because I refuse to read his novel from one to fifth book, but I would like to funk with him at one time and get over it, sleep is enjoy time because even not awake makes me think loudly with remarkable plot that some other dreamer transit to me and I take it as telegram of applied Buddhism overwhelming.

Then I read the novel with a little opening minute, and I know that Uker is the person argue and quarrel a lot with the writer Crown in stories. My sister Sendy is not only lux soap, but she leave a chairman seat of PC-MAC at home for me sometimes that whatever document I open from my carry Micro-disc, she just do the fix-back search and get my data to sale for someone of her boss, therefore I frequent my junk close-code emails with troublesome virus get no ride of but today I see the headline new that : cellphone virus is in Russian, this is such a smpprise which it shows how healthy is cellphone using in American the enemy of politic country, it is such a place of reverse team to communist V.S. commercialism.

I ask the biggest snake in the world if Buddha tells him about his grand-papa and grand-mama, or does he really follow his father to go on monk way, is it not possible that he married a queen and get the dynasty by his will of naming this country renew by will it be possible that he has a son or daughter in law, but he is in temple of no answer so I keep on wondering how to find out the truth of history, his father is named shake, does he get the same name, or he is forced to born by the pressure of tipodado提婆達多 (Buddha’s cousin brother) so that Buddha would not want to sent the kindom to let him rule, so his mother cut her hair and sadly go out of palace home too, this is really miserable tradgic ending as I predict so evilly, may be he is the Oedipus complex ever after to stop having any infant to be a good father, but now I learn to be a good teach of morality education, and I have to write down a mainly direction about my purpose of method in the way I adopt to tell lectures on students, at last I think about how many words is related with wisdom or training wisdom, while I know a lot in Buddhism, such as wonder intellecture, knowledge, acquaintance, recognize, thoughts, discovery, logic, philosophy, Sophia, crystal, meaning, opinion, these are training periods, like DalaNe (陀羅尼) and Helmets (婆羅密), but the final obtain is Dharma(道) where archive extreme of no bothers in Buddhism, who can say that western goes first in the world?

This class we just teach about biology animals or non-animals if they are motherhood or of fatherhood birth law, or if they are vegetarians or the opposite, or if they are under food-link or not, all above concerned with their recognition towards future society practice, and out of the human nature, how they use their wisdom to work out right to this society, as to myself I have been suffer the absence of man, father, husband or boyfriend, they thought escape such duty around me, will make me lose learning Strategy about man’s humanity, the way I always keep myself in middle-gender(中性), and inter-sex(雌雄同體), is equal to status of being single, even after marriage or birth-giving ability. I am easily fallen into solo situation, somehow I am not afraid of this fate, in fairy tale it is called doom, but in reality it is called destiny, any way, that’s how I believe in the cruse code, just being alone will make me much more clever and conscious to work smoother, if not belong to saint of noble. I would never flatter myself to live with sense of content desire. Another class I assist with the leader of kinder garden, who tell girls to paint fishes, but I see through by scientific name how self they are in psychology, some paint fight fish(鬥魚), cat fish(鯰魚), golden fish(金魚), glue fish(膠水魚), flat fish(比目魚), others paint red-flag in ship of selling fish for adoption(飼養魚) which is called snapper, and some paint shark (鯊魚) or polliwog(蝌蚪) like fish, tropical fish (熱帶魚), jellyfish(水母), crucial carp(鯽魚),carp(鯉),sturgeon(紅鱘), which is for beautify function but cannot be eat for food, tropical fish is the only one mentioned in the Buddhism as belong meaning(南無), and jelly fish is named medusa. So much like the theatre of mudesu, who is a symbolic of penis hair? Then the teacher finds out a student paint perfect about yaito tuna(大鮪魚) which is the only fishing in Japan, after that they paint crabs: such as red crab(紅蟹), emperor crab(帝王蟹), cancer blue(藍癌蟹), hermit crab(寄居蟹), but nobody paint wheal (鯨魚) and crocodile, the later is another name similar with literature term of allegory(喻用), called alligator(鱷魚) while I have another student who is sea horse(海馬) whose birth duty is done by male, from their pocket in the stomach place, so she usually do feminist dress, this summer is really hot, because my boss dislike the way I live as a free writer, so he orders me to earn a little reality money, but not hang on the debt of web world, where receive no payment from dear readers, I know he will go to another cast of a big structure of huge egg(巨蛋), in Buddhism it is called plate ball-bangle(平形念珠), only the monk of chanting sutra(念佛宗)can take it as his soulmate, and I know his daughter is the actress of movie <Agnes of God>, and I also read the novel in reading class of University, that noon is some wizard in her deed of giving birth without a male sex, so all her teachers painc for this accident event.

After a bus ride going home, I see the face of bus driver, suddenly I realize Uker is a attender of activity May, fourth, named cho-do-man, whose lover is a horse painter female and she finally learn French to go abroad, she always draw nudity of woman to show liberation of her wish, but don’t know how she learns to speak French well, while I have see two different movie about this woman, one is acting like a knowledge-blind in beach floor(青樓), another is high educated in university majoring in Foreign language, and fall in free love with cho-do-man, then she went to French to practice her feminish theory of art and live long in her whole life, so I believe that rational example in spite of the twist model of prejedy. Her name is Pan-Jade-fine, in Chinese, who is very famous in the way similar with Mattis, that is representation of beast school of panting skills(野獸派). When I was fired by a kid’s father complain something about me, the leader of kindergarten take back the contract of hiring me use English tutor therefore I take a bus go home, on the road of entering OK-shop. I saw magazine reports a repeating news about how crown built his company with his big brother, suddenly I don’t know who he is in the history of the Literature Enlightment, but I know the life has a space of hole to filled into your objective modern, it’s 360。 degree of a spreading dimentionality that people can be aliens no matter how they selfish think, so I lost a reason to love in my age of most sexy mature way. I my life of wondering novel, it is only for curiousity to understand how others treat their business with positive belief, then I find out that lots of people don’t in the limitation trust how works of Buddhism empire their company, all they do is just to face reality.
After another day, I figure out a possible way to develop disc of video game which is literature test of shake spear drama, I made it for the essence of writing skill, as a pattern of training all logic of writing theory in post-modern world, just like my texture book is designed for creative grammar so as to construct a directly fixation of the elastic acknowledgement.
Although I have memorized so many rational vocabularies, but I cannot use any difficult words in writing novel, may be this is a performance of easy explanation without mixed up of complicated massive judge. I don’t dishonest if I saw Hunter dog handing over the window of transcend system of rapid train service department, I will not go to him making a dialogue on purpose of such an opportunity, because of my subconscious don’t want to do so at that moment when I am burry up to do my business of planning already, I guess he is pushing me to learn French system of helping structure, if I don’t study for him, he will go ahead on his free way of profession.

I have decided already next novel <Buddha is near> will produce journalist on PC of widely cable world, and it is about how two princes in the old Japanese empire when their mother take charge of religions politics. In this age, they go to do video-Recorder as co-operate of stage performance with a instrument of music work it out, it is freedom of birds time when peacock is kingdom in the background of India, while the prince of Steve is the emperor of Japan dynasty, after this cyber novel report, I will write another novel called <beyond spectrum> which is more openly talking about how SOHO-worker obey the Holy Sun rules, and be a good student of dig out universal truth in the web, he is office XP teacher of the main-actress, and a company boss of calligraphic design, when he meets all kinds of creator in the history of Zen believer, they change a face to be the heavy wisdom of computer links, where Chinese managing books are surrounding in the world-wide-opinions, what the built is much more profound that it is not easy to distinguish from left to right, while his assistant acts like a secretary of data detector, to find out the precious of calligraphic essence in digital world, while at the time she is doing job, she apply a scholarship of advertisement study to get higher rank of company, what she choose are all calligraphy on plant ads.

This novel is close to ending, as we know ontology is everywhere as you feel with joy but not hatred to bent you down in the black gulf in Adobe live. If we face computer screen and reality showings in both ways, we can get peaceful success to maintain attribution in the flesh blond of honors, this color can’t find in PC but in Religion well.

motif way of teaching
  The things you see and encounter on the road to school
  The name of body organ and parts
  Terms of clothe or dress costume
  Take the traffic tools with which
  The kinds of artificial modes
  Specialized name of paper and pen
  Basic grammar of English
  Toys and recognition with games
  Simple structure of computer
  Explanation of sonnet in kids chant

Why Boss to night open the lamp of highest floor and doing additional occupations, I wonder but think of the vocabulary of AN, may it be NA in French of same phonic with NE, which means born or birth, this is my most dislike matter of this ? an, that is what I want to wash away identification in somewhere of other time and space, because I can't control that self if is rational reorganization or not, I take this puzzle with my deep sleep.
  When the morning comes, I have a dream about Anny this female author who got another job of teacher in Academy school the scord of Literature, she is the one that Hunter dog tells me that she is the girlfriend of a young novelist who is fined by the criminal charge of died at the age of thirty more, but in my knowledge that he is transferred into an artist singer with the same name but different face, maybe he has a very talent mask helper to use cosmetics like such kind of pretending skills.
  I open email box for less than a week uncheck and the system just renew for column of purple color, I examine some virus mailing secrets, for I know it is menace curse to attack my website of literature document, it amounts only nine created by Crown, the irony writer of my same age, below are the list which I memorize from my email with uncertainty of code, such a Adan, Gutstus, ceo, maxpanla, steven, chino, techang, Green Melon, netsky, kitty, shao-shun, Katalu, sen, and inkbay, I know exactly who they are, so I make a memo list as follow:
1. Adan: An editor work in round god publishment
2. Gutstus: The empiror out of China history in lu
3. Ceo: My neighborhood who works for insurance bant
4. MaxPanla: Maybe the hired employee similar to me
5. Steven: My student of Buddha door and schools
6. Chino: My boyfriend Kent who write me number 66880
7. Techang: An extra boyfriend in stock of sister sendy
8. GreenMelon: My newly affair object don't know why
9. Netsky: My micro boss who dissatified his nickname
10. Kitty: The house renter of my property studio sit
11. Shao-Shun: A popular rock and roll sing about this
12. KataLu: My psycho doctor who used to be Allen
13. Sen: My fist untolerate boyfriend of unmorality
14. inkBay: The man in the same society sale on ink
15. Eric: My university friend who majors in French Art
  Above are the topest reason that make me ? nervous about the possible explosion blows out of my purpose of flock together as civilization height, but God is unhappy for this idea of collection popularity. He made separation of language to force people go abroad in immigration into four directions of the world, where European language are created so that people are not easy to be ruled, and the tower is stopped at the floor that God dis-permit them to continue built, until it become a relic structure, they change the name of city Babel into Babylon.
  In Buddhism story, the sky of Pizza slanting tower is name after advantage-sky-hood(?利天) where the manage god of thirty-three sky does not allow his citizens successfully built the floors of higher than his presidential ground, so the top of the building suddenly ruined by reason of thunders. Since this event of accident, no one dare to pick up the duty of building this architecture any longer I wonder if Babel is the man who write down such a novel of fable, or he is the king that being frustrated by the god of emperor named explanation(帝釈天), another nickname is ShuTeaWeni? (釈提桓因)but it hasn't got clear if they are the same person.
  I can only guess night after night and puzzle myself in this topic of who I really am, and what kind of fake will turn me to be, if I still live in the day dreaming of Babylon, will it be richly?
of Kola professor, to ask if he can sea the book <The lottery in Babylon> for me, just return my letter with the message unable to make sure the book title, plea? mail once again with the detail information the writer is nation of Agentena, and nob make sure if this book is interpreted into already for selling on American linguistic I buy only one theory of his Literature sur? opinions about poetry, novel, fiction, and program. I feel dizzy to read the whole texture because found out so many index of works are unreel?
  The one boss accused and abused is the sa who knows the reason why boss shutters or sh when I wave my right hand holding the ball pen, to please the bus of 257 to stop for get on the bus and laugh at my symbolic ? which reminds me of thirty-six root of pen vocabulary to make them strategy of my me? weapons to treat my boss in return, gash not believe that I am the one do as gun LuLu, maybe I am blind to do that deed to but I believe myself is real Barby of this
  Then I recall when I buy the Delux to eat, and imagine the one rabbed his ? of millions dollars to built a house of un?

of 10000 meter-gram
structure and with a blue earth-like glass, ball on the top of this ville that no any other noble can clone this building to live as she ? anyway she is the queen of Italian leather(皮?). This scandle make me think of <game theory> when every unregular shape of material can be counted by countulated motif into an equal-formula(方等式), it is not ridiculous if wave shape can be count too, then how can the margin of floor install any glasses of window by the mathematic slant?
  I boot the tasting wine ball of Johnny Walker Wisky, and I prepared in the imagination costume of address into western-and-eastern skirt: a close fitting woman's dress with high neck and slit skirt that named in chin-dynasty after "cheongsam"旗袍 I check this term from victory, the skirt is very short that it bellows in the limit level of my legs it is only fancy that makes me so excited high for ? whole night, because it is the way I confuse in the way of enter novelist's mind, which I can turn his plot totally up-side-down that he can't catch my wind.
  There is purple flower print in my legs, but I do not know how he marks this, the reason is he tell me of how the lover of Barby take away his fortune money of seven zero number, in fact this is her earning on the performance stage, and has nothing to do with his financial history, I ? as many medicine as I can to cure those stamps.

