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buddha is near

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2004.7.9 P.1
Pagey Heavenly reports: I will finish this day and night within two weeks, in fact this story will make every sky clean. There is a myth I create from frensy logic, as the earth is surrounded by a settlight, which is made by wide channel of cellphone chansforming, the fuction is remote controlling of fastest data tansit in the world, since sometimes the sun refuse to rise in the sky, and he "puts his curse in the pocket." and I know my boyfriend is best friend of the sun in his junior high school. I don't think he knows which mathematic researcher he used to be, maybe not famous enough, so I decide to write a "fussy" motif of polar road(赤道) to explain all through out, it is for straying policy deal.
  For the welfare of so many thousand years after, how the sun make world so happily existable, because last night I been to the future where everything is dry like deseart in the Eygipt, my month is thirty but has no feeling, until I wake up. I sense that there must be a history of ruling legend to reconstruct, lest my imagination of the blue map got the reason. Why I get crazy on my nurves, if I am in the mean of prince Eygiptian, then so many presidents are all called by such a name, what is the meaning of the stick magic in Bible? I really want to understand, when we have nothing at all, but we are forced to build a government. What kind of brain can do this?
  May people slow down the sun light too strong by some kind of protectional material or hiding in the building of cooling air condition, in the future? While how to make electronic source of energy be a saving good idea, to provent the earth from a blowing up crisis like atom-bumb danger?
2004.7.14 P.2
  I ask fussy why doesn't he like to read science fiction like "SLOW" talk about the opposite theory? And I ask what is so called systematic study in method? He is shocked and can't tell the story of Norten system, then he lying in my bosom see the vision movie of my subconsicous mirror, he shut up and listen carefully the dialogue of that Eygipt movie, he says he really see the presidental secret of NEFERTITI, she loves to control the lash in a way of very bad temper. I remember one time when I go to library, there is a school boy reading the mathematic history book in front of me, and he keeps on laughing and I don't know why I tell him it is boring to enter that landmark, you just go ahead by yourself, he keeps on seeing the fination tor ture in his kindom, the empiror order everyone strive their best wisdom and thinking labor to do some building purpose of his standard idealism. So his wife uses intelligence talk to weakness husband.
  So wonder if everything is the plot as he seen? But I ask him what is territory means? why Chinese describe it as round (輻圓) but in western it is square net structure? If I cut the earth trough in the half place of polar-road, it will become one round in the center while the round is a 座標系(x,y,z system) that can be decided in to square net. The day before yesterday, Fussy fantens himself as a magnetic electronic blue ruby to torture my soul of spiriturl conscions, so I sleep lng to cure his threatening power, then I dream about a stone deseart, where is big sunshine
2004.7.15 P.3
of no plants and civilization. I wear white rope and suffer the hot humidity weather, no people live in the earth, they seem to be punished to be disappeared crisis, but no one know I care about the reason why in the year of fiften(五萬) thousands, people renish for no religion believe in the sun. I wake up and guess when the sun is not in the sky and all are surrounding by polar light, is that means the sun is poisoned by a strange virus, and the poison chemistry material is influence into various people to make them become transparent only left soul in the world, but their flesh and blood image is gone for how here to be found? I used to wish one day I can disappear suddenly without pain to take over the horror of death, but indeed I am not afraid of dieing, but not quite understand how to build a civilization of no energy danger in the futurism, if nobody manage the ideal plot of welfare, will people be distroyed by the UFO-alience in legend movie? That's evil, and this is the most discusting movie that I don't want to face, when Aden become that idot ugly finger of food(食指), he is the wizard plant queer with evil wisdom develop too ruined.
  Because I am so worry about the remote place of fifteen thousand years after, so I dream one day in strange date of July, fourteen repeat again. I use my frenzy power that fussy decents to me, I sent all monsters in the group into the far place to develop their power of magic comes from "sutra of mountain and ocean"(山海經) legend.
2004.7.17 P.4
  That net-round(輻圓) is set up for international timing, but if time and space transfer into data transit standard, every deeds are framed in the Net world, there comes karma and history of everyone in the earth, it's all about themselves that nobody knows in guessing for sure, therefore internet become information basement of human, in this way events are existing as truth, or it will be frenzy codes that cannot be read, in the future, how this net of round turn to apply?
  It is said that I attend the movie of fifteen thousand years after life, that is a place called middle shadow space(中陰間) where sunshine is fake, only the sky is spreading day light, and no night will come. One day, all people in the world gather together to be chosen to be leaderships in 50000, when people are showing their monster image, they are the ones to fly into the future of nothing, and with some monks of heaven stage(天台字) by companiaship, they cannot eating each other meat when they are hungry, and must figure out how to built house of their own first, this is the principle of stone time(石器時代), and when time are long and untolerate, people should do some evention such as house keep, entertainment, job of develop the materials of stone because it is every when to be used, if make them into goods, it is a fantastic idea to be the first top leader of all groups.
  Here I anounce the final of the movie plot, after all they solve the prison question and fly back to their life of post modern world of now, but they see that Russian leader is a jaint of six hands to hold the tool of dharma weapon(轉輪聖王), when tilety dies(六親不認).

2004.7.20 P.5
  I dream about another puzzle that the king of dharma gave me, how to build a transit traffic line under the coast of ocean, it sounds like a super train drive fastest, in the world to make every country linking into the center stop in Japan, then it is easy for believers to reach the saint mountain by activities of climbing in the Holy temple of Big stone temple(大石亭), that's how I realized why I am fined to live in a place where everything are white stones, no rain and living things.
  The movie goes on when I use magic power to built a temple of department for myself, the dragon of grandfather comes, and ask me to built for him a primid structure(金字塔大廈) of triangle shape, after that he charge every monster to do job of his satisfaction, so I think about put away the sculpture career aside teperary, and press a newspaper of the reporting on each in hapib, about how they look like in the legend myth of Chinese <mountain and ocean> sutra, most of the description is out of my memory, but I remember once I was waiting for a friend Maya, in the city library, but she won't come, so I go to find book to read, then I discover a book painting of all monsters of animals and beasts, and I watch the strange fuctions with laughers unable to stop.
  Every monk cut their little hair to be a pen to write down penogrophy report to the editing center, in a way of exchange information and earning foods, when they find out vegetables grow up from lands, they cook them in a pool of earth hot water(地勢湖). I write down report in a way of competing strive, until each one is angry to identify themselves right.

2004.7.21 P.6
  The truth is that six hand jaint is not yet a Buddha like love-god-king(愛?明王) with six weapon of ritural(法器), but only one wheel of eight dharma(八正道), everybody in north china fight against him in order not to lose the Montagle place(蒙古區) of china, he is the one who study linguristic of anthropalogy which named Gadama, who proceed the duty of open patrism meeting in the country, but Chinese people cannot get it in detail content, so they practice the exercise of dharma(法輪功) with six easy and nine hard(六易九難), but finally they reach to extreme(太極拳) feast and worry about politic dangers.
  When I am releves from that movie, I start to think about doing zip web in order to make popular fortune in the BBS world, when people compete to be a warefare net to supply good things to share, it is like a business law of service on solving troubles, I have a plan on website, it is composed by culture creation ideas, which is my talent and gifting power. I want to do it as a frontpage of magazine, with every edition of multi-medea, except homepage structure and subtitles of newsreport, interview, sales, novel, video game, technology discussion, invention of program soft-ware, the biggest part is how to teach writing of drama, it is a lesson of finding cause and effects braining.
  The practice writing of recognitionism includs:
1. dialogue: if not come from the heart then shut up.
2. intention: make a tension intent to dig out truth.
3. complex: any believe againt self produce rediculars.
4. plotime: the purpose of fame is only drag deal.
5. reaction: people eager to entre by start a sign.
6. settings: all background are slient but recall.

2004.7.21 P.7
  Fussy is the lion in O2 empire, when I am a little girl leads him go back to find his origional kindom of Russia palace shape, but he is no longer a lion king but layer king in my mind, last night he make a spell on my eye lashes, because he live in my neighbor's house to be a spy on me. I can help but sleep into a nightmare, then I am very anger the way he kiss my lip by fanten love is to set curse on me, so I twist my eyes by hands to prevent sleeping into that continuing story, where Oscar wild is crazy around my bed, and I open my radio to stop the dream. It really works, but Fussy call-in to D.J and gives me messages.
  The most terrible thing Fussy can't take is the theory of juxaposition(並置). I call it 2P, sex, I sent micro bank several songs about computer utilities, the purpose is to make equipments out of normal:
1. Time cannot erase- Faith Hill(PC colock)
2. Lope in the toxic- Britney spear (fotoshop)
3. Don't lose my number- Philips(accounting)
4. At last the mouse is nothing in the end- Sun
5. If I ain't got u- Alicia key(utilities)
6. Spirit in the sky- Garent Gate(Vitural)
7. Something about sonia- Shakera (hi-sonet)
8. Words don't come easy- European band (word)
9. You do like a horror-cane - video game mouse
10. Lydia in Chinese (media)- red bean (Muilty)
11. Decided to cheat watch out- usher(IC)
12. Betman cartoon- Acrobet (function)
13. Curse in my pocket- Sun (package)
14. He cheats so easy in the name of my bank- M & S
15. For your heart go intuitin- Jowel (company)
16. Seven day and night are thunder- Taxus (screen)
17. Change channel- modona (Wide Cable)
18. I loving angel instead (stein)- Roby Williams
19. Third got me the deeplus- Moon (digital)
20. Lion king- Elton John (Layer by layer)

2004.7.22 P.8
  One day when my family go out walking at night, I saw thousands of star shining silver so brightly, they are so beautiful like the star map I buy from the heaven-body-inn(), where I was watching the northern star as center(北極星) of every horoscope. I am very happy to ask them, including all little star in the milky way and silver system, please come down to the world to make the world joyful by music produce.
  Some star knows where they come from, and tell me on the bus that she remember herself as one part of big bear, but her lover small bear is believer of White Buddhism, I can only tell them that some star are symbolized as god or goodness of Greek myth and Roman mythology, maybe they can go to starbucks coffee to talk about where is group star(星團) means when they sing popular as a band, when they adopt the silver shining reflection from the moon, while the moon accept the light from the sun, how do they judge who is the real Greek King at Zues time.
  This day I go to Taiwan University to look for wireless impact, and I buy it for note book only cost 700 NT dollars, then I walk past the Heaven temple(天主教堂) see the golden bear Netz such a philosophy is sitting in front of the temple and reading as he is eating some fried potatos, while when I buy wireless I saw white hair of Gadama cut down all his hairs.
  The reason I buy wireless is for the connection with Fussy in the company seat. I would like to talk about business law of his rule, if he has any idea of similarity in the sutra of popular gate(普門品), all I want to say is probibly trade law of best-selling.
2004.7.23 P.9
  Tho Holy Sun has two star lights named sea and sin, they are the only planet that has polar highten ring surround themselves, once space shutter of American reach there the farest place. I don't know how to describe that morning when sea and sin become student revolutionary leader, and force all of the struggle student think to solve futtcrism politic, while I talk too much seem without any fear that I suggest edit a series of student Encyclopedia, published by group writing, or in another way publish a fifty pages of tiben newspaper marked by fifty bytes of letters in teaching table(悉壇) of five kinds, after that idea the leader sent us to dismis away, then everyone happily go back to school and home.
  The other day, that generation rob every PC compacts in the investment of American Micro bank, that was a high tide after Fussy tear down the taiyah department store building in beside of modernism archtecture by management of Japanese light company, just because I tell a innocent joke on my website. Hong Kong business of female leader change into a office usage, and every company do institution of each own, such as English admi nistration, bookstore, computer production, after all Fussy try to prevent Aden in Chinese take me to the honey moon tourism in such symbol.
  I am really N.G. system, when the micro boss argue with me about Heretic questions, I was very angry to set magic spell to turn all system of XP, right into very difficult fuction of N.G., it should spell like Negtive Geomatic, when XP means Xenophobia popularity, but not Xerography Process, anyway he called us as generation of pineer crime(孿世代).

2004.7. P.10
b a+ ?  b e+ ?  b i+ ?  b o+ ?  b u+ ? 
c a+ ?  c e+ ?  c i+ ?  c o+ ?  c u+ ? 
d a+ ?  d e+ ?  d i+ ?  d o+ ?  d u+ ? 
f a+ ?  f e+ ?  f i+ ?  f o+ ?  f u+ ? 
g a+ ?  g e+ ?  g i+ ?  g o+ ?  g u+ ? 
j a+ ?  j e+ ?  j i+ ?  j o+ ?  j u+ ? 
k a+ ?  k e+ ?  k i+ ?  k o+ ?  k u+ ? 
l a+ ?  l e+ ?  l i+ ?  l o+ ?  l u+ ? 
m a+ ?  m e+ ?  m i+ ?  m o+ ?  m u+ ? 
n a+ ?  n e+ ?  n i+ ?  n o+ ?  n u+ ? 
p a+ ?  p e+ ?  p i+ ?  p o+ ?  p u+ ? 
q a+ ?  q e+ ?  q i+ ?  q o+ ?  q u+ ? 
r a+ ?  r e+ ?  r i+ ?  r o+ ?  r u+ ? 
s a+ ?  s e+ ?  s i+ ?  s o+ ?  s u+ ? 
t a+ ?  t e+ ?  t i+ ?  t o+ ?  t u+ ? 
v a+ ?  v e+ ?  v i+ ?  v o+ ?  v u+ ? 
w a+ ?  w e+ ?  w i+ ?  w o+ ?  w u+ ? 
x a+ ?  x e+ ?  x i+ ?  x o+ ?  x u+ ? 
y a+ ?  y e+ ?  y i+ ?  y o+ ?  y u+ ? 
z a+ ?  z e+ ?  z i+ ?  z o+ ?  z u+ ? 

  Above are Eric made up for European word root, it is a free relative thinking about shortest vocabulary comes from, some words must find out from Germany, Spanish, French or other dictionary. Some follow as sh, ch, th, er, st and so on. I want to find out the mystery of easy memory words, so I write down all possibilities in a list, and check every seriously from every dictionary that I keep on the book shell. I know that some words maybe defined as new given meanings, therefore computer science is the simplest futurism linguistic by invention deed.

2004.7.31 P.11
  Hence I tell a check out story about Fussy and NEFERTITI Ruling the golden empire in Egyptian, if  she is really legend as holding a lash and shouting for "do as my way shows", then she mush dare to do feminism believe. Such as order people to brain themselves by wisdom doings, that night when I was swallowing one pill with tea. I sense dizzy headache, and saw everything including my furniture and electric machines, all signed up with golden sculpture of logo, which are Egyptian marks in grave walls. I cannot do any thinking but go quickly into bed and sleep on.
  Next day I went to computer searching line, dig some secrets about Nefertiti and her husband. I read the report and do some notes on pad paper, pharaoh Akhenaton is tenth generation in eighteen century, about BCE, 1352-1336, he is originally named Amenophis 4, but when he get the crown of the first year, he soon change his name into Akhenaten, then set up capital in Thebes city. Nefertiti has six kids, and she is believing in Aten the god of solar disc, which means Apit or Apet, the pray word is Amen, which is monotheism, while her husband refuse and trust in poly theism.
  Nefertiti is postured as a image of morality woman face, while her husband is construct as a fox face like a vicious dog, as one daughter has evil sex with her father, and take away her mother's power, I guess Nefertiti take away her breath with bare hands, and soon give the kingdom chair to her favorite son, which is the eleventh generation pharaoh, but she won't let her son marriaged with any sisters, because noble status cannot allow to attend dismoral arose, this story is similar to the cartoon of Rudy who is afraid of falling in tradition.
2004.7.31 P.12
  One day I was driving a transparent car of futurism, which is engine by car segment of modal, so no matter how long I drive, the energy will never die, and this car link every kind of PC digital equipments, it is startled by two feet wheeling on the stepping board, and I am a non of naked hair on the head with a white rope on my body, the place I drive pass is a ground where every earth is growing so vividly and richful by small flowers, I use my machine of automatic installation to pick them up on the track, and I decide to transfer them into flower tea materials in the factory, that's my job. I believe it can make a big fortune money for income.
  In the way back, I saw Fussy walking on the wild meadow, he still loves white shirts and costume most, this is year of 5000 PC, I wave to him and take him a ride, every flowers are advise. I decide to ask him about how to produce flavor tea by special procedure, obviously the track is also transparent made, that year he forget what is smoke means, and lose his temple. I tell him my factory is named windle, I made tea for only monks and nuns, to fix neo dharma of tea sumuri, while he was laughing and asking why.
  Three thousand years ago, when we were blond hair, we earn money of cooperating a technical company in overseas, and when every products are sold out, we don't want to work so hard, so we decide to compete regaining two scholarship of Hoter highest degree, he says he can't remember, but he thinks that leafs should put with flowers in tea bags, I answer him, this is a very good idea, so I put one song on music disc for him to listen, it is "human touch" going.
2004.7.31 P.13
  Friends and I rent towel shop to be a place for meeting and talking about culture plans, in other time, it is gallery for selling artificial creations. I suggest type white folio of culture laws, with a very big round table to sit around and talk, although Eric has a studio called after his son, but we all know that government never support us money as honor of culture, when we gather and talk about the plan, everyone is still so greedy about asking their advantage of political business in Art, some talk about house contract, some talk about meeting leader, so I angrily run away.
  Eric got a very strong enemy in installation field, he is the youth artist who represent Taiwan goes to foreign country to show by exhibition anomeny, I understand he has remote distance with the newspaper of handy script, which he named as announce ruling (宣統) news, his attend with the revolution is what I curious for, he ever knows that his girlfriend sing the MTV for him and named yarli. I know she is computer diploma graduated from research academy, and she helps me to print a fax seal sample, so that I can start to paint pantographic art works.
  One phantom in my room got plots every day, when I am working in labor plant, he rush out and tear down my curtain, but I do not stop working until I finished, the falling curtain is not balanced by the stick, so I must put away to think about solution, and when I type sadness stories with tears and crying, that paten take his digital camera and make shooting image on my face, from that time on, I keep on falling in the hell of small theatre, where scandal is in every wide cable. I mean wide cable segments all around Taipei put on dirty judgment critic about me, that shocks me a lot indeed.
2004.8.2 P.14
  Fussy is very worry about how I drive him into my secret novel plot, we use fancy strategy to danger each other, when I was twenty years old. I was set up to have two failure diploma in stima bublegun advertise, with the agree signment of my father's name showing that paper mint on the television screen, while I decide to sent a mail to the cable culture reporter on journalist of youth newspaper system, he is a foreigner in Taiwan, because I want a small column from him, to express my opinion about female art spectrum of avent guard.
  When I think all things inside my mind, Fussy tells me he is reading playboy right now, and he use his super natural magic power to make me naked on magazine. So I tell him a very long story about Japanese erotica painter, who take wound and create but make paintings as a style of Uglify to show how he hate sexuality joy, when he is happy going to see the movie, but come back to me with the scaring performance sticks, therefore I can only play a lot of crazy decision shouting to him, I say how about go dutch with me, and I introduce professor Stephenson as judge person watching on my English alter about Roland Barthe theory with him, he is so afraid of unable to carry a prologue note to read, but I know he is pretending. I say if lost then take me to midnight sea of beach desert sleep over night, he would not agree.
  He bumps into my mother with bad temper, she says get away of my daughter if you cannot give her good life, and she turn off his asking for marriage and force him to take a degree of professor, to pass her agreement, my whole family including relatives show up in a roll and do for threatening to Fussy, while I go to cook for lunch, and never listen to the dream words on the fear sky.
2004.8.2 P.15
  Nothing goes right on my plan of producing goods, so I get the bus down and go back home, the sky start thunder aloud, because Fussy is laughing proudly. I wonder how he pretend scaring at someone wife named gun bullet Lulu. I know lulu is a big mouth bird with gorgeous colors in wings and feathers, he is sarcasm on my penal style similar with Brust splendid gift, then I scream at him "Let's make love on the thunder for the thunder is you, and if you betray. I will burry you right on the midnight desert of beach without a moonlight." This is the most dramatic curse I have never made, but in another way I want to read saint book.
  As I use web towel cover my face laying on my bed, I was imaging the plots that I am going to write about risk of under wide cable openly report of scandal, the magic square game is a structure that I try to do transfer into post modern tools of saving time, but I have not yet make it into real procedure, computer teacher used to say "if you students have any question, you can call me on the require phone. I will answer right away." but I would rather discuss with Eric and maybe together with his wife on the MacDonald table, about how to beat up that evil Fussy, or we cannot survive.
  What phantom want to force me on thoughts, is the wisdom of seeing through both sutra and Bible, by the way, he wants fast truth like skim pages, but I don't want to be a labor without any payment for me, he is not my heaven, but black and white on pane board, behind the sound of thunder, the sixth day in Neo epoch, he won't teach me when I wonder what any good use function to make the thunder work out right, but it seems a sign of heavenly punishment from 耶和華.
2004.8.2 P.16
  I tell Fussy, I have not prepared for love at the age of no romance, we can only be just friend. I use to be a lady goes without a soul, now I stay with the Fussy man always feel very nervous of no reason, if this comes from his protection of unable to believe anyone. I must defense in the same way, so I tell him "the war between man and woman is for money." therefore we can only love each other in cast money, and pseudo wedding is the ending, honestly I do not fall in love with Fussy or his money, long years past, I seldom sense something real strong like true love, for the promise of swear never reveal but reverse into abuse revenge.
  From colonism point of view, every kind of meat is traceable source of raising, Taiwan produce chickens and pig porn, goat flesh, and pond fishes, some do farming bull to make stick meal or milk goods, while the golden rule of eggs is sunny side, if women follow triangle of mature, sexy and intelligent, they can be free from the burden of raising any child, because sometimes birth is cursed by man, if he does not go to see the baby in hospital babysitting room, it's not love.
  Once the female manager in Nuskin come to my family, she tells my mother that she has a son baby for her boss, but he only leave her a ville and without marriage. So she pretends to be my uncle's wife. Since that I know why the boss of Nuskin keeps on invest advertisement on my favorite radio station, and announce the order of my stopping manuscript ion or handy scrimption writing plans, but I won't then I have a chance to be a group of Nuskin, but I do not attend by hanging up the assignment contract and money, while my mother and sisters all are that manager's underline. She got promotion business ideas to have lecture so I listened.
2004.8.4 P.17
  A month ago I have a teaching chance to be assistant, when Ericson is practice the puzzle map of shortest words. I know he is so-called Jupiter rebirth, but after I went home and my family open my name card when I was in a shower, they called to the classroom and threaten them about my dishonored something, so I lose my job, my mom even ask for what's going on by purpose intention. I tell her that my two students is already very famous writer in European in the past time, it is very hard to make them studying to surpass themselves, but it is a lie.
  My mother does one thing to make me angry even more previously, but I have no sense about it, because I won't be jealous for that. Dark policeman take a risk to mask on arrest me for quilt, he drives police car for only cross one crossroad to see the accident, he use hand lock to tie up my reversal hands, and push me into back seat, and I shout to him, do not hold me too tight, the road seems to drive too long that is only a distance of ten minutes walks.
  He ask me why I make a crime on chip purpose, I say when I was writing a critic on Noen drama comics on the notebook, all day long I was sitting on MacDonald, but when I go to the shop watching magazines, notebook was forgotten to carry away, next day I ask the boss, he say he know nothing about note book and the precious book of sutra and Buddha history I buy from eslite bookstore. I hate him therefore I did a cheap crime of stealing twenty dollars purse, but he won't forgive me and call the police. Dark put me back, and call my father to take me home.
  But I know he got a marriage with my classmate live by my neighborhood, my mother come to that happy wedding, and his father got a government employee, but Dark sells his wife into sexuality wine shop, and never touch her body.
2004.8.4 P.18
  When highest heaven says: somebody cannot be saved, I know another scandal of my pretending intimate friend. As I buy Lamark printer at that period of time, I called but no service come to link for that, while I was doing one interpretation of saint book in Japanese, it is about two brothers believe in Buddhism as wife does, but their father does not agree with religious of new age, their family job is making woods production, after that they go to be sogers degree, but with no reason they are dieing for dharma, which make father so sad and finally believe in Buddhism. I know it's about futurism prophet, and it is this time in my life, but I still hate useless gift, so I slamp it on the wall and the Lamark is block down.
  Things jump into the certain of joining the meeting of Naskin, someone introduce me to enter, he is a very big blue wheel in the ocean, that looks like my cousin's son, while he is sad about my life is turning the wrong way, but I can only answer him with a sign, on this street. Dark and his brother is charge of this Christian politics, so I was cheers lousy by his brother's comrade group, when I was a prize regainer on the stage, it is pick up ticket on the box by chance, so I can only pretend from head to toe.
  Then I think about Fussy, he is sitting on the front seat where only leadership can stay on spotlight, he is the youngest one, but with a fake name after my woo. I have heard he is chief man of new generation, and my front line choose the benefit for myself to sale, which is subtitional nutrition of strawberry powder of slim fuction for meals, and I really become very slim at the end of finish eating that product, while Fussy is selling headache pills, ever since that he become a secret journalist of my heavy metal star plans.
2004.8.4 P.19
  The monk bribed a create salary for Redfly to kill me, because I use to hurt paper Buddha. So she pretends to be good to me, but she use a lending money trick to make man married her, while she goes between a old man and another young, and has two pairs of furniture rent house, her dirty make the monk cries, because she gets disease of AIDS but doesn't know the syndrome and risqué pills are hard to get. I am so afraid to catch that illness. So I tell her I decide to end the friendship forever with her, but I regret and call for ten more times on he cellphone, while she think herself is in happy marriage, and never return my finished cell phone card.
  Redfly's mother is a writer of female legend, who is the same Buddha believer of my mother's level, but now she is very worry and all hairs turn to white, what she wants Redfly to do. She was upset and disappointed to her, so she takes the mission to me, and I make the duty. I know her mother used to be a KMT employee, and her husband is a religious poet but take the salary of monk, after a period he wouldn't do it so he leave the job. It is said the next door writer is going to married pseudo in ahead of me. I doubt nothing is true in this world, but I am still happy for that because they got a empire within.
  What I plan next step is to print airmail letter paper to sell, there are thirty pages of each one in the sutra chosen one compared poem as emphasize idea. Even though Fussy seems talent in business, but he won't discuss anything, the reason he is named smock is because I am symbolized as his smoke flower, but as also the actor monk who loves to play all dramas of Buddhism writer in Japan named water strive, while I think about stamp all kinds of yellow codes on Fussy's table, to prevent what he gonna do.