Below I have thirty-six pen to sent my dear boss
1.pen: simple form of pen totality to named tool
2.pencil: this kind of pen use for sketch can eras
3.penny: a money counting standard in French
4.penet: the lines of writing from up to down, left ? right
5.penalty: the fine somebody by a way of punishment
6.penthouse: a magazine of sexy woman for nudity
7.pentip: the top ball of a pen or any kind of pen
8.pencover: the hat of close a ball point pen
9.pentail: the writing trail of words by usage of pen
10.penatration: to take the elevator or transit traffic
11.penus: history of us in this Buddhism Lotus world
12.ball-point-pen: the ink of such pen is made by oil
13.pennis: the phallus of a man to fuck a woman
14.penext: the pen you use fater this pen is finish
15.penovell: use pen to write a network of novels
16.penclip: the device of a pen that hang it on do
17.penal: to constitute or deserve punishment for
18.peninsula: a isle or island area almost grouping
19.penitentiary: state or federal that prison crime people
20.penning: to write with a pen but not typing
21.penned: be written fate as a actor of actress
22.penalize: to impose a penalty on punish method
23.penance: voluntary self-punishment to show sins
24.penates: household gods of ancient Romans as Lares
25.pence: penny of many numerous but not one
26.penchant: hang in a strong linking like LA?
27.pend: to hang on the await judgment or decision
28.pendant: a hanging or namental object as locket ea
29.pendent: suspended overhanging and undecided
30.pending: not decided and during time until moment
31.pendulous: hanging freely on a place hooked drop
32.pendulum: a body be hung to swing freely to or for?
33.penetrate: to interrupt or go in between with ?
34.penguin: a animal lives in northern pole of earth
35.penicillin: an anti-biotic obtain from produce synthe
36.penitent: sorry for having done something wrong
37.penknife: a knife to cut open envelopes by cutting
38.penlight: computer pen to control indirectly on screen
39.penman: a literature creator who does as his care
40.penmanship: a club or society joined by authors
41.pennsylvania: a state of American in U. S. A.
42.penname: a nickname used by a author create
43.pennant: any long narrow flag symbolize champions
44.penniless: worthless any values or status very poor
45.pennon: a flag or the long narrow flag in feather
46.pennyweight: a unit of weight equal to some one
47.pennywise: too care about small matter by waste major
48.penology: the study of prison management and reform
49.penpal: a friend who loves to write letter with
50.pension: a regular payment to scarify unable o?
51.pensive: thoughtful or reflective of blue depression
52.pent: held or kept in by penned up the tools
53.penta: equal to the Arabia number of five
54.pentacle: a symbol usually with five-point star
55.pentagon: a plane figure of five angles or sides
56.pentameter: a line or verse in five metrical
57.penny-arcade: a public amusement of coin-game
58.penny-pincher: a very miserable person suffer
59.pentateuch: the first five books of the Bible
60.pentathlon: five contests which take part in event
61.pentecost: a Christian festival on Sunday after 7th
62.pentecostal: protestant stress direct holy inspiration
63.pent-up: be held in check or curbed emotions
64.penuche: or spelled as penuche a fudge like candy
65.penultimate: almost be the ultimate next to last
66.penurious: miserly and stingy as essence of penuriousness
67.penury: extreme poverty that want to in gain
68.pentecostalism: an ideology of designating variety
69.pentathlete: a vocabulary of five differ events
70.none-pen: goes without pen as a monk of zazen
71.pentel: a brand of pen products in Japanese
72.pengame: use pen to shot airplane on papers game
  I can't believe I make thirty-six into double, and so I remember there is often a company called pen literary company(文華會社) in newspaper advertise column, but when I go to visit the place, there is only a typist of traditional machine works ever the office, she is only a employee or a woman boss, this question cannot be solved by asking her, so I leave that publishment of unreal practice co., and I know she is unable to control any writer.

  As this novel plays under the drama of movie, I change my job as a teacher of computer system, no special reason. I just want plots going thesis way, so that I can write over any environment out of my super imagination as surreal power like <Holy porter> of never end. I preach in the method of different thinking mode and pattern as the Micro is working on all around the world, so that I can control the phantanized system of wireless worldwide, it’s about female ruling of net-inter. I am the counter table of my own company, and I dislike to be told that I am really a part of the company of that Boss, weather male understand the 36 kind of difficult vocabulary, but female takes easy to learn with another chosen of 36 plans, in my difination of dictionary, pen is similar to compete.
  My sister Sendy does not win the prize of Sandy ago(聖地牙哥) but fall into many sand river(恆河沙) of Buddhism, and another sister Stacy in the company of Acer is a little same pronunciation with Asus this Native computer producer institution, I use this brand to create as many meta-word(字元) as I can to fill up till the top of space in my website can content, of course I know it cost a big money to conclude all of my gorgeous sense in Chinese, but since now I use easy English to do the opposite purpose but still so shiny bright.

  I am too prode that I won’t lose this battle of smart brain-working island, so I try to be shift into some other fields of career, and I want to prove myself that I can do ten kinds of job if I use my wisdom to engage inside the works. I will never possible be fired but hired in existence of my true fighting against illusionary victory, and when today June,17 I open the Micro system, I found out a fresh new software service is going to get on road of future prospect ion, called N-G.
  I forget and give up the idea to buy a most highest high-heel in the department store, because I am the type of walking on thinking things, therefore I will not envy the big fortune that a bank asks me to borrow a huge debt money to be female boss in this society, before I bank grupt, my family will broke falling into a backward developmental situation that I cannot take the responsibility of this mistake, so I decide to earn steady salary that I feel wrathful for the employment payment.
  After I leave the hospital, I cannot stop buying a chicken to eat, there are four fried to let me chose. I use fingers to pick up examine if it is smaller or much too oil, sounds like select a bridegroom to taste with tonight, when I eat before bone shows up, I keep on laughing at the novel of collecting much too many new new fellows(新新人類) like chat on doggy man and woman looking for sexuality suitable.
It is not beggar hand of Buddha’s gesture, I must say that is a hand of showing all titles of life testing with lines on the paw, isn’t it so much like the meaning of internet, and that fire fingers are symbols of five components in the world: earth, water, fire, wind, sky, because the prophet look of calendar paints like analyze of such kind of eastern philosophy uneasy to realize.
  For some shortage of homepage foundation, I almost want to give up the producing business of my two websites, but still got an ambition to do the third one in English, I am wandering in forwards and backwards, but at least I will not be the kind of falling behind the tide of fashion nets, because I have planned to use one penname or another artificial name to do activity alive.
  Humanity take over all personalities of various, summer vacation is not our own benefits, now that we are no longer students any more, but there may be some students wish to learn on leisure time out of school, that is where we start to teach for, foreigners get back to their counties, so we native teachers must do something educate to the knowledge of science or gift of art and linguistic textbook preaching job, while at the meantime, I feel like writing diary of youth for the talking about how lovers cannot be together.
  At the class teacher Faye makes me to act as assistant teacher, but I am almost silent, and watching at now she teaches nice toward cleaver students Martin and Ricky, they are so cute to learn vocabularies of consonant(子音), and vowels(母音), and combining spell technical this is Recongnizationism in Educational psychology theory, which the records pronounced like voice of Eric, but I am not quite sure if he really have done this job, how can I tell the students that he is biggest shake in the whole world, it is dangerous and scaring up if they do not know some words come from sadan Europe.
  Today I go to help the article class of small girl kids, when I’m on the way back home, I meet a foreigner cross the zebra line on my front, and I don’t know why my links of bangle in purple colored round pellet, suddenly just fall down on the ground, and shaped a right way wheeling C(左旋C), I wonder if there is such medicine term in this world, and what does this suppose to mean specially for me? Then I realize the purple flower on my left leg is one zero and a one to write down form of ten from kneel the near place to above, like 0 mark. That foreigner is so much like shadow of hunter dog, who once again being chained by the classroom ladder, I think he is going to giraffe English class school.
  If anyone ask me if I have any plan to do in the Johnny Walker drinking ball, I will answer that I will talk loudly all about writers scandal any happening that I imemtioned is relationships. I wonder if anybody will take the gossip topics with me, because these are coming from my personal discovery, and so many predgidys haven’t approved, but I will chat like a fairy tale on news, so that their works are under my scanning viewpoint, all my entire life of sleeping duty is not retired, but transform into sleeping beauty’s mirror photo.
  In fact, I discuss with Faye a plan to write down analyze of all text papers she find from the website of kizclub network, I tell her that maybe we can cooperate to print a book with detail teach in Chinese so that like grammer theory simply to explain the roots of English, and for readers of all elementary school students to learn, it is so much like what Billy used to do , but this time we plan to print as research editing to make children textbooks out of teachers directing texture, but not only memorize also realize on the deeper meaning of each topic.
  Last week I spent four to five o’clock times to watch all front-pages of 24% sites of Barby this superstar, because her photos are too many unable to count, so she publish a photographic collection in a very famous name<Blond is not my Fault>, and it is edited by photoshope software of Adobe 8.0system, looks like billion sale salon style, that everybody save the money to buy poster product, but wanting so much to keep it with the worthy of sexy, attitude expression, when I write down here, I am just waiting for my dying hair to get dry and wash it to be blond hair.
  I find out whatever I buy dress, I never look at that brand, then I check them on my shelter of costume today, and discover almost as those I throw away once the same style of creative mark, those logos are out of strange spelling, such as:
Inbio, Giodano, Diman, Baleno, orange, sic, sunsigma, fair, Casquette, Ma-Tsu-Mi, Icok, Meridian, Teen’s, Amadens, First Appointment, Dmy Collectic, Hogo Color, Incountri, mode of Britain, sun & melon, AD&D(designer club), Hang Ten, Hung-Yin, Grandi, P.(made in Italy), Onary, F38 Jameija, d’Elite, Shing-Jler, Solex.
In fact, they all dressed like a female knowledge working class who uses brain in career over and over again, so that is very easy to have head ache, I never buy white dress, and I never ask if the brand is tore down hidden from me, but I already know that I prefer European fashion style, at least it must be very colorful to appeal me to spend money to buy it, and I have a list of those throw-away dresses which I really love to buy:
BUXOM (ALL NEW FASHION C), MOMCKS/NORCAT, O’GIRL (Lady’s Fashion), SHENQ-TAY Ltd. DODO, Beng Bar, Bobson, special feel, Fu-Hang, Rodin, Amethyst, RYH-SHIN, Top fashion, dallcoroma, cartior, Romantic, Ribbon, NETeam, NET, and how I have shirt of the summer style such as, EVE, SANDDY, POLO, YEONG-DAH, MUJI(BASIC& SIMPLE), 巡戈導向,CHENRUY is my fashion Baggage buy from on sale period of big-sub-department-store(大亞百貨). To make it short, I do not plan to buy new dress with the prode of famous trademark, for I am not so luxury on Vanity Fan, but I chose the image that no man can check the brand on any popular DM, about alternative information in the buying and selling market of feminity. I like to dress as uniform of literary writer.
  I got an ideal to study earning money internet homepage, there are some books discuss about this business of sailing straight by world wide web site, I also plan to sketch stamps by photoshope recreation to collect an exhibition art gallery on web, or just edit them into a reference book of computer-arts, I can sale these reproductive stamps for people to use and stamp on envelopment fees, maybe I just print directly on the place of paste stamps.
  Network is under-world of culture, in my own studio, it is my big determination to use phonic system of auto-typing in order to publish much more quickly since nobody want to work for me, I will do it all by myself, for bribe boss with this project, I give him second part of Net sutra publish in American, where Lotus sutra mentions about this story of an elephant walking on the net plant as the sutra of many data become a magic crosslines under its steps, it is the same theory as clothe are made up from line to a piece of clothing(紡織).
  Suppose I have a radio website where store all disc of music I buy from record shops, and I clone them all into the site to share by audience, because what I collect are all independent co. production, and it is not easy to buy the same alternative rare disk, some of them are really expensive and not comfortable to listen to, I do not want to sale them on Ebay but list as below:
1. EMI Opera goes nuts: CDM7635832
2. MERCURY Michelle shocked: 8345812
3. HO-SON None-adults: Japan S018
4. BMG 74321373822: EI-5071
5. RYKODISK The soft boys: RCD 20231
6. P & C Bettie Serveert: 5024508000329
7. FLYING Technotronic & salt “N” PEPA: CDFA10/09
8. FLY/SIRE Talking heads: 9256542
9. CDP The piper at the gates of dawn: 7463842
10. EPIC Spin doctors: EK52907
11. KONTAKTE Stockhausen: stereo13881
12. RUFFHOUSE/COLUMBIA The goats: CK53027
13. ELEKTRA EDDD-LITE: world clique: 7559609572
16. ENSIGN Sinead O’connor: cop 3217592
17. Felix #1 Decoustruction: 74321137002
18. Sampler only/ EMI Top one Golde hits
19. Sm. Ltd. Lama 1/2(vol. one) GA016
20. MCA Wreck-n-effect: MCD 10566
21. Warner bros Colors: 9257132
22. Hungaroton  Liszt: HCD119762
23. EPIC The clash: EGK36328
24. Warner bros Sex-pistols: 9450832
25. Elektra 1000maniacs 9609622
26. Stereo  Level42: 8315932YH
27. A & M Black wonderful life: 3951652
28. Warner bros David Lee Roth: 7599264772
29. Elektra The story: 9613212
30. MMG New Romantic: 8.11636
31. EMI Talking heads: 077778059326
32. Columbia Reel Hot +Dance: CK52826
33. Virgin That what is not(PIL):291815
34. Hut Corpse love pussy gacore1706
35. BMG Various nipper’s: 96842R
36. aad / A & M Tom’s album: 7502153632
37. EMI Little creatures: CD97461582
38. Pure Dry/ P3HARVEY: 5016554701022
39. DDD  Super Drumming(Ⅱ): 259889
40. Noble  Bon Jovi (disc): IB014
41. Warner Dingo/ Miles & Michel: 7599264382
42. Fido Mariah carey (zeppelin) 20.21
43. Invisible Evil mother: INVO20CD
44. DENON Jewels of the Madonna: 38c377304
45. DOROBO Verstein erung: 001
46. HOSON Mr. children H085
47. MARC ZEIER G* park / zabriskie6. Point
48. NOISE Zero & sound: GZSL01
49. BLACK BIRD Uniralial subversion
50. JKH How to use (Japanese-ligntstic) 8862394395