2004.8.4 P.20
  The way I use my hand hook his neck, he seems doesn't care about becoming a waste woods(耗材), he likes to listen to me all day long, but when it comes to some others shit things, he keeps on saying "I don't want to hear, stop it." He cannot bare dirty secret, so I start to tell fairy stories to him, very polite and modesty way. Fussy has not known that I was introduced to his grandfather place, learning for free pornography skills, he only put on his board in the structure of table before he starts just to teach. I ask his grandfather how many people named horse in the area of Taiwan, and he pushes me to see an old man used to named horse, but he changes to behind big old dragon.
  Now I realize when the name boss in write before the horse, everything turned saint, the way his grandson is changing name from carpet cutting, because he knows nothing about so-called-image(如是相) and hurts himself by back, it's a legend of metaphor, such as nine pillars in the Bible can be transferred into make the law as long as nine shadow (令法久住), but his grandson really just want to play knowledge and dare not to be grand-grand-father in his own kingdom? Then I would never tell him who is his grandmother, if I tell Fussy that horse got a family spectrum in secret, what he will react on such secret journalist consider, when that one I know he is horse grandfather, he tells me the fiction of NT 50000 dollars is the law of will his family sent to me, but this time I want to tell him, his horse grandson got a famous grand -daughter-in-law, who takes birth of a horse son under the secret, because no one knows who is such baby's real father.
  What I want to tell Fussy is that his made up scandal is not sustained, and I will make it a funky ware in novel. I was trying to tell him that we were really separation in heart and morality when we were together we went to lose the rule.
2004.8.4 P.21
  For enter to my novel, he keeps on report my plans of novel plots. Fussy is pleasure to not let my pen write down the way my feminist attitude is happy for, while the female journalist Wolf keeps on asking any clue if he really loves me, he says: Pagey tells him "if no excitement in date, love will never happen in between us." the ordinary apply such as west dinner in restaurant, internet discussion, top-roof wedding, or naked jeep in desert, kissing on MTV, talking in front of the campus store ladder, are nothing but subculture enjoyment. What I really want to torture him is hooking him following my exciting story of wide cable curse, when we travel along the bus way to invest the product of software called "CUBIC".
  There is a fence he dares not to cross, it is my adventure of underground, including the cultural meeting I talk to Eric, because we cannot rent or take over the towel. So we can only change the plan into midnight gathering, we people take handle light and small chairs by each own, and a folio of culture establish suggestion to express and talk about how to build inter and counter cultural contribution of Taiwanese ideology and under the aesthetes of native, it is about generation of XYZ, which means 3 Dement ional thoughts.
  Dark use to find out how his father write down a series of killing accidental science fictions, but all people he writes die in hospital of his family ruling, nobody wants to be close with their family, wolf is ordered to make politic marriage in father's will, but she would not do it without love. I was only fancy if she has a opening wedding feast in the big peace forest park, what will that be? While Eric has been kept on counting how many money that Dark's family owning to me, those are money I earn from other institution, none for their business, but I fancy again how to use this money record on his family's account number and build ken turkey on shit land.
2004.8.4 P.22
  Even I wear high heel or not, I can be a female thinker for sure, and I thought Fussy knows marriage is for husband and wife to be honest to each other, that's why Rudy's wife shouts to him "I know what you have done all day out" should I tell Fussy that another family of this floor, husband don't know why his wife take away two sons and do not come back. In fact, she got kindness of managing many vegetarian food store, and she is the protector of gold altar of Buddha architecture law(像法) and husband leave this kind of religious pattern away from her, she has to work for the insurance company to support her kids, that's for punishment.
  "Fussy, never makes scandal that hurts yourself." Since I make curse to him. I suddenly realize one thing on my mind, Fussy once stand behind the service counter of Taipei Bank, and make an answer of my requirement, another time he shows up in the ten thousand feast of Lotus society meeting of new year, then I recognize him as the Nuskin billionaire chairman of youngest one, but as I was wondering how, I stop thoughts because I saw his father shows up in Taipei University too, he must be a professor I guess, his mother complain to my mom, how her son never believe in Buddhism and she cannot fall asleep well in the night, maybe she does not know what her son is doing outside the family, his sister has already married and born a little boy, but he keeps single as a elder brother.
  Now I realize Fussy want to surpass my author job, as transition of my authority and accomplishment as well, he never be a grandson of my pornography teacher, and suddenly all his fans of bestselling books of the year fell very sad and disappointed, because he is not relative some of rich businessman such as newspaper family, but I just laugh away, I order him just like his mother does "you must come back home every day." if you do want to get married with me.
2004.8.4 P.23
  I ask a column from foreigner editor, to write about feminist thesis newly report, but Fussy tells me he has a black past of killing his mother which shocks me a lot, but anyway he didn't return me any letter since that post card was sent, this editor use sarcasm point of view to critic culture events in Taipei, although he takes little salary but he reports a lot of phone men on of cross board, at least ten pages are under his French Recheat, below are what I suggest for sincerity discourse in column.


2004.8.4 P.24
How to see through female conscious of destructure from installation works in the post modernism period of 21 century with time and space sphere of upper advent guard creation?
study on female advertisement, which is a similarity with pure art in the methods of creative topic and settings?
What is pioneer in the new idea of the aesthetic of contemporary western art?
What is the main purpose and temptation in female art?
What is the relationship with fine art and female education?
When feminism express in works could be recognized by sightseeing, what is he influence does thesis do to female artist and the acquaintance of aesthetic evolution ??
The discussion and dialogue in art?
The inter version of female and deify?
How to directly transform the related information in the topic and fixation thin art?
The avent guard in female article theory?
2004.8.4 P.25
  As I am telling the story in <heart of sutra> novel, I attend a painting group named 0922 something, while the crow buys a house besides my house and then rent for other people, because he goes to buy another one for his wife, he is a very famous die artist named four square(田), another famous partnership is coffee color name(褚). Eric is active too, while kafka is very lousy, Eric's wife a little excellent for painting colorful Ardena portrait, but we really don't know who is that teacher Wu. so we go to see another teacher Margritte because he is famous, but afterward I know teacher Wu's wife is Chinese painter and is talent in decorating paintings of oriental way.
  Fussy is doing report novel of the age when he studies overseas, but I have to ask his mother if it is truth, once we go to his family for drinking tea, sometimes for gathering to read sutra, I heard his mother talk about Fussy's room, he is found of computer and when he works and go back home, he usually sleep as practice and seldom read anything. I can see he only want to keep white like a empty sheet paper in his life, but I never see him when I am responsible for the connecting phone call, because he is not on the list, as I memorize all the plots he play to me. I can only tell him how I have been worked for multi-media company, because I have no prode background to compete with this society.
  Before this, I think about maybe that coffee is the brother of Marie shelley, because he got girlfriend already, but she does not know why. She watches him write tourism book, business theory, doing part time D.J in Chinese, pretending goes to French study Art but write down too many prose that seem so popular, but when I go to web bookstore it cost only ten dollars, and when I book to buy it, I get reply of selling over, without any left product, such a wonder make me laugh.
2004.8.4 P.26
  First time, I was called by phone to face testing, the female general manager gives everyone many list to fill up, one page after another, and the boss choose from the information, at last only seven young people pass to take the job of ten days supervisor, the boss shows up lecture recording tapes and his double intellecture degree. I was hired for web editor, and a male assistant helper, but he only skip away and throw all pages to me, I have to read through and correct the wrong, make chapters in various topics, but I do finish the edition too quickly, so the part of skin care should be looked overtimes as the boss order me to fix it datailly, but I am angry with too many white wipe(立可白) so I throw it away, I hate to make mistake words.
  The highest boss force me to write down confession reason to take his forgiveness, so I write in the way of Chinese literature classic rhetoric, because he does not feel enough, orders me to write at least five more pages, it is a symbolic meaning in the future website politic manage. I know the reason I was chosen is because I have many famous friends on the data that appeals the boss wondering why, after I get some justification assignments, he makes sure for it, but I don't know why he laughs so happy when he read through my regret letters, so I attend the dinner he waves goodbye to every employees, I leave first for too full.
  Leave this career, I go for another company from Hong Kong investment, the manager picks up several face pretty enough to be a earning money star, while I am in charge a Mix Factory studio doing introduction of artist manager, and the business of various kinds of show case, but DPP come to stop our business, so the boss behind another building called dismiss ion, in fact, the boss establish designer.
2004.8.4 P.27
  At that studio, I pass first by the boss of playboy magazine, and I tell him in the future my ideal is to open a studio of multi-media for really invent PC products by my independent way, so he lets me do the job as author, at first we have a meeting under the leader of manager, he asks me to write a fresh new warning announcement of video tape copy write right(著作權法), that is for the rule of movie and film, then I have nothing to do, so I interpret. English theory about digital image art, and the real boss is so happy to sent all his employees to eat Japanese food, but somehow I won't do job for DPP's bribe, so I quit and only work for half a month, and never return the job.
  Then I go to gallery called tired or not bookroom, the female manager gives me a job of sitting in the bench table of England, and make sure all visitor sign up their address and information, other times I sent tea pot and pool on the cup for high class buyers, by the way, I am a requirement answer if anyone ask me about Chinese art. I saw a lot of famous painter's work, although paint by the way of oriental style, but decorate by western frame, so be put on the storeroom that cannot be salad, the day when the boss shows up, he is not happy with my attitude of not standing up to show my politeness, and I also scold by sub consciousness that chicken should not be paint large. After that he says he will go a board, than he fired me.
  My sister shows me the advertisement of interpretation company, I go to test by interpret a material and past, so I work for turning address and non-movement house contract into English type, because some people apply for moving to foreign country, too many case are stopped, although my work mate interpret better than me, it is no easy matte to promote exhibition out of the country, so I do some business fax
2004.8.4 P.28
interpretation as well, and write return letter for Enterprise trade company, but as magazine case comes, the boss does not take the menace, because it takes the risk of copy write in right argue, so he refuse to take this case, and he has four room separating by renting for other businessman, one is modem producer but cannot sell out, so he only come to the area once a week, another is coming the earliest, every time he open the auto-door for me by ring bell segment, but I can't see what is he doing that keeps on thinking maybe about how to make plan(企劃) case into reality check.
  I was nominated one day for small meeting of support creative inspirations in the advertisement company, the female supervisor is charge on artificial skill directing and her boss is a Japanese costumier designer. I saw his document video in French studio doing design of funky style by cutting technic(山本耀司), that supervisor should is the same noble school as me. She tells me in a cultural coffee shop, and she likes to dress a brand of costume like Japanese skirt at the meeting. I saw a famous video taper of MTV, he is friend of Chist, my university time used to make records with him while I produce words curtain, he says "pagey, I know a friend who loves to make video too, and he has a mountain of erotic tapes and never rent anybody, if you wish to see. I can lend one for you to watch." I say no, thanks.
  At that meeting, I suggest a good idea of puppet, to show feminism in dialogues that hardly ever heard, and she seems so happy with another plate advertisement of cars, too, so she sent me to eat a double-leaf spot shop, but I don't know why I can't control the soup pooling out, maybe it is a hint that she does publish a article illustration of brand critic in futurism, called "Mass-income" which I read over in elite bookstore, it’s about applied ART, but
2004.8.4 P.29
I do the opposite, I write down "if material just use it(唯物是用)" and don't care about famous brand, it's record in novel of <magic image> how things exist by their essence, and if Mr. Wang young ming knows what is this philosophy stands for in Lotus sutra, or his friends in bamboos.
  I got another job of sending Emails, but in the other way I got a assistant of interpreting contract of teacher hiring institute, which is writing in the novel of <polar-lighten-Ring>, the female boss Landa, she used to be my mathematic teacher, this name sounds like state of Arzlander the legend of sinking ground in American, that is referred the fairy tale of Queen in Oz empire, four roles in this Oz story: strawman, Lion, robot, girl, symbolize four kinds of nobility that cannot lose.
  Brust is my friend in university, there is a number of one in his Chinese name, which is transcendent from his mother of the same spell same one in the final, but the government take away her name of one, so Brust's birth card only shows mother's name without one, who is very top in the professional teaching and research on female thesis. When I need a index theory to study commix to write column. I found his mother's report out of the library, by guess I know the reason why he is smart and fast get double sit, in scholarship, and his father is a general status.
  One day Eric celebrates for Brust, because he does the test of Bible identification as all blank, he is guessing what if teacher gives him one zero, or line under zero, if there is two underline he can wear the number in his upper head as a saint polar ring, but anyway the test is never gave back to student, it is the markable thing when Eric celebrates for create a band called "zero and sound", but the music disc shows on Jazz program and be disliked.
2004.8.5 P.30
  I would like to make new core movie, by the way of slow down all sellouts of animation speed, then it shows a effect of screen movements, in spite of fast speed of boom time, such move is for sensibility of postmodern nostalgic. Last night, the office building of Micro parade is working against me, some of them used to be my best friend of under my giving benefits, but now they work for money therefore they concentrate on my painful heart-attack, as I am eating pills, I still cannot ease the hurting, tonight I can't bare the purpose anymore, so I set on a curse to stop them going on cheerfully with the evaluation of fashion business.
  First of all, the ceiling of every layer floor drops down pouring coffee beverages, every employee is all wet on body and clothe, but they worry about their materials in the carry bags first, some data or important tool, while milk is like rainy falling down on the office, everyone start to laugh and they slamp all kinds of compact of computer, over here and over there to let all equipments out of usage, then the sands of sugar watering down on them, with some smell of coffee mate of countless sands, they are so angry that after they camp on changing clothe they use coffee snow to throw on others body by mud of balls game, they look like shit but try to revenge, so they start to waste telephone call to call on expensive line as long as they wish. including international number and cellphone spend, because this company doesn't apply the insurance of working on strike, so the boss lose a lot that cannot save back, he is very angry that he shut up all doors of running away out of here, but some people broke the second floor window, and climb down to escape from this debt company of blue glasses.
  This is the most discussing day of my life, people never do things that take no pay, it's capitalism rules.
2004.8.7 P.31
  Beyond all these plots, I really go back to school to ask my computer teacher, about how to make a software out of my innovational structure, and become an independent system to sale on special function of easy time and space, it's about sharing soft ware on web, it is open and simple to transfer data in storage of internet space, this is so called "CUBIC" plan of my imagination, there are six types of wheeling on the magic square game, which is six dement ional thinking of logic world, the teacher answer me: "my student, you got to use flash first to draw the cubic square, and set up super link to make it turning anyway you want, then there comes the problem of writing basic language, and the methods of installation rule, it's for popular adaptation preparation."
  One my way home, the bus drive nuts on different routes not like ever before, as the day I think about Fussy, the bus drives totally out of my believe, and I have to walk across the shopping street under transit railroad, my two feets are so tired then start to make cuse on the spell of "come out quickly you shit bloody station", then I was reaching over there the entrance of the Chun Shou East Road, all brand shops I have past by. I only saw de'Accord on my sight, but wonders why, maybe the color of its clothe is like tropical fishes.
  Let me talk about the atmosphere of landscape outside the bus window, some digital bulletin boards are showing complimented sentences of myself thinking of inner brain. I turn my face on another seat(卻坐一面) just to ignore this hell-like sign. I almost raise my feast struggle for such scold representation, much too concise to do effect of exciting my pulse, but I receive those words, and take it as my clue of next action take part in.
2004.8.7 P.32
  On the corner of CUBIC, there are six colors in each face of the square, some people cannot make it so they cheat by take out the stamp, or de-structure from the centre connection, these are all against the rules of intellectual testing, some take the illustration decode Manu-book, but is already for away from real victory, in this world, people gamble to prevent from out of the baseball game. I create "CUBIC" just for escape from junk email, because oldish BBS email does not receive any garbage from office system or any kind of hotmail, other type of window 3.0 software can be reply on apply including "depends on heaven"(倚天) system, and so on. if every face got nine square pane, then six detentions have fifty-four panes of usage to exchange within.
  By the turning technics, how to make combination of each face n different registration pattern? Only nine heads dragon can figure out what secret is deep inside. The opposite of Buddha is near, is far meting rain in miracle dharma(遠霑妙道), it's because when you call for buddhasatteva of watch sound(觀音) she will come by saint calling of help, there is new song of "seven valley perfume.(七里香)" for a story of a temple of Lotus(法華寺) where someone is on sutra reading and people of neighborhood smell the perfume, then it is prayed for a slang of seven valley Lotus(七星法華).
  While my mother sells my first experience of sex, just for exchange of a velli building to give my sister to live long, that was rape coming from her curse on Buddha room(佛堂) and I have to scarify for this pretending innocent, but I think I should not give up on believing of Buddhism white, for I never sonnet any idea for her evilness, if I fix myself with nature, what goodness will I have in return, maybe I'm transparent like female cigar.
BY POLLY WOO /吳菀菱著(言葉)
(一)What is feminism in ADS?
(二)Talking about avent-ist.
(三)The mode of performance.
(四)Semiotic ways of watch.
(五)Make the image into mind.
(六)Do you believe in wisdom?
(七)The role stand by model.
(八)Income from sexy clever.
(九)No matter how intellect.
(十)Consumption with desire.
  I get ten times of column to talk about article idea of feminism, just as I have wrote down the mainly contents I mail to the editor of English culture newspaper, and I make a theory of story style. only for the purpose to make reader feel interesting, it's similar to tell a story in narrative advertisements plots, every thesis is planned of course by the writer if he or she really got a stress of reason to lecture on, it must cost a lot of reading or the principle of index in mind, because some theory are not only come out from independent creation, but experiment of others experience, feminism is not emptiness either.
BY POLLY WOO /吳菀菱著(言葉)
(一)What is feminism in ADS?
(二)Talking about avent-ist.
(三)The mode of performance.
(四)Semiotic ways of watch.
(五)Make the image into mind.
(六)Do you believe in wisdom?
(七)The role stand by model.
(八)Income from sexy clever.
(九)No matter how intellect.
(十)Consumption with desire.
主  旨:May I request a column from pots English page?
內  容:
Dear editor:
I am right now using English writing long novels, almost finish number five plan and it’s about ADS, so I want to ask you if advertisement comment of American magazine is adoptable for your board to express, I can support both pictures and critic, and I make sure it will be written by feminism, by the way, I am doing pioneer wave, so please you let me show my talent of analyzing, so that your newspaper can be real big popular as ever before,
Sincerely reader, Polly woo 2004/8/22/1:02/library