  From the year of 2000, I start to buy popular CD, because it changes my life style to write very fluently, and make me become a mass-production writer of long non-fictionary, then I become more younger than before in my mind, with a commix of humorous way altered by female. Music components of codes are also one type of Net Sutra idea, if we think slow walking elephant as a short-distance sense, while Buddha is standing by the side of long-distant, then the net of a invisible sutra, is mathematic theory of 座標向量(x, y, z) in such meaning sky will be plant land but not cubic structure, which Buddha dislike it.
  Since I suggest my boss accept my please of interview with the topic of his strategy in his management of big company legislator status, but he hesitate and left nothing to answer me, even though I have decide the book title for him, but he seems has not interesting on such arrangement, what is his <Heaven of Net>? He just starts to think about if he has a good scale or scope to pronounce, I really want to use him as a miner mountain to sell his wisdoms.
  The topic of my majority request is that boss treat computer order as what kind opinion of structure figure, post-structureism, poly-structurism, anti-structrism, de-structurism, sur-structurism, or con-structrism, I want to find up deep to get to understand him more, then I can set screen on the Holywood sidewalk when he and his admired superstar Barby to have a open kiss on that place called pen-tacle but also pen-tangle too, which means two lovers holding the same pen write together.
  In corea the word of put in horiontel way 01 means the name of Lee, which remind me of Levi-Strauss and Leotard, and the prime in Taiwan is named Lee too, but no journalist dare to report his family, so his document only remind in scientific class of course everyone know he is the only noble prize holder in Taiwan, so strange that such name looks like ten last president has already do Buddhism on the hidden and put Christian up on politics, but now this Lee take bible sensation on the under theory while put the sky-plate of Buddha temple on the outside page, so we were still missing ruling time before, I know this Lee is named Paul in the saint Bible.
  I saw the star movie on coscoal supermarket mall, when my family is waiting to apply the card, I watch this sound-surrounding structure film so patiently with my sister’s Diana’s two kids, and I think it is a little like Highest priest’s idea that Net Sutra should be door-after-door setting while I believe it should be as Russian square game or Russian tower structure, that nobody can come in god’s or goodness’ law of doors, it is called gate of fake and empty, because it does not open for human to view or enter into. I guess my boss think as pyramid() structure, he is the tip-top with no partner or cooperator in the same standing point, so he keep on the point, this structure got trilogy under the ground, for he is contained within the four warrior keeper but he will always be the highest top to lead others. It is like psycho-analyze about presidenal conscious. Therefore he stands for western Christian while we are in the monk ladders with Fuzzy Logic conceat.
  How I wish his employees be rearranged, last night my face show signs of bee sting, like American five-angle building named after Germany of pills of Roche3 which I eat one or half every night before my dream is on my own screen, the pill got another name of lexotan 3mg/Tab, while xanax is reminder of my tradgic plot of heart hurted by knife cutting through, I wonder if anybody can tell me where in literature got similar plot too, so that I can know my fate or historic doom for sure the pill is 0.25mg of aiprazolam: pharmada & Upjohn, but I still think it is misleading of my poly trace.
  Don’t know why, when I just lay on my bench and look at the afternoon sun shine so fiercely to me, and I suddenly remind myself that boss is so much like the number-poet know-one-lot(聞一多) in Chinese repaienance may, fourth Aniversary day, I heard from my university society friend say that he is a part of his group of lottery scholar who major in mathatnatics, but my friend got fired by the Bejen University Apply-Math-class, I can't believe until I remember last month I meet his oldish glasses image on the way of vally home, besides the community basketball lot ground, under the mirror of parking car lot in underground of a corner, I know he is the one love to count and think about how number works in the society, and I remember one day when I put the polarish power of conculartor in the sunshine, but it is out of usage anyway, so I send it to my mother Brity whose job is counting employee in medicine trading company, I wish she can solve the puzzle for me. He may not know that his name "lot" is under my name as two opposite sunset back to back, but I am not sure if we once have romance ever?
  The final spell of sky in Russian is a way of hiding real name from family, because for fear of revolution or some other untold reason, maybe he is the one escaping from killing order of final emperor of Nicolas Dynasty, when there is a story tale that real prince and pseudo prince is exchanged by invest-gation, while the final prince perhaps go to attend blooding anti-revolution for survival breathing, or he will become scarify of murder nine roots relatives(誅九族), so I guess he is hidden noble.

He turn over the page of starling but his highly level boss Lenny knows him more than he know, I guess he is once again under the same death risk again, therefore he change another name or identification so smartly, that's why we can get back to Moscow by different way, but I don't know if any Russian publishment Encyclopedia can find out any index info to prove my guess, the documentary movie takes deep thoughts, and nobles are some persons never let others understand.
  Kenny, Hunterdog and Billy are all my husband almost become 7-generation of romance, it is such a bengo of three seven-up in game-ball-machine, my it reach to Lasvagas Lottery or just lose? Kenny makes me be Flix, white Queen in Tialand, WU, Majesty, Eva, Nora, Polly, Barby, and Hunterdog makes be Aris goodness, actress in American, student, Stephan come to Taiwan find me, Marry of Gypsy Race blood, a kid of good money in sutra, wife of Buddha believer, Billy makes me be Lion Queen, shakespear's lover of drag, Austin in Yellu University classmate, girlfriend in May, fourth university, Riddle phinex of Barby lone, Lena, Harry's friend of same age in Movie, Hagar.
  What if I realize this truth and be forced to belong my identify into western world, or I should follow four sunsets written in my Chinese name, and be a pamila of Grace Temper, but no longer Pandrola's box who never get marriage until the end of life, but let her boyfriend be a crying tear of camillia drama of shaw.

  As I read the report of Harry Porter on China Times, I think the movie which I have not go to theatre to buy ticket watch the scene, but I stand besides the bus back door, which is auto-sentiment, therefore I relate simple one door with two-fold called Gate, and revalue the difference between two door open widely to opposite side of left and right, or two door just push open to juxposition like double doors on orbit of parallel, now Buddhism use modern gates on temple in the city building, and it always open by scanning system, only the image of truly believer will past the scanning.
  Since right now I am reading a textbook written by a man looks like I instein the scientist which book name is <High-tech Heretic>, I just remember my high level boss give me another black mail list, which is containing the best friend of know-one-lot, his name is phenket, when we are at society chatting about the holiday of student's revolution date of June, fourth it is the first day when<Harry Porter> on screen, but I want to make it under censorship of banning order so much.
  But this time I will tell all things about phonket, and his back-ground that nobody knows, his mother works on journalist in China Times, and his use penname and get into the Literature page to do some help on editing, at the same time write something to express by penname, so my whole mailing is completely refused out of the board, he is the one I mentioned in the front named Aden, who works for round-god now.

  Then I think about student revolution activities only once happen in Russian, Chinese, French, Taiwan and American, where U.S.A is doing as hippy ways, to act like None-government political as Anachy, but after that excerise they strive to became yappy of middle-class status, but their Funky wave remained the same in their deep soul, Phenket stays in <China Times> doing detective of give-me-report series of questioning politics, this is special column his mother gives to him as a authority to beaten any none-idealist of members during student revolution, while he critic me as a threatening post-activity because I was out of this game of showing up, no body of my big relative family attend it either.
  But I wonder that mother is pretending too, maybe he is doing by himself as I am climbing all by myself, too, he is aimed on the six member of attendance roll, to find out any ambition they want to attribute, he asks if they just forget the ruling power and go ahead to make ideals come true, if someone get the power but doing urin things, or just doing or working nothing, they are nothing but cracks flowers, because it is not practical as doctor sun-yet-san says, to make body and soul do as one really believe and would like to die for it, this is very large topic when student built but not do for offending.
  In Hagel’s mature three-law, I was basicly a believer of triangle inside a triangle, but as I humorously think about my sister Diana’s law-sets, such as clone treat as twin-babies, xyz equal to chiken and Rabbits, X=Y+Z is mata-fix of log-line, 微積分會計學, micro-counting is moneys rule, substitute semi is computer byte, and Sigma is left number of never end like wisdom in troublesome puzzle, as you raise a childhood, or indefinite code is act like染色體 (dining-gene), and so on, because she is a famous historic female mathematic expert, but nobody knows who she is and in which country, at what period.
  As I memorize all these principles, she already a house keeper of ten billion dollars in Taiwan, and I refuse to count, therefore I have o kids, I live by myself all alone, and I put a up-side-down chair of opposite uni-corn structure to settle down everything in my content self-organized world of Literature thinking, now I realize how come a boss live only under one floor, and most of the high-technic employees stay in walking far rout of highest floor, almost failure to walk home, so they ridiculer remain on the standard if go to take over the height or not, because the elevator otis is far distance of opposite side of the building, this is my poor plan if waste boss some time to figure out the danger in the underneath.


















  If it takes much too heavy pressure of material on architecture(材質), how to prevent it from broken by earth-quake of enduring possibility, boss got to count it out, or it will be big mistake in the future, but may be it shall never come true, what kind of business can suffer such kind of post-modernism in de-constructional design? I know I am living in a garden-theory, that’s all, when I give it up to make reality free, I can escape from my most hatred math how and forever, all I wish is nobody get the seat of greedy boss.
  If two uni-corn-structure combine together, it will be a sand-losing(沙漏) installation, only department store does not need a inhabit boss, it will amounts with little eslite world, because most of the people cannot get over it, unless they seldom go there and believe it’s top is very saint place, just like Maya civilization in South-American, while it is an age filled with worriers and fighting virtue of scarify bloody, then after that is Aztec(阿茲特克) age which is horrible of patriarchy president(父權統治) to take over it. I must try hard to stop it, because I want a peace time ever after, but no reference with history over-come(歷史回歸), I am not agree with dieing again. In fact, it is both way of so-called round-trapezoid(圓形梯) which no place ever use it but similar as altar tower in mid-south-Asia(中南半島) symbolic history.
  My boss order me to do a short report on Polly this writer, how she study computer system since the year of 1990 period when software remain in window3.0, I answer him I have to request a holiday permit ion to report it, so he promised me to go ahead review on the past tense. I write down this way: in senior high school, computer teacher old king tells us the counting data in PC is out of two bytes of one and zero, although after that change into four, six, eight, twelve or thirty-two, but basically they are all pattern under one and zero, because some people count it by high standard to make large of data control for the purpose to save picture digit, but in his idea, everything are all kinds of 2bytes.
  Then Polly goes to female University where a female teacher teach the students how to do format action and save order, in order to start learning typing method, and she also ask us to do some creation if the typing practice is finished, so she try in a drawing way to design a small envelop which type a zazen poet on the zebra lines, and there is also a stamp place to mark, in this designing process, she sign on her school class and address of name and her Chinese name, which is the startle of lining thinking to modify if it is possible to draw each shapes for math and it is simple if ever after the package design is already ready for preparation of thinking how to do structure progressive recreation map, when at the same time every theory can be applied “At senior high school, teacher make a home-work, to make a simple digital song by the code of number, for he design a formula to do as the same, but when I key in my idea, but each data just vanished without a trace, so I lend some other student’s computer is just the same effect, so I quit and please my classmate event to type at home for me about a song of Christmas, because my sister’s computer seem to be fail for me to do it, and I don’t know why.”
  As she go to Fun-Jen University, typing class become a homework to type a independent theory report, and there is no regular in each line just spread equal to the final vocabulary, so sometimes we have to cut down words it is really not convenience, so she go to by a system of depending on sky(倚天), and type into a pretty theory just like a magazine or newspaper type, but the teacher is angry for this deed, and she tells her student to do as the same system of purely American style as other people do, maybe it is a rule order to obey the situation of American system, to let nobody surreal the pattern. Really don’t know if she past or not, so she quit for scholarship, and making literature page at her home under the Epson printing skills.
  Polly crazily doing on lots of self magazines, by various nicknamed to construct a field like magazine underground, she is in the experiments of now printing publish is so highly access into colorful world, so she goes to computer shops ask many people about how to save the software of window 3.0 novel of screen which is colorful showing, she buys a lot of suggestion disks of floppy, and go home test for herself without asking sister Diana, and she successly see the screen, but it suddenly disappeared, and she can’t tell why. After this jumping cross, she knows other people adopt this system in their own PC, but she can only use depending on sky(倚天) to do as black and white in design, maybe just because she has already believe in Buddhism that’s all.