2004.8.7 P.35
Definition: (一)What is feminism in advertisement?
(Q): How to see through female conscious of destructure from installation works in the post modernism period of 21 century with "Time and Space" sphere 6F super avent guard creation? There are six kinds of time and space below:
(1)SEGA: it is like video game under 3D surrounding structure
(2)LINING: it is simplified from stopped image to montage set
(3)META: it is backwards prophet and mirror of time and space
(4)LIGHT-YEAR: the speed is only a flash but large times to count
(5)ETAI(以太): it's a phenomena of star group like silver way
(6)CIRCLE: it is a rate of round within cycle orbit to run
  There is a shadow theatre in Triangle street lane, which one day play a little movie about Fussy and me are fighting against feminism together by nudity. I feel very angry that I make curse for every audience to fall on the global wheeling of polar road outside the margin of earth, it speeds up like a supernatural fixation that each one on the crazy train are out of their mind and dizzy. The route of circles are following by chance of quantum, especially like light quantification, so everyone lose controls of body and soul, but some are free exciting and singing.
  For the purpose of popular selling of Fussy's book, he keeps on pretending a coward man being abused by me, my left ear is ill from last night, when I lean on the pillow. Fussy used his brave to touch my body, it just like nowadays advertisement, the actress model often use super magic to show how fast they surpass the reality poorness, which can be divided into six kinds of ability in time and space as above, some ads producer treat beauty as two kinds of qualification, one is aesthetic in fine art, another is only beauty of skin deep, while former is closer to postmodern installation, because it got wisdom structure to decode.
2004.8.9 P.36
Definition: (二)Talking about avent-ist.
(Q): Study on female advertisement, which is a similarity with pure art in the methods of creative topic and settings?
(A): Most of the maintain is for stage design.
  While my manager Roger is talking with a publishment company boss, for the detail of printing my books. I am beneath the pressure of Fussy's body. I ask Fussy why does not he use cell phone to record all the deeds he has done to me this night? We are hiding in the meadow of boss house in Japan stylish ville, this is an event of symbolic in the management institute affairs, if Fussy wants to perform with me, he got to sign the contract with me first. As my ear was hurting, he never says a word of concern, so I decide to let him carry me on his back, that he can't take any eros intention or me by any case of circumstance.
  I tell him that if he carries me walking just follow along, he can reach the exhibition of my calligraphic show in the Taipei contemporary gallery of fine art, and it is called "catch a needle under the big ocean."(大海撈針) with many classic sutra books to check out the content of writings, Fussy refuse to perform the plot of carrying my body on his back, last dinner I am too hungry that I go down stairs to buy a chicken stick to eat. I just know that meat is too raw, it tastes like anything that a mature man wouldn't do.
  For storage of good memory, I lay down on the sofa branch in the gallery, and stretch out my naked two feets to be record by cellphone image, it is a shrinking function so that the far background can be shoot within. I was so inspired by the celebration of J.10 advertisement by showing the sexy feets, but Fussy says this is underground flesh, which makes me of bad temper. I force him take off his pants and quickly being photographed by my screen shot.
2004.8.9 P.37
Definition: (三)The mode of performance.
(Q): What is pioneer in the new idea of the aesthetic of contemporary western ART?
(A): Ideology of advertise.
  When an advertisement is photographed as a movie, it is called pioneer stream in image art, with the technics of videotaping and cooperation of various kinds of field across plante into poly dement ional performance action. The discourse of announcement in advertisement is function like socrate standing on the block to express his political opinions during public park, while aesthetic is a work of theory that talk about essence of beautify in culture create, and escape from the dirty and pollution of government.
  I think the mode of artist works should not keep as the same style just for brand conscious, this is suitable for advertisement because it only sells the inspirational idea but not a stand-for representation goal, the final purpose is for consumption of mass-production, the second is for the featuring figure image of the represent person in perform. I have made several investigates on advertisement study or critic, but seldom people choose such public-psychology motif to judge on feminist thesis appliment, it seems that woman are too highly regard on self but proudness of no essence.
  If I express a totally empty advertisement on the fashion magazine, it would be a appeal meaning of non-word sculpture, it is symbol of zazen door, vocabulary hell of prison, miracle of spectrum, straight awakening, and the sign of originally no words ever exist in ancient history, maybe this is for advertisement idea of words system. I will leave a smallest message line in the board button that goes like "without printing we can only guess by digital brain, please support typing skill in computer age of boom." it is sounds like reminding the "nothing at all"(無蝦米) type.
2004.8.9 P.38
Definition: (四)Semiotic ways of watch.
(Q): What is the main purpose and temptation in the female art?
(A): For statement of self authority.
  As to advertisement, it is somewhat surface with the compares ion of female sincere art, just like mark function versus semiotics theory, advertise use code to stand for some symbolic language under neath the illustration path. In Buddhism fixation, female art maybe charged as 7 kinds of morality in Horomitts(波羅蜜), such as below:
  Above are maturity of signified and signifier in between the close-up inside advertisement performance. Most important of all, it is slogan that makes sense in the work of advertisement. As I go to buy pills for ear ill, I enter the web shop to do some internet behaviors, such as sending some web data into my space of Email content, so that another day on line I can print them out for read.
  There is a fairy tale of rain ball fable, in Greek she is called Eris Goodness, which stands for seven colors in the rainfall after, including seven fair lady in symbolic of Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, carbine, purple, they are within the study of color theory, which is a partial of the visual semiotics to distinguish. After all, advertisement is for communication pleasure and appreciation according, I think image in digitalized world and printed zine are beauty for sutra write down something of eighteen kindness body.
2004.8.10 P.39
Definition: (五)Make the image into mind.
(Q): What is the relationship with fine art and female education?
(A): Learning to know politic feminism.
  In pop art, it is a ideology of mass production in the selling point to be popular, while serious advertisement critic put the heavy theory on marketing and consumption, therefore with the maxims opinion, sexy image of women are reflection of fetish, moreover, training the talent of fine are in female brain, is the facing with education of establishment in multi-cultural design, that may make feminist become a strong leader of hyper business, cyber punk might be challenged by no censorship limitation at all, but it is the same in impressing exaggerated direct.
  Nowadays, products become mirror of fetishism, because there are complicated directions of usage method printing on the package of stamping notes, sometimes people buy gift according to brand in definition of hint, or for the practical fuction to experimenting if true or not, a lot of advertisement do telling lies only to make sarcasm of sexism, it is politic to betray self gender in every drag show, but the image in advertisement in fluence the audience to agree or hold by disaprovement, in the long run, woman always keep memory of their favorite idol, such like elegant career lady in movies on TV. Advertisement film is very short, but it must produce the unforgettable glance on watcher's mind and memory.
  Fussy wrote many emails in return of all book fans, while I leave the wrong number of final about my cellphone, but he answers my message as "you are still so straight in the way you talk, but I am afraid of not able to say anything in words, because you talk like alliance or something I can't understand" or I believe it's because I am directly point out whatever lies he says to me, just like a detector born.
2004.8.10 P.40
Definition: (六)Do you believe in wisdom?
(Q): When feminism express in works could be re-cognized by sightseeing, what is the influence does thesis do to female artist and the acquaintance of aesthetic revolution?
(A): A target of transit principle.
  Surely it is visualization of advertisement design, when the revolution in article purpose is to transfer the only one sacred moment on image for eternity, it is very strong like a huge sculpture of theory, that nothing can break it down on the records of history. If advertisement is not created on the money purchase, but take unique target of one kind of criticized background, at the same time, cultural thesis build a principle of limited definition in historical happening, art is existing within the text of first hand observe and waiting to be pass over again.
  I am worry about myself too naive that cannot use the wisdom of maturity I dream to have in my mind, but I do not plan to see that changeable Fussy in case of real date, the other reason makes me give up is for his ambiguous identification of body, and he often use superpower to wash over his information on web, I do not want to busy following all strike cards of poker, since I have no time fooling around on wizard guessing.
  Wisdom is all I need for regain the purify face of my daily life, even though I haven't ready for prepare before any show game face to face, I still need to be looked like a mature age of this year. In the shallow surface of feminism art works, aesthetic revolution should come from spiritual recognition but not materialism, for it is a bridge from believer's heart to the Buddhism symbol high above, if you choose right from wrong, then wisdom will come automatically to your eyes of precise.
2004.8.10 P.41
Definition: (七)The role stands by model.
(Q): The discussion and dialogue in art?
(A): Psycho.
  As Freud use dream langue to analyze on psychology, so as advertisement learn from three mirror image of self, such as id, ego and super-ego, of course it is more or less to put interesting dialogues between two sexus, but the conflict of gender can be discussed in the facing with each other, it depends on the genre of art which express the changeable situation that a single woman should take responsibility with her life, and imagination super model of perfection and substitution in stage.
  It is a artificial skill to talk irony in screen of advertisement, when the complex towards goods for sale, is happened in the performer place, he or she will be a object or subject under psychological examination and the judgment of audience, advertisement of up-date is the more important psyco-linguristic in cultural creative design. Freud seldom use dialogue of patient's confession about dream plots, because he narrative like a fable describer.
  If Fussy renew his website so soon, and usually have inter-mails on line, I will not bother his expensive time, because internet chatting is such like a roll of club, everything is so complicated to identify by hints. I wonder why strangers keep on mailing letters of asking big money from me, but Fussy never get such kind of opening message, may he has some kind of threatening power to prevent this? I make sure his family background is very heavy, therefore he sends out much too many false data of himself to make readers or not real readers foolish in the nonsense rumors. Fussy copy a lie from another writer who talks about now his father die on bed while he goes on writing will.
2004.8.10 P.42
Definition: (八)Income from sexy clever.
(Q): The interversion of female and deify?
(A): Godot.
  In fairy tales, females are referred to several kinds of deify essence, such as plasticized attraction, the birth natural, magic power of willing, discover the truth with smart, make curse on crime, protection for family, except for motherhood authority all above, could sexy clever become a Intel lecture base of successful theory? In spite of the appreciation of pleasure viewing on films, but inner body is never the real happiness source, but soul is mirror when you get to know sexual beauty is symptom of wars in the avent guard ideology of advertisement inter versions.
  When ideology contains three kinds of incidence, they are pre-conscious, conscious and sub-conscious as shape of a triangle, structure, then there are three Arrow vector which represent for prologue experience, metaphysic fiction and narrative description of now, in a word, they are tense of past, contemporary and future, this idea should be female cleverness under the training of psycho-analyzed power but not taken away by male doctor, because the culture of motherhood is never the justice statement as hospital regard, and if any hospital has expressed an advertisement, it is nothing but in the requesting employees on newspaper index advertise press board.
  While woman as I go for clock direction, the man as Fussy is very possible to drive the arrow in anti-direction of backward, suppose “Fussy Logic” change a rule of becoming four mirror image on the xy structure, what conclusion it will become and be used on the science development works? It is possibility of balance in number of addition and reduction, sometimes gender can be treated as polar and shadow, for keeping the peace of intellectual fighting, feminism is the best policy for staying alive with self deify combined as Godot.
2004.8.10 P.43
Definition: (九) No matter how intellect.
(Q): How to directly transform the related information in the topic and fixation within art?
(A): Make it as concrete architecture in the name of art.
  Arch is some shape of semic or throwing balls line, it is twisting circle or postmodern winding line graphic. Don’t you think it is similar with woman’s body shade, if other shape like slant celine or inner church window and door in special curve design, it is interpreted for delicacy, somehow all pillars supporting the upper cover weight is to make sure it won’t tumbling down by the time of earth crake, which is called six kinds of shaking(六種震動) in the legend 6F sutra somewhere. But I haven’t found it out, while techture is some robot installation for building high structure of floors, fixation in art should be very firmly.
  In advertisement, a lot of condition are refer to the stream line expression, or adoptions of conscious stream type, body language take the position of letter narrative function, the movement of action or gradual change in any part of body is photographed by one kind of cutting through, it is inspired form animational decided pages to show the skipping montages, it take the visualized exciting pleasure like peeping Tom to let audiences realize the female naked should be decorated by few press or clothe or even masked by cosmetics, according to the ideal of Barthe’s critic on dress-off dancer in French. This skill is called discreen editing methods, it obeys censorship.
  Although misreading on advertisements never be fined by any dollars, but over-naive photos on advertisement press is suit for going on court by punishment. For the name of titles, artificial is juxtaposition of designing theory and materialism, the idea of ready-made is often the sample which cut down partial image from photographs, it’s for effect of perfection.

2004.8.10 P.44
Definition: (十)Consumption with desire.
(Q): The avent guard in female article theory?
(A): transtructurism includes post-de-con-super-structure.
  Consumption comes from desire, and it is difference between male and female on the consuming freedom, gender needs make all products belonging to ideology of buying. As I discover the female art is showing the frustration hurts in the topic of avent Guard, while most of the feminist advertise create progressive success on politics of various struggles with selfish centrism of patriarchy, which is another polarize from feminist in motherhood point of view, if the world goes on without the birth production from woman body, nobody will understand the complex of pathician on both denial for transpower in ego, during the self-proudness pronunciation of discourse, there are:
(1) Trans-
(2) Post-
(3) DE-
(4) CON-
(5) SUPER-
(6) OVER-
(7) ANTI-
(8) RE-
(9) NON-
(10) SUR-
  At the end of this novel, I leave the ghost intersexual dream with Fussy, because too many female reader are quarrel to each other for some jealous reason, maybe they are fighting again the fetish brand symbolized their boyfriends of numerous uncountable, or he destroy the female dignity of buying self own, woman never treat buying desire is he action or libido under intercourse with any fancy man they want to meet accidentally in love, so do I think that buying material isn’t buying a man.

My English self introduction (by Polly Woo)
My Chinese name is WU-WAN-LING, I was born in year of 1970, November, day twenty sixth, at hospital of Tainan city, a female, about thirty three years old, Sagittarian, blood type is a, right now work as a professional literature author, at the same time, attend the artistic creation of PC drawing and of art of calligraphy, I do the job for 10 years. My study idealism:
I insist the main point from woman’s opinion which represent my own gender of nature. Therefore my central study topic is con-cent rated on female philosophy, specially trying to attach the structure of female’s knowledge and wisdom in sphere of mind, in another way it means to contribute on the problem of sensibility in reality, from the Buddhism stand point, this is to consider on whole female people who maybe agree that advantage of five is just finding the verture of surrounding practice value, which worth everyone to pursuit advantage of each life.
My point of view:
Basically, female should be the conscious of smart one, knowing not to take the pressure from male centrism, but to construct peace relationship in center with another gender, if not, then any romance are all create lies, and will mislead next generation to wrong ways, which is possible to cut down the nice progress of society ladder from growing, so I want to continue doing the research of fixation in between every age pattern of male and female, I plan to check such thesis on intercultural, demographic, and philosophy of popularity, I believe that the survivelism for female to judge is rely on the frequency of experience, within the daily life on the using material and on money consumption, toward the concrete recognition of buying and sale, we can no doubt get nearby of citizen female’s religional thoughts, and view clear what is the deep desire of post modern epoch, in order to hold on that appeal, and make it be truth.
My religion opinion:
No matter oriental or western valuation, we should be aware of that exist phoneme none is changeable, while religion is holy grand which will never move away, it must be found out in the ambition of theory that duel affect and confaith that it’s a force derive from Buddha.
My writing target:
In my writings, there are novel which I think is most important of my creation beyond all the other text types, such as poetry, prose, theory, transformation, critic, fiction, art, photo, jokes, interview, journal, report, record, dairy and so on. I choose novel to discuss my concept of the profound world of complicated situation, that is not easy to exam as a whole, so it will be referred to some kind of pregidy and objectivity.
My research goal:
While although all above, I still think restrict that women is a very important labor group, in contribution source and in sincere waitress of Buddhism, that’s why I stress on the study of female though out almost each major conduct, I hope your academy will open the door for me, to have the precious opportunity in learning, I will work hard in listening the course of preach and teach, to make sure I can get the scholar on the right way of my planning duty and success.