  For ten years, she keeps on writing novels, and draw arts by handy, graphy, she is talent in the way of writing a lot like doing lectures on creational experience, at that time, 倚天has already rising from typing into various type of key in, such as 倉頡,密碼,注音,創字,易法…etc, but she use pronounce only and soon she gets several prizes of literature race, at the period she buys a note book of Canada brand to do long stories. After it broken down by the button loses its work on opening the screen, she sends it to Steve.
  So she buy another system named(麥金塔) but she cannot write email by this, or go to check, some data about writing, and she designs some name-cards and seals, then she really take them into reality curve materials, and she use the seal in calligraphy works.

But the system blow out one day when she decides to go to dragon temple of never coming back, at that time she finished some interpretation and transformation of religion theory such as monk’s biography, when she be pull back by family unproved order, she goes on the way when family buys a window 2000 system to use sharely, she goes to learn window XP after she contribute a lot works in literature email creation business, at last she gains a present of Asus note book from mother and Diana, where she can do after works of her establishment of two websites.
When some Email has manence intentions, she often be bothered by virus blackmail, she omit everyone but the computer is damaged into death, of no possible way to save it but just maybe resave or re-organized by new system, it is all due to data too much un-tolerate, when nobody knows how to zip pressure on it, but mother Birty gives her another two oldish machine of second hand to provide her studio by helping equipments, but she success on Bios when the system 2000 vanished suddenly without any reason, so strange when she thinks about first time she set a secret code of 2000, to try dialogue by A:> chatting system, she only wishes survive until year 2000, when it is only 1989 year of senior high school.
  Right now she want to buy a phonic reading software, to read lines through for order type of literature business, she decides to do publishment of her works all by herself in Literary studio, or is that possible to make sound track of reading novels, or to produce digital-books on webs, now she buys books of core draw, workstation, Win zip, but they are point of view in window3.0, somehow the pattern is similar with basic of formula collection(程式集) in office XP system, it’s for management usage, like Norton synthetic.
  And she invest three thousands money to send a auto-machine to organize her five-line PC of CTX brand, and also contact telephone on line, by a card within web system(網路卡), but after all the Singapore hard-disk is unsolvable by the teacher of phrontpage setup lecture (安裝課程). So she quit not to learn Flash lessons, but still works it out by the front of photo shop called little painter, which is more style-ish for her artist identify of creation, she also take it to draw calligraphic paintings on computer gif document.
  I want to give Aden a challenge topic, how can he save his wife company of Apple system, his wife is the highest feminist protector in the sky which named big freedom sky(大自在天), that he is lost far behind and cannot chase with her wisdom, but she gives up to save and risqué Apple institution.
  Austin leave the company without coming back from vacation in Bali-island, but goes to prepare a lot of information for applying higher scholarship in Hoffer University, she majors in scientific theory of Widely Cable(寬頻), she wipes away the tears of a short romance with Billy, and start all over again, she talks with Boss if he can let her working for Micro company by internet, and take salary to study on the academy degree, so she can live at the house which Billy’s parents leave to him, and go to school and search knowledge in the campus library.
  One day I walk on blocks of the street, and my big shipping bag in the left hand is bumped by a motorcycle, when I look back I saw the furry leg of Billy, and he carried a woman in his after seat, I shout out “how can you do this to me”, and feel a little jealous for his angry toward me, is doing on purpose to such ambiguous game show to me, I hate that so I decide to live in his house of two floors villa, and use my money to buy it and own it forever, until I find out the truth about his parents. At the same time, I sent a Email to Billy to ask him if he wants to enter Hoffer race score with me, I do this for challenge his bad temper, he always feel that I offend his dignity(倒裝句). This night, I take the missing mind go to sleep, put when I wake up, I find out my head is on the other side, it is the opposite place as I lay down on bad last night about three A.M after mid-night, I cannot tell what’s happening.

  After dark night, I wake up thinking about the puppy love between Billy and Austine, then I find out he is carrying his mother of white head cow, by his motorcycle in back seat, maybe he hasn’t find out the truth, how his mother is very popular in the POP music with long blond hair but her voice sounds like a widow, because his cow father always tries hard to do excellent career, to show that he can do as many intellective jobs as he can, in order to express superior than his wife, I think they are really best match, but somehow they miss the son away for he is not courage enough to bear the truth if he sense that will make him believe all his talent is not coming from saint heredity, but a little similar of private birth(), why can’t he just be prode of his parents and has no intention to force them separate by loving?
 Last night I seem to dream about his papa and mama, so worry about lose a property of house, so I dare to guess this simple truth that Billy is check by secrets of his parents, but he thought that female cow is falling in love with him, therefore he is a little dislike when people love his bestselling money, but not out of friendship of knowing how his world is in need of opening relationship of public advantage, he wants everybody love to be his fans, but he can at the same time keeps decent on his ambition of business, that’s why he choose a major on talkive D.J. skills of Chinese interpretation.
 My conerrience about his blood heritage is that even Billy does not stop romance by his parents he still feels centerism of man on the consciousness, that he hate the way Austine observes.

  My Chinese name is related with Lotus sutra, which tells “turning on the ground”(婉轉於地) means talane-door(陀羅尼門) in the way of spinning wisdom, it is preaching on people never give up on thinking for trouble and bothers of worry to be solved, there are one (百八)hundred and eight numbers accounting as a link of sonnet-bangle(素珠), and the four round of glass-ball is symbols of various name of Buddha they are hints of always (常), happy(樂), id(我), clean(淨), I take these concrete ideas go to internet coffee shops, and be a member of honor card, so I can use sharing computer to open Emails.
  Tonight the moon still does not shine here, but Barby says that she is interesting to check about zazen history during universe-many empirior, so she drive her golden car to find Boss, and plans to engage and enengate with his body, last time he talks about invest coast city of pacific ocean such as Hong Kong, Shanghai-Taipei, triple city, San Francisco, Tokyo, the Boss is so happy because this is all he has been waiting for, she is high IQ and a very rich woman of same age, and she is heavenly sexy to make him cannot help breathing.
  For my own sake, I wash my eyes brightly to be voyage in tonight when high-tide of novel is going to happen, I am Polly Woo, I will take a risk to record every motion they make love together, if I don’t write down this way, I will be a immature novelist who is reckless of erotic awareness.
  It goes without saying that negotiation is humid, when boss hurried willing to see Barby, but she hesitates to go or not to go, until the time of twelve o’clock in mid-night, he rest on the sofa, wondering if Polly can pass the authority of publishment to express two collections of literature, and accomplish her idealism of majoring on writing.
  Last night I dream about the real historic know-one-lot, he is angry that I write down his sexuality as a beverage of Japanese drink for easy digestion(養樂多), he shouts to me: You do this shameful to scandle me, how can you cheat lowdown like this? Then he leaves my house, I can’t tell him because his cousin-brother Aden writes a biography about him at the age of 1990-more year, including Aden himself on the representation of mathematics. Although my novel being looked down, but Aden find it cut to read over the secrets, and I am the only one who insists on liberation of woman should awaken by herself, but not be helped by her partner, I want to tell him: “honey don’t be angry, because you are more stuff than I do, and you do have a glorious history to be honored, but I am just to subordinate female.”
  Barby has blood tide this month, so she does not visit boss, and he press a biography about he marriage a university classmate and bare a girl baby, Anny, Barby is warning him never become a Rodin in history again, and she is one hundred rich than the boss, so she keep alarm on her mind that never he cached by boss install camera on his office.

Kent use Nikon collects a lot of insects, but the camera was broken into pieces by Polly, and the effects are accidentally exhibitions come out on gallery that he use to refuse showing menace kind of works, and what he does not really expect will continue spring on showbiz, as he does not know how he use a Nikon exchanged from Polly, which is used by his father on the recording engineering water(水庫) reservoir of stone-Gate, so he use in a strange bath that he never understand, that is so much a like a cruce construct a eight-angle shape (?), the power is big spring. 大瀑布
  That day Polly goes to have a English lesson on four kids, when they finish homework, they go to Harry Porter Website, playing a video game of unicorn with wings, six-angle (?) as a round ground of route and orbit, when one saint horse disappeared, some other one must take over, to fulfill the place then the flying road is shape of log (凹或凸的弧形) semi-shape, which showing the importance of thinking method of religion.
  I hope <Harry porter >movie(Ⅲ) ends like this, the girl course he into a stone statue sculpture, and hold the sword of anther king penetrates into his heart, and tell him “Lion King, don’t you know you have hurt my heart for several generation, my heart is broken and you want to kiss me in this movie.” But I haven’t seen this movie, and plan to lend collection DVD from one to three, watching at home, so that I can review important scene by note-book.

That girl Hager maybe says that: “I hope you stop your actor life and go back to school, because I don’t want to waste time around here, I want diploma of reality, and don’t force me go to everyone actress blow mind in any continuous movie that you still want to participate, I wish you wake up this moment, because be your wife takes mature to do it.” If each movie she goes between to tell his girl-friend that “you get away, he is mine,” what will the plot proceeds by jealous game, while Hager is not such kind of girl, but she can perform for movie.
  Last night, I feel the blue ring of three marks of King Kong-pestle(金剛杵), because it is a little tickle sweat, so I put it on the bad and go on with my sleep, the mark in Tibet means the way King(王) of Chinese vocabulary signs, and it symbolize to keep the majesty honor in the world, despite of difficulty off your strong willing, you still need to hold on the precious believe to control the welfare in the society. But I don’t see if know-one-lot take away hymen (處女膜) of my body and treat me backwards badly. I do his erotic research just for purpose to stop his threaten on me, because I dislike numbers Flock together under the situation of totally massive up.
  Even I cry for the lion family, what if I am not really a original female lion, but pretending tiger characteristic of monster, a drag queen, in the forest, the lion watches his wife use tongue to be intimate her kids with beloved affection, but this stubborn cluck thinks it is what she should do as a best mother, and forget to give his fatherhood, so one day he is shouted by hunter gun comes from American killers, they want to lock him into the National zoo, and separate his family and power of being forever a loader of hundreds animals. He never know what will become when a king escape from palace, his citizens will panic for some kind of comrade homo-sexuality conflicts, because nobody can be his substitute of duty, I know he feel anarchy in government castle, but he lost all he is persuading for just be heavenly doom and birth giving under god-gift highly prize, and his queen feel the same tired of being such a labor equality of ordinary people of not noble. So she takes her son get away of African, nobody knows what if they become another style of kingdom representation, or where they strive for nobility.
  Sadness moody not only makes me cry a lot of tears, but I also pick up the dynamic microphone of KoKa brand, I sing the boyzone songs, just to celebrate myself that I still have some sentimental to shade. I thought in him mind futurism, he never wish to meet me in any case of compromise again, but Billy sets apart to the <Golden Note> to see how Austine keeps a good will family for him, and also do a fantastic employee in the communist company, his husband complain about "All you can do just take care of all these middle-class properties and make good love with me." Or what else does he need? I guess he does not know how Austine prepared to support his parent, to give her fidelity of being a son's wife(媳婦) or daughter-in-law, then this novel will become Utopia for husband is absent.

  There is a advertise announced that who-no-pan professor request a research report on the noble prize of literature winner Toni-Morrison, while I write down report on Doris-Lessing's <The Golden Notebook> on the opposite, but when I go to library to check on web search, I found Toni write a book called <Tar Baby> describe a black woman act like a model of white culture, maybe she is a hybrid blood of black and white, but nobody interprets on this English novel into Chinese.
  I have thirty minutes to do web activities, so I use left time to check out girlfriend of know-one-lot, he use a nickname of it, and she is a daughter of banker father, in her novel of <white golden card> she reveals her upper class dignity being examed by the political censorship of doctor thanks, when he force her to clothe off into nudity, to see if her husband excise is such a positive one to influence her suffer like a shortage of blood, but she is probably being killed by this secret policeman, so she dies young in twenty-eight by a gun shout.
  As time trace back to Polly Woo reading at the tess bookstore walkside, she buy the book of <Romance of red ground> and read word by word until finished the whole book, while she does not sense herself used to be banish to do labor on the opposite, because of her background of capitalized class, she attend the editing work on important newspaper and magazines and she hasn't got her father's perdition to be one female banker, but accidentally died for communities. She is the only one young student of university who shows up her participation of May, fourth revolution, in the way of radical pioneer practice.
  The library is filled up with happiness of community people, most of the students use the holiday time of Saturday to read their textbooks, other matures choose one past time newspaper, of each one's own, to make laugh at how stupid this political power is foolish by struggle attitude of self-contradiction, so those who does not in agree with political are so happy to enjoy their peace of family morality and ordinary lifes. The photos are uglified and reports seldom tell the real truth, those writers or important people, are even being badly pronounced as fination of die by strange causes that I never believe anyone is really finished their working life, but a lie of fake report, too many lousy jokes to set traps.
  Then I dream about boss, he has a marriage at home to take charge, but he wants to give up, because they don't care about to help his co-operation of company institution, they act like a plate of sands, and go to do their own interest, but I can't do anything because I am almost being quit from his Micro organization banking.

我的履歷表以及未發表作品:(2004/6/25) 電話: (02)29301354, (02)29344807, (cellphone) 0922-700-813
吳菀菱 庚戊年生 女性 射手座 藝名龍形菀 筆名言葉 法號義命 年三十四 未婚 專職作家 A型
(WU-WAN-LING),別號POLLY WOO, 筆名言葉, 一九七零十一月二十六日出生於台灣省台南市, 身高一百六十七公分, 體重五十五公斤, 籍貫府城東川, 國籍為中華民國R.O.C, 女性,未婚,永久住址在台北縣24160三重市成功里二十鄰成功路四十二號十七樓之一, 台北威尼斯社區A棟, 現在為文學創作的自由作家, 興趣有茶道,書法,出版事業, 現籍貫為台灣省台南市 於博愛醫院誕生 學歷最高為私立靜宜女大和輔仁大學英文系肄業 現在為 “台灣e文藝”文學刊物的社員 1990-2002年創辦<甜甜圈>虛擬地下期刊, 電子信箱5polly@yahoo.com.tw ,目前為極光圈工作室的專業作家及負責人,擅長於文學作品之寫研技巧與實驗, <海鷗詩刊>和<漢詩實驗>的基本社員以及案頭設計者,在各副刊發表過上百篇文章,主要的個人創作資料詳見明日報個人新聞台<言葉的文學城堡>網站以及<吳菀菱的文學城堡>網站。
個人網頁 www.geocities.com/5polly/index.htm
文學網址 http://mypaper5.pchome.com.tw/news/5polly/


台北市115南港區研究院路二段130號 中央研究院歐美研究所 何文敬教授收(whco@sinica.edu.tw)
論文題目:研究多麗斯萊辛的 “金色筆記” 小說: “南非共享事業中的階段意識與性別差異”500字
“Thesis Title”: “Study on Doris Lessing long novel<The-Golden-Notebook>”
Subtitle: “The status identification and gender indifference in south African sharing business” (What is the best politic white book bing practiced in Afric)
英文摘要(English summery): it is about how maxism working on Africa, as the American is watching over the british government used to practice colonism on south African, so the main actress stands for middle class family, as she does as a very good house keeper, at the same time a talent company employee in that president system, to show that no matter how suffer difficulty in politic weather, wife and husband can be trust to each other, but the husband refuse and retire from such atmosphere, therefore he give up the marriage and leave her away, their kid is symbolized as an independent infant of the note that nobody can see through as a drama audience, she keeps the order of traditional duty but her husband feel a little like working robot in their marriage, he complain in a way of treating wife as a clone machine, but cannot belove his kids, that is similar with wondering if the foreign country can goes without private advantage but simply love his sons, when the wife tells her friends of scandal kiss on the front of car, that she never fall in love with anyone outside her marriage, but they just laugh at her conventional mind, she is hurt as her husband Denys her perfect deeds in daily life, while she keeps on write note of her unsolvable dream, for she does not know that her husband is as mirror thoughts of her deep surrealism, just like black is mirror world of pure white, as European civilization versus African shadow, and a Russia is big influence of china, as to be a enemy of American mirror, if all her husband want is a world without a shadow then he is the interruption Zen of a golden book, like bible or sutra really being read through by a serious monk, if they can achieve consensus about how to rule a gulf of dialogues in communication, this is a huge success to get a noble peace prize, such as the winner of famous president of south Africa but they do not firmly divorced, and she knows that he stay in marriage for never a contract of co-operation, but train, a institution of share like taking a bus ride, people sit seats of the same level but standard never Equal, he escape to be by a motorcycle in homeless place, in any possible case that transformations only for hiding from his wife this regular temper female job, somehow he is willing to be free under a secret of privacy, but his wife is like a popular handle that he cannot tolerate standing still, so he got to buy a car of riding of his own, in order to reduce his frustration from a meeting every day with his may be dear favorite partner in law, slave is the opposite of labor out of one’s willingness, while liberation means someone under suppressive authority, but strive hard to fight against the pressure into discovery depart is in another way of being again falling into the sky cloud of British colonist, all he can run is desert of north Africa, where is still under the ruling pattern of opposite in England, that is French colonism because they do not have a system of language to save and apply, one mother country should not lose its mother language, just like her husband should not let his kids lose memory of motherhood, and he cannot make his fatherhood empty to let his heritage miss in their road of pursuit truth about parent, in this place, it is patriarchy which strongly build up the consciousness of patrism for birth in this country landscape, wander is prode in American idea, but the whole world as a village is not sum of basicly a combination of time and space, only existism can take charge of political regard without any pushing help of other country no matter how strong they are, never fancy on how excellent it is that can change this poverty of poor shortage of materialism, this two partner is essence of logic thinker in the same roll of life, of course conflicts springs, if they do not rewrite or write together to produce of best education book for their afterlife and next generations, so how can they become eternity of ground triangle pyramid? In eastern and oriental way of thinking, golden note means the sonnet of Buddha’s name represents for sutra out of a imperfection of over reading but a texture structure of pad note book, in this opinion of belief, it means a woman cannot openly do writing something besides her husband, but must be aware of that marriage is of a suitable test of communist and a sharing constitution of property between husband and wife, in the politic universe, only noble, land master, official, and middle class jobs of culture, can to regain their private owning in historical manufacture plot, which is non-property people so wanting to blow it all away without a trace, if any of them are originally upper class, but encounter with one bank-rupt, it is recognize the salary account, weather wife earns much more than her husband or not, in financial ideals, male’s wings, and they cannot go back to the situations of body and soul being phantenized by the sweet convenience of a colonism from religion of Buddhism and parallel christen, because he does not like to stress under the order of a altar at home, it will make his family twist or misleading from the nature of home, in this novel, politics strategy supposed as a homeless retreat, it is meta-physic teaching to perform as you do believe and never get to betray on your flesh and blood, especially how to prevent the black blood births from outcome, in Morrison thought, love is some shining powders into record, it takes Buddhism philosophy to lecture as a word system to allegory those marriage people, whose attitudes is care the feeling of each other or not, as to the field of the government consider how his citizens react on the politic of concrete practice in this vivid society, but not be a dead fist of no self improvement, and scold on those who can breathe freely on the torcher of free romance, when his wife knows just how to change humanity into Buddha essence in mind, he misunderstands that refugee is dangerous if leader does not do this project but pronounce another document, therefore the policy become a pieces of drops, only ladder of conscious can awaken someone to think of the question of belongings moreover, her husband thinks that her patient feel of slave blood is not obey the Buddhist rule of giving kindness, she works for nothing but a communist ideology, while whole races differ a lot in each kind of cultural practice, it is not the responsibility to take care of anything outside his home, and she does not even care about what a business is he doing, so she never change the silent usual to him, who is a working alcoholic that keeps files in his white male centrism brain,
(first, representation of culture- post-modernism culture)
In the progress of this wife, she acts as a new mode of career in sub-culture city, because where she lives is a colorful of post-modernism, and she really enter the inner building to do some works of pioneer detective, she is a typical of digging thing going on their order of should be, in religion it means understand the cause and effect in the taking into motion, it is not easy to find out every complex in her husband mind,
(second, subordination of politics-independent after colon)
This novel prologue the glorious of independent possibility on the quick future coming true, as the new leader insists on the sexism and racism should not live on, then there is equal status between black and white blood model of personality, there are many un-important roles in the background, but it is a hint that people underneath the pattern of communism is very close to the falling of mix up by the silly ruling power, a fantastic authority should guide a sun shine path for all at once lead to welfare of useful energation in untied party,
(third, esthetic group or the race-various races gathering)
All above golden principles in south Africa, the most heavy burden is every one conscious their need of safety, not only oneself but their family, how come this partner just do not go find relatives to rely on, I guess it is because they are the standard promotion who past the agreement of passport, so they have no body to depend on or to count on, but divorce, separation is the beginning way of single thinking, it makes a man feel like a giant in the stage of intellecture and mental.
(Fourth, status of society devices-in middle class socialism)
This marriage constructs for American belief of eslite ideal, they must be engaged in the America continent of the united state, despite of the narrative of non-fiction plot, they are in the similar place of where they inhabit origionally, bet her husband turns out to be a loose on the rolling of image of a excellent American citizen, so he goes to wander landscapes on new society, as an utopia system of never looking back, he is a soul of easily changing mind if not praised by the society,
(Fifth, quarrel about gender sense-babysiter mother-hood)
At the period when wife do every house business such as wash clothes and clean floors by dustsucking maching, she is able to handle every decent service just to make husband love their home, but finally she decides to go out work as an new tide of women do in that fashional time, so she has to pay hire a baby-siter to take care her new born baby, as she is on day time working, after work hour is over it is her duty to carry her baby go back home for family gather time to share warm, she does for loving her husband, but he dislikes the formula.
Where is 6?
(Seventh, oral vocabulary learning-a linguistic of Negros)
In the recreation of black people’s language, they use word of poly meanings that some dementions lead to shrinking of spells which they can communicate as a dialectic of hybrids, because the langue is used for some kinds of hidden truth, so it shows the indifference in the enlength of telling literary of irony or metaphor of sarcasm with a temptation of mix up to let the listener misunderstand, and to make word in word but not the deep worth in classic pronunciation in English, for the various systems of European is to produce colonists feel not the same cultural ideology, so Negros intent to go reading like a fooling around, but in the other way it does in refer to as sadden meanings to throw away in foolish regard.





<一> the duty of morality a woman should practice in feminism performance of action both in conscious and subconscious, to be the double ten rule of feminism in morality
(1) Trilogy of sex, eros and birth
(2) The moral of mothernity
(3) The believe in marriage
(4) The labor of family business
(5) The substitute if babysit
(6) Business woman duty
(7) Three kinds of karmas
(8) The falling of bodhisattva
(9) The economy of feminism
(10) Educate to next generation
<二> ten system of linguistic pattern of writing theory out of the Germany structurism of Chomsky formula on traditional language, which is basic of postmodernism sphere
<三> 女性文學與布爾喬亞的沈思
(Female literature and the thoughts of middle class)

<Chapter Three: On Tology Sky Hood>
93.6.24 P.1
  There are different post-modern structure which are built by thirty-three sky presidents, it is truly the only way to live in reality capitalism, and control the constructure of a company organization, each one is original design on their political belief, which is complicated in the combination of independent architect Business Sky is survived by means of institute shape. I think that Buddhism is ontology of banking point of numbers(銀行指數型), while the other leaders believe their own convenience without telling employees what is going on under the ruler's philosophy of computer science.
  It takes detail thinking as one works by cards to enter this institution and get a seat of payment status, each boss has highest smart structure map, not only the outside shape of structure building, but also the illustrate virtualized shadow portion, the former is for steady resist, while the later is for all principles to keep on order, so much like a book of leading a team groups.
  The boss shows me that he stays in the Italia fairy tale of Slate Pizza Tower, which built without walls, but a structure of spiritual symbol, but no any inhabits feel dangerous for fear of dropping down from that space opening like a glass installing there, only flying can be a way out of the Babel story, does he really want second marriage to solve such reality, I wonder but without any willing to refuse his purchase, so we have sex deeds over there and nobody is jealous to stop this complex.
93.6.27 P.2
  If woman is not pressed by social hurts, but path about how to solve their own frustration by feminism, then there are Lacan and Roland Barthe create theory for women as a hole to join into pure patriarchy linguistic world when sexuality penetrate into male's centrism, freedom comes to resque the conflicts of eros inside their body and mind, in Buddhism's preach, it is a attach with the law which allowed woman to be a active Bodhisattva. It is simplified when man is one this code while woman is zero degree, then everything is rearranged by births of woman's human nature, it is center mark of mathatics.
  At the same time, big S is signifer for none-private love, which makes small S become signified by the meaning of minor morality, they are so-called big-ride versus small-ride in the micro-vision of Buddhism, while huge-version is for the contribution of becoming a true Buddha is the earth, no selfish can take over his eternal attitude of justice, when the profit is beyond raising children of one's own, it is the real charity of world-wide Mothernity should be.
  For the goodness of my teaching English writing, I write down ten pages of grammar on penal creation. It is all about how to organize a paper of article, in order to learn the skills of writing various kind of genre, such as poem, novel, diary, drama, biography, news, or interpretation, thesis, document, formula column(社論) and so on, because it is the beginning to combine a book by hand-writing, every materials come from brain.