留言討論區  華流行館
主題: I don’t want to be your gun bullet lulu
內容: Mr. dru, if you know the reason why you give up the Chinese theory and go for business, I learned more details, and if you would like to take my request of interview, I would like to discuss about roland barthe in English, it is about goods that I produce right now, and I never finish you book of pro-stein girl really, would you send me one book to study very seriously? Cell phone number 0955-801-114 for temporary, because it is easy card for far transmit, see you……
Polly woo as writer too, 2004/7/25afternoon 2:16 at library Taipei
主題: This time is different from your poker card
內容: Dear rudy, may I call you this name?
Honestly, this week I eat you as half a duck of begin roast, and I dream you like a valentine bloody the band of rock &roll, everyone do that, why don’t you do it too, do as you want to do, by the way, this bulletine day I receive your cell phone call, I hate you tell the truth I already known, and forget those five planted yellow roses, because I understand you irony on university read the same, but I still go on watch over them as I walk down the floor and pass them by, for I watch how they grow like the way of your imagination, I am not mind telling you, I do writer over a English novel for you, it is “Buddha is near”, well, it tracks only three weeks to end it, so I decide to write another on named “taraney index” you know, it is about when I actually bump into a young writer named Gothic, he describe the bothering blue of victor, so, as I meet someone like you, I am afraid to enter your novel, this is my scaring that you will never know, if he dwell me into your novel, what can I do in return? Tell me your suggestion or opinion.
I don’t want to lose in the ocean of your lies……Polly woo
2004/8/18 /8:47 /in the library of wang fang hospital computer No. four
主題: Ask a serious question……
內容: If you don’t mind tell me what manage company you take part in?

<How is roland barthe functioning in female daily live> Polly Woo
In the novel of <the protein girl>, the main character is the writer himself, to explain why a career of author fail the ability to love, and from my point of view, he is referred female ideology with mass product that the essence of all goods are out of the opposite of a polar invent, when woman buy or appreciate the certain kinds of brand manufacture, she is settled by that specialty of soul which designer bring the life into it, as a man judge a woman by spying on the dress she buys, or she identifies as what she likes, he is trying to keep himself thinking like roland barthe with idea of female codes of semiology on body carry, that related with the feature of image that she recognizes herself to show on public, of course not private space where she feels at ease of spiritual statement, if a man make irony on all women walking in the street, can they understand it's feel like critic a gallery work on fine art inn, all he want is in deep like a professional theory recording by brain, cause the mind hold on the brand of capitalism that reflects any status of one's job, and the way she obeys as a permission of believing, it is not deny of self. This is what roland barthe essays signifier buys signified something, so woman is the suffer of subjection, including all signified as a whole. When business in trade, economy, account, promote, advertise, sales, and all practice of working in entertainment or enterprise, female must prevent from becoming a sold good, because it is set up plan to know at last what is the price of symbol from creator’s mind that why every brand should be weared at the right time and place and the mood she feels, even drag on clothe is for purpose to let people understand the pleasure of buying and wearing this kind of meaning by her own will, I guess man seldom questions why male has rarely famous brand to consummating, almost costume must be designed by pore hand of maker, for in the traditional standard, man is judged by his power of authority, procession, control, wisdom, achievement, and any way they win the game of competing honor and victory, or they will be despised by rumors or society evaluation, chasing a girl means the first step in life, and love is desire of catch a ideal on hand.

<How is roland barthe functioning in female daily live> Polly Woo
In the novel of <the protein girl>, the main character is the writer himself, to explain why a career of anther fail the ability to love, and from my point of view, he is refered female ideology with mass product that the essence of all goods are out of the opposite of a polar invent, when woman buy or appreciate the certain kinds of brand manufacture, she is settled by that specialty of soul which designer bring the life into it, as a man judge a woman by spying on the dress she buys, or she identifies as what she likes, he is trying to keep himself thinking like roland barthe with idea of female codes of semiology on body carry, that related with the feature of image that she recognizes herself to show on public, of course not private space where she feels at ease of spiritual statement, if a man make irony on all women walking in the street, can they understand it’s feel like critic a gallery work on fine art inn, all he want is in deep like a professional theory recording by brain, cause the mind hold on the brand of capitalism that reflects any status of one’s job, and the way she obeys as a permission of believing, it is not deny of self. This is what roland barthe essays signifier buys signified something, so woman is the suffer of subjection, including all signified as a whole. When business in trade, economy, account, promote, advertise, sales, and all practice of working in entertainment or enterprise, female must prevent from becoming a sold good, because it is set up plan to know at last what is the price of symbol from creator’s mind that why every brand should be weared at the right time and place and the mood she feels, even drag on clothe is for purpose to let people understand the pleasure of buying and wearing this kind of meaning by her own will, I guess man seldom questions why male has rarely famous brand to consumpting, almost costume must be designed by pore hand of maker, for in the traditional standard, man is judged by his power of authority, procession, control, wisdom, achievement, and any way they win the game of competing honor and victory, or they will be despised by rumors or society evaluation, chasing a girl means the first step in life, and love is desire of catch a ideal on hand.
Pro-stein girl is the type that dislike too many purchasers that will threaten her purity of sexuality with only one true love, too many one night stand is what she want to throw away, because it is hurt at the end of remembrance, she stays in the attitude of very badly temperate in her looking just to scare away any man that does not suitable for her, if he choose a decision of leaving on the middle time, she will be more cautious than ever before to over protect herself. The secret when narrator of this story tells honestly that he loves all about gun bullet lulu, it is sentimental to say that he lost tender comfortable but not struggle with misogynist tendency, in fact, he fall into the valley of romance that nowhere can be found, that is utopia convince that as the same when pro-stein girl deny men’s love game, he is a pro-stein boy that complex of solitude make a fallacy on his maturity in business world, if he cannot handle a woman in the company, how can he control a whole company in charge of his bare hand? Girl is a metaphor of basic of a woman or lady, man tries to dig the background in order to strick her self-confidence and the dignity of going ahead in success life style, it is indirect viewing in the under of a psychology analyze, his mirror image is what he sees through a woman who shock his heart, that is why mysterious lady of highly fixation makes he feel like watch a movie in the high hill, she got several excuses to stop man’s trap, if her mind sense such a warning, she will drift away from the request of cross the distance, in Roland Barthe’s saying, woman should stand on the stage of being peeping, it is a duty to remain beauty aesthetic in the dancing of half nudity, because totally naked is not real pretty in the censorship of artic commenting, and the reason why man likes to be a vourage of looking for libido satisfaction, is out of the theory of transparent, and some kind of penetration into female body, so as famous brand penetrates her body by the condition that she wear a dress of hint, a impolite refuse on the cell phone is a mark of critic, that means she will only come out for the precious goal which achieves her super ego, she makes choice for waiting for a chance of showing her true ideal in romance when she promises to scarify, she keeps nobility of fighting alone, for what she concentrate to do will makes her in complete, carry a partner means stone stop her walking freely, if the object is hardly to communicate, she rather left behind, that is the way about how a woman on the road of getting successful. Let me return back to what Roland Barthe preached, he use writing as a power to scold the other gender by the way of treating binary language as a weapon to argue the advantage if any salvation can make both feel peace together, otherwise it is proved to be a battle of sexus, in the method of catharsis, linguistic order is what keeps body, discourse and intention become decent and clean, but most of the women loves to dress colorful, for myth to attract her man, I think this novel is requesting for zero of humanity in woman body, it is also the startle of soul to be all over again for the fulfill of contain herself as a angel, which is not possible for man to believe because woman treats it as camera of their life and death, if women hope to stay at the nutrition of feeding her man in fare ware, she is giving up her selfish no matter how people discussing on what she likes of human nature, this love story is not quite reality like, for they never leave any message for tracing on date of relationship, it is sculpture the painting of the remote distance of separation in gender education, the gulf in between turns out to be problems of unable to understand what is solution of better hyper love, if he fail then even when exchange the gender will not be equality of sexuality, postmodern terms become a sarcasm to discuss woman, but no any shadow of past tense, writing is not crime and writer will never die, such a value is basement of recording classic like mythology or something saint in history, it is power when woman get the justice pen to say her right is a brand of article style. As Roland barthe point out the essence of French culture, he means both sex are the same important because the French language is decided into polar and feminine, no any part can be dismissed in the wholesome of the speaking civilization, if it is so, then this is a illness of losing memory of vocabulary or lost language usage. Therefore if buyer dislike the brand, she will never memorize its name, just like a painting must have a title of given name, or the critic or collector cannot make sense of it, or to attach image in audience’s mind, so as the writher is doing the signature of his name, by the way of sexism, nobody will take over his name on novelist book of folio coverage, although it is a non-fiction of masculine, but a few women still feel angry about the espies on their most favorite brand they used to buy, just like the man used to sleep on their body, they would never be defined as a scandal of their life, the writer use a little discrimination tone to alter that all women are skin deep if they do not understand his metaphors on “special words”, then why should they be so mad about those taboo brand that the writer picks up to count from department store on the list? So many girls’s name disappeared when they enter this novel, but will this action really make them become the model figure that they wish to be in their mind, should they striving for being a note press by Roland barthe? What Roland barthe says “that what is not” smoke is the surrealism of linguistic misleading, that will make distress of someone who do not know what he or she means in the words or sentence in expression, sometime changing the rule of word will cause a devil hell of morphology similarity, he is using irony on female while they still conform it for keeping the employee of gain, so it is very literature definition to make code on things people use or watch by impression, for decode structurism is meta file, at the time you finish it, all plot rearrange again for some other buyer for earning the bravo of fan phenomena, I know it is a magic book to experiment on how many reader is stuck on the goal of narrative, if they feel happy for their imagination or not, it will already not yet remain the same as you memorize it, for each one is watching on various kind of ending, tragedy or comedy, two kinds of possibility by chance, and everyone is dealed by the punishment of loving the colonism of outside country producing, but not any famous in the native design, maybe marks are disguised by trick of the seller, but who cares about not jealous on non-brand stylish manuscript ion?
It is gossip sub-culture in the novel, which makes all prode of buying luxury become a shame for man use upper class critics of hippy style but not professor form, that really hurts the protection of woman from being pollute dirty on the funding of fashion materials on marketing, especially hurt manager who build a enterprise image of promoting on goods to sale, if doing advertisement or business of develop buying vite, a woman should be more carefully that it is a strike to bite a losing meat of advantageism in fancy world, at this time, to have a fame of product no matter prize or sales, is the clue of charging a fair with such kind of twisting worthy, brand is what you believe but now everything be discount on sale, because the male gassipe faces female with the courage into three mirror of lacanian theory, which is id of middle class, ego of capitalism control, and super ego of socialism, those are triangle of what Roland barthe says, “writing is code of indifference of maxism,” his opinion is the dis-structurism to make ruin on any political mainpoint lose weight, but if it is for purity of virture in literary text, the function of words will be reduced by the closed meaning to make circle means. Therefore writing is not death in the finish end, because as I watch on difference report on commenting a texture, there comes a vivid spring from the defined stand point of formism. Readers can join and influence what the writer has a record, when they take part in the eternity of text, writer is eternity. But everybody sees the reason why writer permit an authority that no one can separate him as pieces of gossips, for he has the unsolved plot to hide himself from not being eaten by any circumstance of hatred on the complex too complicated mode. This power id called copy write, and in linguistic term it is a structure firmly organized, the structure inside writer’s mind is the huge secret that if you don’t read over it, you will not possible to get it, as you get it, the story makes automatic in transformation that mix up the one who used to regard it so highly that never be broken, even if the book is stolen or miss away from the memory of writer or reader, it is still a set of air condition that change the position in the seat of rewriting. Both takes skill to make the narrative keeps unmoved, if the writer is lazy to explain why words move by magic foot, it is fault function which makes literature become a madness of mess up doubts, then let it be just the way you forget as usual. In the belonging of semiology, codes of two kinds are birds of a feather flock together, while literature works put a rush meaning in the bridge of new definition in the texture, that is made from some index of book site but few people check it out as a theory study researcher does so seriously, that’s why man has the majority of power to write more unequal comments on female, and when female fight back as they make dialectic logic to explain for herself, most of the believers in patriarchy do not agree with file story that made by sincerity idea of female.
It is gossip sub-culture in the novel, which makes all prode of buying luxury become a shame for man use upper class critics of hippy style but not professor form, that really hurts the protection of woman from being pollute dirty on the funding of fashion materials on marketing, especially hurt manager who build a enterprise image of promoting on goods to sale, if doing advertisement or business of develop buying vite, a woman should be more carefully that it is a strike to bite a losing meat of advantages in fancy world, at this time, to have a fame of product no matter prize or sales, is the clue of charging a fair with such kind of twisting worthy, brand is what you believe but now everything be discount on sale, because the male gossiped faces female with the courage into three mirror of lacanian theory, which is id of middle class, ego of capitalism control, and super ego of socialism, those are triangle of what Roland barthe says, “writing is code of indifference of maxims,” his opinion is the dis-structurism to make ruin on any political mainpoint lose weight, but if it is for purity of virture in literary text, the function of words will be reduced by the closed meaning to make circle means. Therefore writing is not death in the finish end, because as I watch on difference report on commenting a texture, there comes a vivid spring from the defined stand point of formism. Readers can join and influence what the writer has a record, when they take part in the eternity of text, writer is eternity.
主題: What’s going on?
內容: I read this discussion section out of curiosity. Definitely I cannot understand what went on between you two and am quite certain that someone will tell me to stay out of it or mind my own business. Well, I’ll keep an open mind. People have their own problems. If they like to share it in public, I don’t mind watching it.
Have a nice weekend.
主題: I just put it on with the function of my diary memo plat.
內容: Kathy: I would like to answer your question, firstly, I cannot see the reality that all people report at that afternoon tea party, because what I see is totally different, and I have to face it by my own discovery opinion, if you have been there, you might see that Mr. writer did not even communicate with anybody, and I don’t know why he sign that fuzzy number, is that a decode of entering into any club? And as I want to use a competing method to show that I am a same age writer too, he did not recognize that photographer girl did not really tough the bottom of camera, in the end, I fail to have this co-photo in my cellule film, it is real pity, and I go frenzy to the hot belt of west door city to take a lot photography’s about my leg, I think this is twisting influence that I have taken from this activity, anyway, I throw it away quickly as soon as possible, guess Mr. writer should have known that I have a manager too, but he won’t help me any better, what I worry about is that certain professional photographic shooter is the role in <the pro-tein girl > as the main dialogue object, that I regard him as the creator of Faust named Gothe you know, I think he will soon blow up in literature world in Taiwan, maybe he will be even more reddish that all readers will be such a stein that shill the fan mood into shit, farther, I have something say to Mr. writher, there are three important X generation in the tea shop, one is famous dancer come from Hong-Kong, for the pretending service of pouring tea or coffee, another is a critic judge maker of punk music in Western world, named is –fang, the last one is a religion monk who is crazy for dizzy calligraphic while he lose his wife who he never care if she becomes “get off my bed, and that is what I say”, and I am used to be very famous too, but, since I have a wish to be a interpreter of English publish <the pro-stein girl>, will Mr. writer pay any salary to me for some kind of showing accomplishment? I have one way to escape, that is hiding in works……what would you say, Kathy? In the library seat, professor of Mr. writer in Taiwan University sit beside me, and I have a sharp eye that all anthers got, it is a best way to not be lost or missing in the stylish park of such a novel, finally, I turn laser-head from original high-fixation lady, is there anybody see my twenty of my “save your mouth for metals”? I was a fool to dress like that.
主題: I stay in the center library in valentine’s day.
內容: Maybe I should delicate a song called “feed me your kiss” by band of bloody valentine’s pop single, this is special in my novel of “red crane dream”, I got several things to say today, Mr. writer please let ask you, what is your at temptation that you show yourself on that “post-modern decoration in room” magazine? Your face is on the coverage and you wear berban shoes of “snail” brand, don’t you wanna be a “smock” in the future, sorry for I am really a impolite woman that I cannot control what I am talking about, all I wish is that your light and hot of popular will never threaten my development, for I have duties to carry on in the future, I know the code number is what I have eat on firstbreact cookies, it is a number cookies, but if the number is eaten on reverse demention, what would it be? I wonder, and I fail to have that picture of photo together hanging on my pane door in the top front, I do it to prevent form nightmare, but you will never how I frightened to have baby fever on my bare dreams, for at the startle I enter the department store of mira, I complain about babysitting is such a scarify to take with the responsibility of thank care after birth painful, all my dreams turn the hell of my sight, I doubt if they are the childhood of each one of your book fan? Sincerely request this problem, because I ask you never push your fans into my arms, or it will become your army, at this time of my English novel, I describe how Tentaro who is my manager spy me on my neighborhood, and don’t you lend a various kinds of silver painting car surrounding my exhibit, for I do not write the “silver face” long term novel only for you, but other unknown monks in this period of time, as you should understand, this is a suffer time for writer to survive, traps are all around, and any fighter is striving for victory, I don’t wanna fall behind, too.
主題: More over
內容: My under brow is better now, for I eat pills, nobody knows how I hurt my brow, I explain it on my novel of <Taraney index> and I will emphasize that ney is not from so “Disney” read by Japanese, but it is a symbol like whitney huston or some meaning in Buddhism as store, where you are still in the belly of your mother, or all library secret in the book shelf, or you got King-Kong power in your body, they are all treasure of your consciousness in believing Buddha, never mind how I preach like this, because this novel is functioning as a preach deal, well, time is up, got to go, it’s four o’clock, I just went to be your ordinary friend, no please any jealous bother do not come to fine me, for this is also a non-fiction too, I mean it……
主題: Do you know I mail that in the air?
內容: well, dear Mr. writer, I know your novel type is very suitable for reading right on the web, cause it easy to skim read, but I got deep thoughts on your novel especially < the pro-stein girl> l lend from my sister, she frequently go to mainland china for co. business, I envy her because I want to go there see friend too, but the most important I would like to say is that “I do have written the English report in the opinion of Roland barthes, whose theory is my favorite, and soon I have mail that letter straight to new York times book critic board in U.S.A, but I am not sure what will happen in that overseas edit return, it is mail in the before time of attending your tea party in the afternoon, when you feel so boring enough to call out for quit, but I still feel for staying on the power I am peace within myself, so when do you promise to use pure English to talk about Roland barthes on line? Typing is ok too, any way, just keep as professional as you can, do not bow shit a lot, and I will go on from the part when my linguistic teacher tell me how to “indifference in the writing” skill of language acknowledgement.