93.6.23 P.1
Simply easy English Grammar Texture:
 2.完成式(have V.+ed)

1.名詞(Noun/s): 單數,複數
2.動詞(Verb): 三型
3.介詞(conjunct): as, to, in, on, of, with
4.形容詞(adject): +ical, +ive, +ful
5.副詞(adverb): +ly
6.助詞(Assist): will, shall, may, ought 

 en-     in-(使得)
 dis-    de-(反義)
 pre-  fore-(之前)
 as-     es-(形成)
 +ion    +ure (結果)
 -hood  -dom (境況)
 -ate    -et  (成為)
 -er     -or  (人物)
 -ier    -ior  (比較)  

   1. 介系詞開始: (At, In, Within, On, AS, all)
   2. 詢問詞發語: (when, which, who, what, why)
   3. 人稱詞說起: (I, you, he, she, they, we, some)
   4. 指稱詞說明: (This, That, those, these, The)  

   1. 背誦俗成:
in order to
get rid of
out of order
by means of
   2. 動詞成語:
     1) +out (find out)
     2) +in  (stock in)
     3) +on  (go on)
     4) +up  (stand up)   

   子音(consonant)-母音(vowel) a,e,i,o,u

93.6.24 P.2
Prologue <My purpose of teaching method: > Polly
  In order to let children learn English with a path of thinking pattern, I will teach how difference are excising in the Literature world, the polar opposite for comparicent(二元對比) is the basic way to recognize this linguistic theory which is useful in educational sphere of lecture.
  It is very important in post-modern writing theories, which narrative is various by several philosophy creators, they hold that language is a system made by thesis idea, such as semiology, auto-graphic, or decode-structurism, dream-work liguistics, anthropalogy, complex, ideology, nitzphensia phenomenism, pathepsycology-anylaze, literary, recycle, computer-futurism, and so on.
  Therefore, I need to have a simple introduction about how linguistic concludes in five basic rules: (1)phonetics發音/phonology音學 (2)Morphology字意/ Semantics語意 (3)writing/ reading (4)Syntax句型/ transformation翻譯 (5)Syllables韻腳/ Luric ??.
  Above are my judgment on literary modes, I believe that all western language including European, English, south-Asia, and Russian, Mid-East countries, are all under the same theory structure of their own.

93.6.27 P.3
Mimeography <Spectrum of colors>光譜
(1) Rainbow structure: (color ring色環)

紅 red  dark blue: Indigo靛藍
橙 orange light blue: Sapphire blue寶石
黃 yellow cloudy blue: Sky blue
綠 green navy blue: Vitriol blue礬
藍 blue pure blue: Basic blue原色藍
靛 Carbine-Blue canyon blue: Celadon blue青瓷
紫 purple grey blue: Bitmap blue灰階
 ocean blue: Alga blue藍綠藻


(2) Light structure:
red Optics 光學 ☆RGB是由三稜鏡光譜造成的顏色
C(canyon blue)淺藍 

(3) CMYK(Shadow color structure):顏料





93.6.27 P.4
<A lecture on comparison degree>
(1) In reality: (polar or binary laws)
(一)Polar degree: (兩極化) helf-way
1. Long/ short
2. High/ low
3. Up/ down
4. Far/ near
5. Dirty/ clean
6. Inner/outside
(二)Binary degree: (二元對立) extreme
1. Climb/ fall
2. Regain/ lose
3. Thin/ thick
4. Surface/ deep
5. Left/ right
6. Build/ ruin

(2) Matephysic: (gradrual or more/ less)
(一) gradrual degree:(遞逐式的思考形態)
1. Most-secondary-lest
2. Pre-contemporary- meta
3. In- between- out
4. No/ none/ not
5. On/ during/ off
6. War/ neutral/ peace
(二) More or less degree:(mathematics)   比較級
1. Reduce/ addition
2. Little/ large
3. Minor/ larger
4. Small/ big
5. Micro/ huge
6. Expand/ shrink



(3) Middle class(degree of triology): 三位一體
(一) Medium degree: (中介形)黑格尔式三一律
1. Upper/ middle/ lowest
2. Title/ subordinate/ final
3. Front/ center/ last
4. Boy/ inter/ girl
5. Show/ media/ vanish
6. Time/ among/ space
(二) Triangle structure: (三角結構)→pyramid 金字塔
1. Father- son- grandson
2. Mother-daughter- grand-daughter


(4) Cross Structure: (十字路口) counter-

93.6.27 P.5
<Super-Natural imaginate on language>
(1) Natural/ magic: (dream or fanaticize)想像境
1.distingurish- 辨別 6.organization- 組織
2.dialectic- 辯證 7.arrangement- 分配
3.similarity- 近似 8.combination- 整合
4.comparison- 類比 9.devision- 區分
5.analyzation- 分析 10.seperaton- 分別

(2) Sur-realism: (think of condensation)領悟
1. Physical/ Psychic - 6. disguise/ Truth
2. Object/ Subject - 7. centrism/ Margine
3. Signifer/ Signified - 8. relate/ Denial
4. Conscious/ Subconscious - 9. represent/ Phantize
5. Difference/ Consencus - 10. reality/ Dream


(3) Post-Modernism: (displacement of deed)
1.de-/ ex-/ trans- 6.mulit-/ post-/ meta-
2.su-/ re-/ dis- 7.en-/ in-/ an-
3.homo-/ hypo- /neuter- 8.sur-/ super-/ trans-
4.main-/ mid-/ sub- 9.above-/ beneath/ below-
5.con-/ decode-/ super- 10.and-/ or-/ with-

(4) Super-structureism: (consideration of figure)
夢的書寫文法  語意 語法
 Language  Similarity 相似 Contiguity 相近
 Speech-act Selection 選擇 Combination 整合
 Trope Metaphor 譬喻 Metonymy 轉譯詞
 Genre Poetry 詩 Prose 散文
 School  Symbolism 象徵 Realism 寫實主義

(5) Mirror-image:
Agrammatic (雙向的)      paradigmatic      systematic

<English Literature Genre of books>
(1) Prose:(散文體)
1. Theory(論述) —Roland Barthe 羅蘭巴特
2. conscious-stream (意識流) —Virginia Woolf 吳爾芙
3. book-critic(書評) —Jorge Luis Borges 波赫士
4. column (專欄) —Albert Camus卡謬
5. describe(敘述文) — Marcel Proust普魯斯特
(2) Biography:(傳記體)
1. Narrative(自傳) —Saint Augustine奧古斯丁
2. Bibliography(紀傳體) —Sigmund Freud佛洛伊德
3. Period-history(斷代史) —Charles Darwin達爾文
4. Documentary(他/杜?撰) —Charles Dickens狄更斯
5. Anecdote(軼事) —Geoffrey Chancer 喬叟
(3) Poem:(詩體)
1. Epic(史詩) —Homer 荷馬Virgil維吉爾
2. Sonnet(十四行詩) —Shelly Bysshe雪萊
3. Lyric(韻律詩) —Wordsworth 華滋華斯
4. New poem(現代詩) —Walt Whitman惠特曼
5. Sutra(經偈) —Lotus Sutra(法華經)
(4) Novel:(小說體)
1. Non-fiction(杜撰小說) —James Joyce喬艾斯
2. Fable(fairy tale) —John Milton米爾頓
3. Drama(劇本) —Shakespeare, William莎士比亞
4. Dialogue-novel (對話小說) —Shaw Bernard蕭伯納
5. Reasoning (推理小說) —Science fiction
(5) Reporting Journalist(報導文學類): News
(6) Interpretation:(翻譯學)

93.6.27 P.7
(一)<English writing skills and techniques>
(1)發現discovery- find, out, research, dig truth
(2)提問questionnaire- wonder, doubt, ask, argue
(3)說明explanation- say, alter, discourse, explain
(4)觀察observation- watch, see, check, investigate
(5)推理inference-reason, ration, associate, imagine
(6)描敘describnation- narrative, telling, announce
(7)修辭rhetoric- paragraph, revision, dispatch
(8)結論conclusion- ending, final, finish, result
(9)情節circumstance- plot, story, progress, intense
(10)判斷judgment- think, analyze, test, experiment

(二)Psycho-analyze in applying of Literature:
1 Id (eology)本我 1 pre-conscious(前意識) 
觀照般若(watching):   身(Body):六根(Root) 
   (1)末那識: objective   (1)眼eye   (4)舌tongue
   (2)阿賴耶誠: subjective   (2)耳ear   (5)身flesh &Bone
   (3)如來識: rationalism    (3)鼻nose   (6)意means
2 ego(原我) 2 consciousness(意識流) 
  文字般若(Letter):   口(Mouth):六境(hood) 
   (1)空喻: emptiness-analogy   (1)觀see   (4)嘗taste
   (2)假喻: pseudo-analogy   (2)音hear   (5)解tough
   (3)中喻:middle-analogy   (3)味smell    (6)念opinion
3 super-ego(超我) 3 sub-conscious(潛意識) 
  實相般若(Reality):   意(intension):六識(sense) 
   (1)先驗priorism   (1)色eros   (4)行action
   (2)詮釋annotation   (2)受take   (5)識know
   (3)後設matephysic   (3)想think   (6)心mind
4 none-me(非我) 4 unconscious(非意識)
  觀世因(cause and effect) 

ESL-composition- profile- criteria P.8
方法學<Paragraph index of construction>
(1) 段落大意(vocabulary)從大綱之用詞開始寫
Excellent (1)sophisticated arrange (2)effective words (3)word form mastery (4)appropriate register
Average (1)adequate range (2)occasional errors (3)usage of meaning not obscured 
Fair (1)limited range (2)frequent errors (3)meaning confused or obscured (4) idiom form
Poor (1)essentially translation (2)little knowledge of English vocabulary (3)or not enough to evaluate 
paragraphics (1)organization is fine (2)style of narrative is reasonable (3)easy words of difficult 

(2) 組織理念(organization)的結構:
Excellent (1)fluent expression (2)ideas clearly stated (3)supported succinct
 (4)well organized (5)logical sequencing (6)conensive
 (7)good hand-writing  
Average (1)somewhat choppy (2)loosely organized (3)limited support
 (4)incomplete sequencing  
Fair (1)non-fluent (2)ideas confused or disconnected (3)lacks logical sequencing and development
Poor (1)does not communicate (2)no or less organization  (3)not enough to evaluate

(3) 內容條列(content)的涵義:
Excellent (1)knowledgeable (2)substantive 
 (3)Thorough development of thesis (4)Relevant to assigned topic 
Average (1)some knowledge of subject (2)adequate range 
 (3)limited development (4)mostly relevant topic but lacks details 
Fair (1)limit knowledge (2)little substance (3)inadequate
Poor (1)show no subjects (2)non-substantive 
 (3)impertiment (4)non-evaluation 

(4) 重點敘述(language-use)
Excellent (1)effective complex constructions (2)few errors of agreement tense, word, function 
Average (1)effective but simple constructions (2)minor problems in complex constructions 
 (3)several errors of agreement  (4)word order function 
 (5)articles prepositions but meaning obscured  
Fair (1)major problem in-construction (2)frequent errors of negation (3)article pronounce prepositions
Poor (1)virtually no master logics (2)dominated by errors 
 (3)uncommu-nicated (4)non-evaluate 

(5) 起承轉合(machanics)的機制:
(1)Demonstrate conventions
(2)Spelling punctuation

93.6.27 P.9
用喻 <What are metaphors usage of dialect>
(1)Such AS(明喻): something apparent to see through 
 1)明喻 simile  6)觀視 perspective
 2)原型 prototype  7)獨白 monologue
 3)元型 archetype  8)默劇 skit humor
 4)實證 positive  9)客觀 objective
 5)投射 correlative 10)泛論 Pan-thesis
(2)Be Alike(意喻):use a description to define it 
 1)對仗 parallel   6)喜劇 comedy
 2)偶韻 rhyme  7)悲劇 tragedy
 3)對句 couplet  8)印象 impression
 4)聯覺 synesthesia  9)知道intellectual
 5)格律meter 10)誨世pedagogical
(3)Is similar to(比喻):looks as the same in essence 
 1)隱喻metaphor  6)多態polymorphism
 2)奇喻conceit  7)形上metaphysical
 3)寓說allegory  8)神話mythology
 4)譬喻parable  9)先驗transcendent
 5)象徵symbol 10)逼真verism
(4)Sounds like(譬喻):feel something with rerating plot 
 1)反襯irony   6)諧擬burlesque
 2)反諷parody  7)擬聲onomatopoeia
 3)擬諷sarcasm  8)擬人persona
 4)諷刺satire  9)摸擬imitation(mimesis)
 5)嘲諷 10)戲仿mock
(5)Seem to be(暗喻):sense the image indirectly made 
(6)feel like(轉喻):a situation or atmosphere within 

93.6.27 P.10
<Recognize the purpose of writing>
(1) 前奏(起):prolong-display (choose writing mode)
a) Denouement結局
b) Exposition詳述,解說
c) Peripet’eia情節突變
d) Confessional懺悔身白
e) Exemplum精華範本

(2) 變奏(承):meta-morphosis (order of novella)
a) Flash back倒敘
b) Interlude插敘
c) Narrative直敘
d) Refrain覆敘(疊句)
e) Hidden-pen舖敘(伏筆)

(3) 合奏(轉):chorus-installation(figures of speech)
a) Paradox似是而非
b) Oxymoron矛盾修飾法
c) Hyperbole誇張法
d) Synecdoche提喻舉隅法
e) Pun雙關語(poly-多關)

(4) 曲奏(合):compose of works(gene alogy write)系譜
a) Conflict衝突
b) Crisis危機
c) Climax高潮
d) Catharsis淨化
e) Parabasis迂迴

(5) 結奏(終):the ending (to make a classic)
Use for the purpose of reading recycle in decision.



Happy Childhood
  Today I saw two primary school students play vividly in the green grass with some tall trees. They must have just finished a school day and come to take a rest and play in the little woods.
  At last the two children carried their book-bags and run away to take buses home. I envy their happiness and purity, and I miss a lot of my childhood days. I really can't easily believe that I grow up safely without great accidents, though sometimes I get frustrations and difficulties of my life.
  I admit that childhood is the best and sweetest time of one's life. I wish I can turn back time to memorize and enjoy every details of my childhood.
  Now I have become a youth, and the laughter’s and tears of childhood had gone with the wind, and how I have many other things to learn and to feel, but the pure feelings will never come back I know for quite sure.

A Visit to library
  Recently I went to the National Central Library to find some information about historical events that I concerned much about.
I wanted to read from the newspaper reports, or comments to be more aware of some happenings that are influential to our modern society and history.
  This was the first time I learned to use a shrinking-film machine, all the newspapers were taken by a camera, when you felt like to find data from certain-dated newspaper, you could use this kind of machine to make it. It saves people muddy precious times, but it's abmiwhat'y inconvenient for me to use because I haven't got acquainted with the machine yet.
  The librarian of the reference room told me that I am the first one that have used this machine. It was a great surprise to me because the government spent so much money to buy in such a useful machine tale lie few people knew ???? just it.
I can imagine how many public
Equipments are seldom used or over-used. So let's try to be a good citizen to make every use of anything that the government set up for us.

The children of the Moon
  About two weeks ago, there was a record film played on the department of Art. It was a short record about people who were born with white hairs, white from heads to toes. In fact it's a kind of physical illness and very few people would be so "lucky" to be born with such. Although they, who got this disease unexpectedly, were as clever as normal people without spoiled intelligence, sometimes misunderstandings from people were main causes of discrimination and strange sights. Their only weakness was frail sight power, but this should not be excuses for some people to take their living and working opportunities away.
  That was Wednesday afternoon, many people came to watch the film with sincere care. After the film, the director of this documentary started to talk about procedure of doing this work and some thoughts about the problem.
  The director completed this short film with quite low capitals but rather much time and efforts. This is a new tempt nowadays in Taiwan Movie world. I think that this is a quite.

impressive and movable work because it is based on true living stories and daily dialogues. At least, I think this kind of experiment is worth trying and is encourageable.

A warmly dinner
  One day after classes I went to visit my friends in the evening. They cooked so delicious a dinner for me that I was very thankful and appreciate for their warmly friendship.
  I was so excited when I saw many books there, and I borrowed two to three ones from her. We have a chat about western socialism and socialists. From this small chat I got advanced ideas and knowledge from her explanation and judgment.
  During dinner time, I started to ask something of their past and experience so as to know how to arrange my lives and at the same time to get more acquaintance with them. This was a meaningful gathering for me because I found some ways of living and I might be less lost in growing and learning.
  They were so kind to support my empty stomach and mind. How nice to have a chat with friends!

  Recently I read some information about "feminism". The awakening of women rights can be traced back to 17th century. Owing to the reasoning thoughts' affect, females believed that all men and women were of equal intelligence, they also asked for setting of schools for girls to have the same course trainings as boys.
  It was late 18th century when revolutions exploded in American and French that they started to ask for political rights and at the same time developed "feminism" thoughts and political thesis.
  The mother of feminism activities was Lucretia Mott. It was a great growing for feminism activity groups to participate with social charity business, such as fighting for bitches' right, social status, forbidding drinking, and releasing slavery.
  The feminism was for a period of time no more actively proceeding. It was till 1968 that women started to pursue their right again. But in Taiwan we are still in the action of stepping the first foot, that is to say, feminism thoughts are not widely spreaded and people usually took feminists as radicals. So we have a long road to go here in Taiwan.

Visiting "ISTEC"
  Today I went to the "information science & Technology Exhibition Center" to get some information of computers and what future life is like. Firstly I came to "computer classroom" with little friends. It's a place for children to learn how to use computers through playing games.
  I was somewhat curious about it, so I came to take a look at it. The game was really very interesting, I choose English spelling games to test my degree. Since I was a "big friend" there, I easily got high marks and scores with great delights.
  Then I gone upstairs to see the exhibitions. The second floor was area of computer Because I just got only fifty minutes left to look around, I couldn't but walk fast and skim the equipments. It's a pity not having enough time to take a careful look at all the exhibitions. Maybe next time I'll have more sufficient time to visit it.

  I was thinking about some of my best friends are very cute in some ways. They care about many things around the society straight from their heart.
  They are so kind to endure me and to comfort my uneasy and dizzy heart. Whenever I meet difficulties on lives and I just cannot help but producing sorrows, they will come to talk to me, help me and listen to me. But I was truly very dependent on my friends, and this is not good for me to grow up this way.
  Now I start to try learning how to solve the problems I come across with. Everyone has his way to go, what we can do is to understand sincerely their situations and help each other as one can.
  I hope our friendship will last forever and each one chose the best road to walk on. I will pray for them and for myself, for the society and my country, and also for this world we live on.

After the party
  Christmas holiday has past. All the activity that ever took place has past with time, too. I remember I was surrounded by a crowd and watching thousands of people having a happy time with music.
  Suddenly I forget the meaning and original thought to participate in the party. I seem to have entered a noisy world and should get none joyful feelings and heart's content. What a strange person I am to go into a place for 30 minutes, watching others dancing happily without doubt, and leave with anger and hopelessness.
  There is a question keep on asking in my mind: If this is a classic concert or a artistic exhibition, will the number of the people still be the same?
  I don't want to complain anyone or anything, I think it's good for me to discover that my power of doubt to ask "why" still remain the same. Well, that's great!

Traffic James
  Traffic jams are very terrible here on Taiwan, especially Taipei. If you take a bus from Taipei to its country, it might take two hours to get where you want to be.
  During the commutering hours, you cannot do anything but sit and think. If you read books or write something, the car's strong shaking will prevent you from working well.
  I think taking buses during rush hours is a waste of time and life. If you listen to music or courses records, or you just make a project of living, it's very good to use the leisure time in a bus.
  I have ever once asked a foreigner from America of his opinions about Taipei's traffic condition. He said he was very impatient with this, and he cannot get used to this very well. He had a "bus course guiding" book at hand so as not to get lost in the big city.
  I hope that one day the "traffic jam" will never be the citizens' night mare any more.

  These recent days I came to the library finding some information about how to read a poem. Then I walked to the book shelf of literature and criticism of poems, novels, and dramas. I love to read some creative articles and some short stories that comfort me. And sometimes I try to write some notes of feelings about life and thinking, but they are too childish because I have never made any great efforts on reading some criticism and opinions of how to appreciate works. For I was told to study more about this aspect of principles so that they will enrich my theories of creations and also the content. But the most strange thing that confuses me is that after I spend some time studying those essays, I start to get tired of writing and creating. Until now I suddenly realize that the main problem is the experience and ability of my observation are too poor. Still my point of view about this world and people is too subjective. I finally found that I only care about myself and the illustrations made by myself. All my viewpoints are directly coming from guessing and fantasy but not experience of my own. My biggest disadvantage is that

I am too self-centered and I overpay attention to the ending of things but not it's processing. I believe that if I go to read some opinions of how to correct my disadvantages, it will do me good in helping me live a more realistic life. It may be the same with my works as well as the words I have said.

I think it is good that you can analyze yourself and are coming to some (?) conclusion. To be ware of what you're doing, what you're thinking is a very good step toward living a happier life. After the location of a problem use comes the solution.

  Some good friends advice me that I am not responsible of my promises and life attitude. It is awfully true that even I myself have never discovered this. Living will becomes very hard if someone lead a totally confused idea of living. The mixture of fancy and reality will destroy one's life as well as his friends. I believe if we treat everyone with the most sincere heart and use properly every minutes of a day, the whole world will turn a smiling face toward us. Responsibility nowadays seems to be more and more important because it’s the base of all kinds of relationship establishing. If people cheat to each other and hate people with a revenging heart, it will become complicated for people to distinguish good from bad, right from wrong. So I decide to find some ways to make myself happier and more conscious of what I want in my life. I hold that this is the first step access to mature and growing up.

You're right. But do not count on meeting singly faces everywhere because only some people will smile on others be good, and you will see smiling faces in the right directions.


93.5.25 P.1
93.6.9 P.2
93.6.9 P.3
93.6.9 P.4
1) 4つの大きな王空およびそれらの親類が住みます。
2) Empiror空が最も高く生きているアドバンテージ空
3) 空を摩擦するあるいは3番目が空フードを発射する夜
4) 空あるいはinstrumentize空宿屋を変更するミュージック
5) Milubuddhaが生きている方向空の一周
6) feedom空と呼ばれる要望怪物の6番目の空
7) 1から4レベルまでのエロチックな4つの座禅空
8) 空またはその方法はエロ本を見つけ出すと思う無
9) Eroticless空、どこで、資料を越える、居住する。
10) 黒々としてあやしい意味空、あるいは忘れるべきプレー空と命名された。
11) Psydo空includs界、清潔で、生まれて、justicな空
12) 第1の意味空あるいは空の内の空
13) ドラゴンあるいは天ドラゴンの8 partment
14) ナンダとして書かれた困難ブッダ・ナガ
15) 困難から、ブッダ・ナガはUpanandaを指定しました。
16) 大洋を意味するSagaraのドラゴン
17) 9つの頭がいるVasukiのドラゴン
18) ペア、ウイングスを持っているTaksakaのドラゴン
19) sanmaiのドラゴン王であるAnavatapta
20) Dinesourとして図に表わすManasvinドラゴン
21) ロータスとして花を指定したUtpalakaドラゴン
22) 地球(天yaksaへの空)からの夜クロス
23) 12人の兄弟メンバーの医学クロス
24) Pisacaとして指定された食物長所か神
93.6.11 P.6
25) 軍神として戦うのが大好きなアシューラー
26) クレーン中のGarudaという名の金色のウィング鳥
27) 木プラントから人になるKimaara
28) 大きなヘビとして腹部によって歩くMahoraga
29) ドラキュラのように実行されるKumbhanda
30) Pretaは言います、大きな進歩的な空王のために
31) ポリの空は教師として知識を聞きました。
32) 大きな目空は5つの目光景を担当します。
33) 空腹のゴースト・フードの中にとどまる男性のyaksa。
93.6.11 P.7
93.6.11 P.8
93.6.12 P.9~10
(2) 音樂music
(4) 美術Artificial
(5) 攝影Photograph
(6) 圖形著作shape
(7) 視聽影片video
(8) ?音廣播record
(9) 建築設計Arch
著作?財權loading 45%
1. 聞くのによい歌はありません
2. するべき奇妙なゲームはありません
3. creater、行うべき理想を失う
4. 映画上の大きなキャストはありません
5. 会社停止1/3を公表します
6. ソフトウェア会社はbubleizedされます
7. いくつかのレコード会社火
8. 大きなdishire失業の人気
9. 国際的な再縁
10. カントリーの競争する力、後ろに離れる、一口を食べたい?
そしてfloopy modleのフォーマット・ディスクへの道、私は、Honものという名の有名な僧の詩を備えたevenlopを設計したことを思い出します、彼、あなたの状況に関するあなたの心および注意を知っている終了友達として月光を賞賛する、それは結局ミニ・サイズです、私のみ、メール、季節のgrectingを持った1人のよい友達、scordeが渡された後、私は中国のシステムに変わります。


時々、夢は、現実hyper-シーケンスで準備行為に、だが非常に夢の影を持っている人々を結びつく赤い道です、Ukerがホテル建物の各部屋のホール理由で私と徐行するように、そのような種類のmeta界へ入る恐れにある、私は、bookshell storeage、一連の書店の部で彼が暮らしていることを知っています。