主題: your novel
內容: Dear professor Stevenson, I have finished another three novels of English, they are <heart of sutra>, <ontology sky> and not yet over <Buddha is near>, if you have spare time to judge for them, please let me show you the manuscripts, and waiting for you critic opinions, thanks a lot! Sincerely, Polly Woo, 2004/7/25
---frank Stevenson <lunasteve@qwest.net> 的訊息:>
Dear/deer Polly(sorry, forgot you Chinese or English name):
>as you probably know, my colleague professor kutian
>hong at ntnu(shih-da) gave me your novel in late

<下篇> 空不異色(Emptiness differs colors) 93.9.3 P.1
  Fussy forgets about me, and Fuzzy shows up on the walk side when I discuss loaning money from a woman who works for china trust company, I lend the cash card just for making series of lucky shop come true, and I want to manage it as a homepage basement for customs to discuss freely about do nuts and milktea, how they feel the food in the way similar to eat a light ring on wisdom head of saint value. I want them to support sense of any feeling in Buddhism definition of every kind of roundness, such as below terms that once a high-tech monk stress:
93.9.16 P.2
  I have a talk with the promoter of china Trust Co., and she tells me every details before invest a chaining shop, it is including financial adviser and the preparation of loan, her name is Rosa with the career title of business expert. She asks me if I am serious about lending money contract, then suppose there is a image of my back curtain boss will suddenly show up in the corner on the opposite street, as she says so, I really see the red shirt male appears on the traffic mark besides a lane, but she tells me he is the responser who often sets a table for receiving case in the afternoon of every Thursday, if I have any need of requesting problems, I can find them over there, and I left a few information for her to contact with me.
  My father preaches me batter catch Fuzzy's taste, so I should go to cooking class instead of computer theory, but all I think is about not losing in the defeat of Fuzzy game of five angels like politic building in U.S.A structure, it is a logic of up-high master in Japanese Buddhism. It is said that he publish a documental book about the drama of worrier in Japan history, but no evidence show that it's Japanese narrative is out of speaking lectures, any way I know it’s about ancient legend of how the status of general and sogiers all around the emptier.
  I curve my front hair on the fore head, it's like waves on the ocean as a cartoon shape, and in the end all my erotic memories become blue of sea shore. I know Fuzzy's mother always preach him to be a successful believer who never praise something that falls into destruction of failure, for it is a loser's situation that will make religion be out of number one.
93.9.19 P.3(法華文句)
Below there is a list check on <Lotus Reference> about so-called "emptiness differs colors"(色不異空):
(12)二乘謂著此空, 破著空故, 故言不空
(21) 色即是空 eros is prime 
空即是色 eros is not prime 
色不異空 karma will return
空不異色 karma will never return
(22)四大皆空: above will beyond as you fix as monks
(23)地水火風空: five kinds of universe are empty
(24)空空如也: emptiness of waiting for circulation
<Interpretation in English>
(1) Illusionary is non-monk, means fantasy has what empty does
(2) Illusionary is non-monk, means fantasy is empty or not all come to real
(3) Illusionary is non-monk, means fantasy is empty exist as non/empty
(4) Of all meanings of law, empty exist as non-empty is truth.
93.9.19 P.4
  When a mister says he is going to marry you that means he waits for anything you want to do for him after the ceremony of wedding, while after this ritual it is still ceremony life. I would rather not cook for him, because it causes murder on meat, dieing smell of plants and vegetables, now I am retired to cook for myself too, in fact, I cook too fast that only waste about ten or twenty minutes to finish all meals, but reading is such a long situation that perhaps with my experience it must be falling into "square waiting time"(方等時) that is suitable to finish a thick book of heavy history or theory, it means only the one who has experience long reading morality, he will enter the quickly pass-by "Lotus time"(法華時), for time and tide wait for no man, and time is easy going(韶光容易過), this is better for writing function of Buddhism mind.
  Lots of junk emails make me realize that too many readers of my works becoming businessman and woman in the internet world, maybe it is a good thing to celebrate, but in my situation to tell that the truth is shortage of financial spending. I am buzzy earning money and success that I should save the pleasure of consumption deeds, after all, I still dream on the warfare of comfortable in the life of sharing with somebody else, but I go to spend happiness like a business woman that my mother used to do curse on this type of living, so she is suffering now, for she gets a job from raising child into accounting duty on a company of relative contribution and cooperation.
  As to myself, I live in a studio of home edition, therefore I plan to print some poem collections.
93.9.19 P.5
  In the performance stage, people play the role of pleasant to satisfy audiences, but in the self stage, all people air aware enough of how to live a better life that satisfy himself or herself, especially for she. She must escape mother’s ruling to become healthy and beauty of daughterhood, if her mother is like a Stephen she wolf in her life, she will be sure to escape such kind of pressure authority, and establish her own doom out of bad imagination which made-up by her mother. There is a promise to mother, if once she make it come true for complimenting advantage, then she will never ever be her Oedipus mother’s complex in the future.
  If marriage is due to make responsibility with right, but someone throw it to you take the burden all by self, what would you say about Buddhism is good for couples, it is the broken of authorize victory in lifetime, which males often regard it as wonderful target in their romance, moreover, this is also the reason when female diswant her husband-in-law, or she would like to send him away from her side of bedroom. In my story, Fuzzy become a idol of husband in networld, but he dislike such kind of hell image, so he climbs back to the place of single where he is the best controller in his wish of religious life style.
  Any way or method I go to success, my mother won’t care but use secret to make me lose as if Oedipus’ mother has any complex unfortunate on me, nobody know if they are hiding from mother to be successful as I do, from using novels to deal with a novelist or a novelnair, it is devil who makes something defined badly in literature world.
93.9.19 P.6
  In my mother’s neighborhood, there once is a family whose parents die young, the big brother has to carry three more youngsters, so he must do two or three jobs to raise his relatives, at last he throw them away and goes to join organize crime, this story is reported on newspaper that I suddenly realize how he finally gets rich and decorates all windows pretty by air-conditioners, I once fall in love with him but only a ghost love and I left him away, he is not worthy of my love since he keeps on regard me as a Buddha, that kind of role I ever preach on him, but at the same time, he ever throw me away from my request, either.
  Even though being a temporary ghost is not a good thing to act or play, but Fuzzy says: please you must play the role with me, because he has authority highly above, it makes me think about how to carry the same burden into successful responsibility, maybe I will help him to win big victory but he won’t care at the ending and announces me death as he warning me right now, because in his role of game every plot line is gambling of each other’s daughter, people are always wandering if pay for real affection or not, I used to have a pencil box with wrong definition, I do not know once there is a parrot I dis-realize and so I make the meaning left by definition, from radish symbol of beetroot to poly or Britney on biologic name in this fresh new modernism time, because I worship not for sex.
  I doubt if I really ever be blessed by Buddha’s permit ion, therefore I am still with Fuzzy living in Catholic world, so I must fight for myself to leave away darkness of this society, and my mother who uses religion to beat me.
93.9.19 P.7
  I think about the lie of story on parrot is not kind, so I confess that is carrot for certainty, that I never recognize anything wrong to damage any event of my life, but I will tell another story about cellule, it is one time Dick is turning document montage film on a black bag, because it cannot see the light, so he use a very long time to wheel it in two directions, but his neighbors don’t know what he is doing, as I come to his room, I know the reality of darkness, it has five possibilities that they are worried about the fact:
(1) the installation usually takes machine to do it
(2) the light stop the document show out of dark place
(3) it is for the preparation of refilm again within
(4) it means he says I never take such a movie
(5) there is two films to make action of come and back
  Long distance happiness means leave the storage of bitterness very far, but as I come to a cellule factory of Japanese investment, I lost the chance for I can’t talk that language fluently in Taiwan, but the productive working is only taking parts of pushing the heavy photo machine, maybe it symbolized the magic skill of unreality movie, somehow I think about the montage cutting spot len when you do not care for that plot, and when a novel miss up that part, it comes to the tolerance realistic binary essence, it’s for tolerance of situation which you have path on it, the conclusion is that warfare of life is out of attitude of tolerance. As cellule is for montage films, waving good-bye is my attitude when I want to end with lying persons!