私は私が動物習慣のように行なっているとともに笑うことをやめることができません、私は、起きて初めて、それには恥ずべきに感じます、なぜ、万一、私が彼の古典的孤独で覆えば、彼は、平行によって犬が4 feetsによって歩いている場合に動詞は何か尋ねることを私のものに依頼します、どのように、できる、彼、私のそれた策略をする、苦しめた、このように、夢の映画において奇妙で、このスポットを望んでいるプレーを望む、切り詰められる、
彼の父親は振動と命名されます、行う、彼、同じ名前を得る、あるいは、彼は強要されます、tipodado提婆のthep ressureによって生まれた、多数(ブッダ」sいとこ兄弟)その結果、ブッダは望まないでしょう、に、彼をさせるためにkindomを送られた、支配、したがって、彼の母親は髪を切りました、また悲しんでpalacehometooから行く、私が非常に凶悪に予言するように、、これは実際に悲惨なtradgic結末です、、goodfatherであるためにどんな幼児も持つことをやめるために、彼がその後ずっとエディプス・コンプレックスであるということかもしれない、
夫あるいはボーイフレンド、彼らは回避を私のまわりのそのような義務だと思いました、でしょう、ma ke、私、人の人間性、常に私が中央のジェンダー(中立)中で自活する方法および相互性別に関する学習戦略を失う(性別は體を言いました)、単一のことのステータスと、あるいは結婚あるいは誕生を与える能力の後にさえ等しい。
別のクラスI assistwith、kindergardenのリーダー、魚を描くように少女に命じる、しかし私は見る、によって、学名によって、どのように、自己、それらは心理学にある、何匹かのペンキ戦い魚(鬥魚)猫魚(鯰魚)、goldenfish(金魚)、接着剤魚(膠水魚)、水平な魚(ヒラメ)、他のものは赤いflaginのshipofを描く、採用(繁殖の魚)のための売る魚、呼ばれる、笛鯛、また魚のような、あるペンキ・サメ(鯊魚)あるいはオタマジャクシ(オタマジャクシ)、
そして熱帯魚(熱帶魚)クラゲ(クラゲ)、重大なコイ(? 魚)、carpA(コイ)(チョウザメ(レッド?))、どれがあるか、のために、機能を美化するがありえない、食物のために食べる、熱帯魚は属するように、仏教中で言及されたただ一つの1つです、意味(無[南])、また、クラゲはクラゲをisnamedしました。
コシオレガニ(紅蟹)のように、皇帝カニ(君主カニ)、癌、青(藍癌蟹)(hermi tカニ(Yoriiカニ))だが誰もないははれ(鯨魚)およびわにを描きます、後のものは寓話(のための?)の文学用語で類似した別名です。



1. Adan:

仏教物語では、33の空のmanage神が彼の市民を許可しないようにところで、ピザの傾斜するタワーの空は利点空フード(? 利天)の後に名前です、成功裡に彼の社長の根拠より高いことの床を構築した、したがって、雷の理由によって急に荒廃した建物のトップ。

Lares 25.ペンスとしての古代のローマ人の屋敷神:
27. pend:
ロケットea 29.pendentとしてのぶら下がっているかnamentalなオブジェクト:
33. 次のように見抜いてください:
34. ペンギン:
1つの、反生命、生産物synthe 36.penitentから得る:
約1 47.pennywiseと等しい重量単位:
51. 哀愁的です:
5 54.pentacleのアラビア番号と等しい:


人間性、様々なことの著名人をの上にすべてとる、私たちがもはや今もはや学生ではないがそこでので、夏季休暇は私たち自身の利点ではありません、何人かの学生かもしれない、学校(それは私たちが教え始める場所である)からのひまな時間 余暇の上で学習したいこと、外国人は郡に連絡します、したがって、私たち、在来の教師は何かをしなければなりません、科学あるいは芸術および言語の教科書を説教する仕事の贈り物についての知識に教育する、

Inbio、Giodano、Diman、Baleno、オレンジ、そのようにして、sunsigma、フェア、カスケット、ma津ミ、Icok、子午線、Teenの、Amadens、第1のアポイントメント、Dmy Collectic、Hogoカラー(Incountri)、英国のモード、日に当たる&メロン(AD&D(デザイナー・クラブ))、10をハングする、ハングされた陰、グランディ、P(イタリアで作られた)。、Onary、F38 Jameija、d'Elite、Shing-Jler、Solex。
DODO、Bengバー(Bobson)、特別、感じる、Fuハング、ロダン(RYH-SHIN、アメジスト)、トップの流行、dallcoroma、cartior、ロマン派、リボン、NETeam、NET、そして、私は、どのように夏スタイルのシャツを持つか、のように、EVE(POLO、SANDDY)、YEONG-DAH(MUJI)(BASIC& SIMPLE)巡戈導向、CHENRUYは私の流行手荷物です、買う、から、大きなサブデパート(大亞百貨)の販売期間上で。

1. EMIオペラは気が狂います:
2. MERCURYミッシェルは次のものに衝撃を与えました:
3. HO-SON無大人:
4. BMG 74321373822:
5. RYKODISK、柔軟な少年:
RCD 20231
6. P & CベティーServeert:
7. FLYING Technotronic &塩「N」PEPA:
8. FLY/SIREトーキングヘッド:
9. CDP、夜明けの門の笛吹き:
7463842 10.
EK52907 11.
stereo13881 12.
CK53027 13.
7559609572 14.
HMSO942 15.
5805892 16を笑って死んでください。
ENSIGN Sinead O'connor:
巡査3217592 17.
フェリックス#1 Decoustruction:
74321137002 18.
標本検査係のみ/EMIのトップの1 Goldeは19に達します。
株式会社、ラマ1/2(vol.1つ)GA016 20。
MCD 10566 21.
9257132 22.
HCD119762 23.
EGK36328 24.
9450832 25.
エレクトラ1000maniacs 9609622 26.
8315932YH 27.
& M黒い素晴らしい生活:
3951652 28.
7599264772 29.
9613212 30.
8.11636 31.
077778059326 32.
CK52826 33.
処女、ないもの(PIL):291815 34。)
96842R 36.
aad/A & Mトムのアルバム:
7502153632 37.
CD97461582 38.
5016554701022 39.
259889 40.
IB014 41.
7599264382 42.
ファイドー・マライアーcarey(ツェッペリン飛行船)20.21 43.
INVO20CD 44.
38c377304 45.
DOROBO Verstein erung:
001 46.
HOSON、氏、子どもH085 47。
MARC ZEIER G*公園/zabriskie6。
GZSL01 49.
BLACK BIRD Uniralial破壊50。

pharmada &アップジョン、しかし、私は、まだそれは私のポリに誤解を招きやすいと思っています、トレースします。

なぜかを知らない、私がベンチの上にちょうど横たわり、午後太陽が私に非常に猛烈に光るのを見た時、また、私は、上司が数詩人に非常に似ていることを自分に急に思い出させます、中国のrepaienanceの中で一荷口を知っている(聞一多)だろう、Aniversary 4日目および私は私の大学社会友達から便りをもらいました、彼が抽選学者のグループの一部であると言う、誰、mathatnaticsにおいて主、しかし、私の友達はBejen大学によって解雇されました、数学クラスを適用する、


平和時をその後ずっと望むので、私はそれを止めようと頑張らなければなりません、しかし、歴史で参照は過剰に起こりません(? 史回歸)、私はそうではありません、再び死ぬことと一致します。





私は、Austineがどのようにして息子の妻(? 婦)か義理の娘である彼女の厳守、次にこの小説を与えるために彼の親を支援する準備をしたか、彼が知らないと推測します、夫のためのユートピアになるだろう、不在です。



(1位および文化の表現 - ポスト・モダニズム文化)


93.6.24 P.1
93.6.27 P.2

93.6.24 P.2
言語が記号論のような命題考えによって作られたシステムであるとそれらが考えることはポスト・モダンの書く理論(それらの話は数人の哲学創造者によって様々である)において非常に重要です、自動グラフィック、あるいは構造主義を解読する、夢の仕事liguistics、anthropalogy、複合体、イデオロギー、nitzphensia phenomenism、pathepsycology-anylaze、文学、再利用する、コンピューター未来派、など。

93.6.27 P.3
(1) 虹構造:
(2) 軽い構造:


(3) CMYK(影色structure):顏料)

93.6.27 P.4
(1) 実際には:
(2) Matephysicです:
1. Most?secondary?lest
2. Pre?contemporary?
3. の中で?
4. ない/無/ない
5. の上で/に/から
6. 戦争/中立/平和
(3) 中流階級(triologyの程度):
父親 - 息子-孫2。
母娘 - 壮大な娘
(4) 反対の構造:
93.6.27 P.5
(1) ナチュラルな/マジックです:
(夢見るか熱狂する)想像境1.distingurish(-組織2.dialectic -、-辯證7.arrangement -、-分配3.similarity -、-近似8.combination -、-整合4.comparison -、-類比9.devision -、-區分5.analyzation -、-分析10.seperaton -、-分別-)-辨別6.organization -
(2) サー・リアリズム:
物理的/巫女- 6.
オブジェクト/主題 - 7.
中道主義/Margine 3。
違い/Consencus - 10.
(3) ポスト・モダニズム:
(4) スーパーstructureism:
(5) 鏡像:
(1) 散文(散文體):
1. 理論(論述)-ローランド・バルテ羅蘭巴特
2. 意識的な流れ(意識流)の-ヴァージニア・ウルフ?爾芙
3. 書籍評論家(書評)-ホルヘ・ルイス・ボルヘス波赫士
4. カラム(專欄)-アルベール・カミュ?謬
5. 記述します(敘述文) - マルセルProust普魯斯特
(2) 伝記(傳記體):
1. 話(自傳)-聖人Augustine奧古斯丁
2. 文献(紀傳體)-ジークムントFreud佛洛伊?
3. 期間歴史(斷代史)-チャールズDarwin達爾文
4. ドキュメンタリー(他/杜? 撰)-チャールズDickens狄更斯
5. 逸話(軼事)-ジェフリーChancer喬叟
(3) 詩(詩體):
1. 叙事詩(史詩)-ホームラン荷馬Virgil維吉爾
2. ソネット(十四行詩)-貝殻の多いBysshe雪?
3. 叙情詩(韻律詩)-ワーズワース華滋華斯
4. 新しい詩(現代詩)-ウォールトWhitman惠特曼
5. 経典(經偈)-ハス経典(法華經)
(4) 小説(小? 體):
1. ノンフィクション(杜撰小?)-ジェームズJoyce喬艾斯
2. 寓話(おとぎ話)-ジョンMilton米爾頓
3. ドラマ(劇本)-シェークスピア、William莎士比亞
4. 対話小説(對話小?)-茎と葉Bernard蕭伯納
5. 推論(推理小?)-SF
(5) ジャーナリスト(報導文學類)への報告:
(6) 解釈(翻譯學):
93.6.27 P.7
明explanation -言い、変わる、談話、(4)觀察observationについて説明する-見て、見る、チェックし、(5)推理inference理由を調査する、配給し、関連させる、(6)描敘describnationを想像する-話、伝えること、(7)修辭rhetoricを発表する-パラグラフ、修正、(8)結論conclusionを急送する-終了、決勝、終了する、結果(9)情節circumstance-プロット、物語、進行、極度の(10)判斷judgment-考えて、分析する、テストする、実験
1 Id(eology)本我1、前意識的な(前意識)觀照般若(見ること):
主観的な(2)耳ear(5)身flesh &Bone(3)如來識:
合理主義(3)鼻nose(6)意means 2自我(原我)2の意識(意識流)文字般若(文字):
偽類似(2)音hear(5)解tough(3)中:中央の類似(3)味smell(6)念opinion 3超自我(超我)3、サブ意識的な(潛意識)實相般若(現実):
意(intension):六識(感覚)(1)先驗priorism(1)色eros(4)行action(2)詮釋annotation(2)受take(5)識know(3)後設matephysic、想think(6)心mind 4、無私(非我)4の無意識の(非意識)觀世因(もたらす、また効力)(3))
(3) 割り当てられたトピック平均(1)に関連する命題(4)の完全な開発、主題(2)についてのある知識、適切な範囲
(1) 協定を実証します
(2) 句読を綴ること
(3) 資本化
(4) 節に分けること
93.6.27 P.9
(1) そのようなAS(明?):
):use、それを定義する記述、1)對仗は6つの喜劇コメディー2)偶韻韻に平行します、7つの悲劇悲劇3)對句対句、8つの印象印象4)聯覺共感、9の知道intellectual 5)格律meter 10誨世pedagogical(3)が類似しています、に(比?)
同じとしての):looks、本質1)隱?metaphor 6多態polymorphism 2)奇喻conceitの中で、7の形上metaphysical 3)寓說allegory 8神話mythology 4)譬喻parable、9の先驗transcendent 5)象?symbol 10逼真verism(4)が、反襯irony 6諧擬burlesque 2)反諷parodyのように(譬?):feel、再度評価することの何かが1を計画します)聞こえる、7の擬聲onomatopoeia 3)擬諷sarcasm 8擬人persona 4)諷刺satire、9の摸擬imitation(同感病)5)嘲諷10戲?mock(5)がそうであるために(暗?):sense、間接的に作られた(6)イメージ、感じる、のように(轉?):a状況あるいは大気、の内に))見える。
93.6.27 P.10
<記述の目的を認識する>(1)前奏(起):prolongディスプレイ(書くモードを選ぶ)a)Denouement結局b)Exposition詳述、解? c)Peripet'eia情節突變d)Confessional懺悔身白e)Exemplum精華範本)
(3)合奏(轉):chorus設置(比喩)a)Paradox似是而非b)Oxymoron矛盾修飾法c)Hyperbole誇張法、d)Synecdoche提?舉隅法e)Pun雙關語(ポリ - 多關))

あなたが音楽またはコースのレコードを聞くか、あなたが、生活のプロジェクトをただ作れば、バスの中でひまな時間 余暇を使用することは非常によい。




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此分類上一篇:buddha is near


2020-01-13 08:42:01
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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