93.9.19 P.8(結篇)
我佛慈悲<Buddha mercy of mine> Polly woo
Prologue : kindness(慈) is for mercy while tragedy(悲) is for charity, it is said that the former is dis-torture and the later is to give some happiness,(拔苦與樂) but ever since I saw shakamony buttez selling chicken in the first floor of our community shop, I realize that he is trying to punish buyer who has intention to make meat become hunter’s deserve of revenge. Fussy is in my memory of one report says he ran away from home in very young age, and announce independent that never go back home, so he simply change his name to be writer and change a looking by none or glasses on his nose.
  On the road to publish science group building, I meet highest monk of the world, he buys a bag of food from the light skyscraper in front of Taipei Main Station, and asking why old man with skin spot is blood transcendent of Chin Dynasty, in fact, I believe it is a noble symbol of length period in square waiting time, for somehow it is await of four dement ional justice in Buddhism fix. Then I was experience a long turning back to the bus route on the way to Taipei county where there is some place of eight hundred number, that is no traffic tool of return but only take selfish car or bicycle motors to freely transmit, I understand it is a useless ground.
  People over there in the company office cannot see their boss, and they lose ability to use software but busy go on web to search for typing file to show up, nobody use drawing edition, and everything I ask is emptiness, I am see those are so called rice bug in the institution work.

2004.7.9 P.1
2004.7.14 P.2

一昨日、神経質なfantens、spiriturl conscionsの私の魂を苦しめるために磁気電子の青いルビーとして彼自身、したがって、私は、彼の恐ろしい力を直すためにlngをその後眠ります、私は石のdeseartを夢見ます、どこで、大きな日光である。
2004.7.15 P.3

2004.7.17 P.4

2004.7.20 P.5
2004.7.21 P.6
recognitionism includsを書く実行:
1. 対話:
2. 意図:
3. 複合体:
4. plotime:
5. 反応:
6. セッティング:

2004.7.21 P.7
1. 時間は消すことができません - フェイス・ヒル(PC共同ロック)
2. 走る、の中で、有毒-ブリトニーの槍(fotoshop)
3. 私の数を失いません - フィリップス(会計)
4. ついに、マウスは結局何でもありません - サン
5. 私がu -アリシア・キー(ユーティリティ)-を得られない場合
6. 空の精神 - Garentゲート(Vitural)
7. soniaに関するもの - Shakera(やあ-sonet)
8. 言葉は容易になりません - ヨーロッパのバンド(言葉)
9. 恐怖杖が好きです - ビデオゲーム・マウス
10. 中国語(メディア)のリュディア - 小豆(Muilty)
11. 監視を欺くことを決定します - 案内人(IC)
12. Betman漫画 - Acrobet(機能)
13. 私のポケット中の呪い - サン(パッケージ)
14. 彼はそのように欺きます、私の銀行の名のもとに容易 - M & S
15. あなたの心については、intuitinが行きます - Jowel(会社)
16. 7は絶えず雷です - イチイ属(スクリーン)
17. 変更チャンネル - modona(ワイドなケーブル)
18. 天使を代わりに(ジョッキ)愛しているI - Robyウィリアムズ
19. 第3は私にdeeplusを取って来ました - 月(ディジタル)
20. ライオン王 - エルトン・ジョン(層による層)
2004.7.22 P.8
今日、私は無線インパクトを捜しに台湾大学に行きます。また、私はノート本のみのためにそれを買います、コスト700 NTドル、その後、私は天寺院(天主教堂)を過ぎて歩きます、金色の熊Netzを見る、そのような哲学は寺院の前に座っており、彼がある油で揚げたpotatosを食べているとともに読んでいます、一方、私が買う場合、無線、私は、Gadamaの白髪が彼の髪をすべて切り詰めるのを見ました。

2004.7.23 P.9
オフィス使用法の中への女性のリーダー変更の香港のビジネスおよびすべての会社は、各々の設立を行います、自分自身のもの、英語のadmi nistrationのように、書店、コンピューター生産、結局、アデンを防ぐ神経質な試み、中国、そのようなシンボルの中で私を蜂蜜月観光旅行へ連れて行きます。
私は実際にN.G.システムです、いつ、ミクロの上司、異教徒質問のことで私と議論する、私は、呪文にXPのシステムをすべて回させてちょうどN.G.の非常に困難なfuctionへ、非常に怒っていました、XPがゼログラフィー・プロセスではなく外国人嫌い人気をとにかく意味する場合、それはNegtiveなGeomaticのように綴るべきです、彼はpineer犯罪(? 世代)の生成として私たちに電話しました。
2004.7. P.10
b a+?
b e+?
b i+?
b o+?
b u+?
c a+?
c e+?
c i+?
c o+?
c u+?
d a+?
d e+?
d i+?
d o+?
d u+?
f a+?
f e+?
f i+?
f o+?
f u+?
g a+?
g e+?
g i+?
g o+?
g u+?
j a+?
j e+?
j i+?
j o+?
j u+?
k a+?
k e+?
k i+?
k o+?
k u+?
l a+?
l e+?
l i+?
l o+?
l u+?
m a+?
m e+?
m i+?
m o+?
m u+?
n a+?
n e+?
n i+?
n o+?
n u+?
p a+?
p e+?
p i+?
p o+?
p u+?
q a+?
q e+?
q i+?
q o+?
q u+?
r a+?
r e+?
r i+?
r o+?
r u+?
s a+?
s e+?
s i+?
s o+?
s u+?
t a+?
t e+?
t i+?
t o+?
t u+?
v a+?
v e+?
v i+?
v o+?
v u+?
w a+?
w e+?
w i+?
w o+?
w u+?
x a+?
x e+?
x i+?
x o+?
x u+?
y a+?
y e+?
y i+?
y o+?
y u+?
z a+?
z e+?
z i+?
z o+?
z u+?

2004.7.31 P.11
2004.7.31 P.12

2004.7.31 P.13
2004.8.2 P.14
私はstima bublegunに2つの失敗卒業証書を持つためにセット・アップされました、テレビ画面上のその紙ミントを示す私の父親の名前のagree signmentと共に、広告し、私は決定しています、に、青年新聞システムのジャーナリストのケーブル文化リポーターにメールを送られて、私がavent警戒の女性の芸術スペクトルに関する見解を示すために彼から小さなカラムを望むので、彼は台湾の外国人です。

2004.8.2 P.15
2004.8.2 P.16

2004.8.4 P.17
2004.8.4 P.18

2004.8.4 P.19
2004.8.4 P.20
その後、私は、伝えれば、誰が彼の祖母か彼に伝えないでしょう、神経質、馬は秘密に家族スペクトルを得ました、彼がそのような秘密ジャーナリスト上で反応させるものは考慮します、いつ、私が彼がそうであることを知っているその人、馬祖父および彼は、NT 50000ドルのフィクションが法則であると私に伝えます、でしょう、私のもとへ送られた家族、しかし、今回は、私は彼に伝えたい、彼の馬孫は有名な壮大な-義理の娘を得ました、
2004.8.4 P.21

2004.8.4 P.22
2004.8.4 P.23

2004.8.4 P.24
2004.8.4 P.25

2004.8.4 P.26
2004.8.4 P.27

2004.8.4 P.28

2004.8.5 P.30
2004.8.7 P.31
1、私の方法家、バス駆動、ばかを言え、異なるルート上で、ない、のように、私が考える日として、今まで以前に、に関して、神経質、バスは、私のbelieveから全く運転します。また、私は歩いて通過鉄道の下の商店街を横切らなければなりません、私の2 feetsはそのとき非常に疲れています、期間上のcuseを作るスタート「速く現われる、脱糞します、血の駅。」、その後、私は、チユンShou東街道の入口にあそこに到着していました、そばに過去にしておくすべてのブランド店。
2004.8.7 P.32

副標題 --- 聊女性主義的廣告意識
副標題 --- 聊女性主義的廣告意識

主旨:May Iは、英国人がページをつけるポットにカラムを要請します?
2004.8.7 P.35
(1) セガ:
(2) 裏:
(3) メータ:
(4) 光年:
(5) ETAI(以太):
(6) サークル:
2004.8.9 P.36
2004.8.9 P.37

2004.8.9 P.38
2004.8.10 P.39
2004.8.10 P.40

2004.8.10 P.41
心理学を上に分析するフロイト使用夢のラングとして、したがって、もちろん、広告がid、自我および超自我のような自己の3つの鏡像から学習するように、それは多かれ少なかれ2 sexusの間の面白い対話を置くことです、しかし、ジェンダーの矛盾は上張りで互いと議論することができます、それは、独身女性が生活を備えた責任をとるべき、変わりやすい状況を表現する、芸術のジャンル、および段階の完成および代用の想像スーパーモデルに依存します。
2004.8.10 P.42

2004.8.10 P.43
2004.8.10 P.44
(1) チャン-
(2) ポスト-
(3) DE -
(4) CON -
(5) SUPER -
(6) OVER -
(7) ANTI -
(8) RE -
(9) NON -
(10) SUR -
----------- FINAL-----------


dru氏、あなたが中国の理論を放棄し、ビジネスに出かける理由を知っていれば、私はより多くの詳細を学習しました、また、あなたはインタビューの私のリクエストをとりたければ、私は英語のroland bartheに関して議論したい、私が今ちょうど生産し、私があなたを終了しないのは品物に関してそれです、ジョッキ支持少女の本、実際に、私に非常にひどく研究する1冊の本を送っていただけませんか。
携帯電話No.0955-801-114、のために、それが容易なカードであるので、一時的、のために、遠くに送信する、you……ポリーが作家としてまた口説くのを見る、ライブラリー台北主題の2004/7/25afternoon 2:16:
<どのように、roland bartheである、機能、の中で、女性、毎日、実際の>ポリー、口説く。
人が判断するとともに、彼女が買う服の上でスパイ行為をすることによる女性、あるいは、彼女は、彼女が好きなものとして識別します、彼は、身体キャリー上で記号論の女性のコードについての考えを備えたroland bartheのように自分を思考にしておこうとしています、イメージの特徴で関連づけられた、彼女は、社会に示すために自分を認識する、もちろん、ない、プライベート・スペース、彼女が精神的なステートメントに気楽に触れるところで、場合、すべての女性の人形反語、通りの中を歩くこと
これは表明者を試みるどんなroland bartheです、買ってやる、何かを示す、したがって、女性はすべて全体として示されて含む従属のsufferです。

<どのように、roland bartheである、機能、の中で、女性、毎日、実際の>ポリー、口説く。
人が判断するとともに、彼女が買う服の上でスパイ行為をすることによる女性、あるいは、彼女は、彼女が好きなものとして識別します、彼は、身体キャリー上で記号論の女性のコードについての考えを備えたroland bartheのように自分を思考にしておこうとしています、イメージの特徴で関連づけられた、彼女は、社会に示すために自分を認識する、もちろん、ない、プライベート・スペース、彼女が精神的なステートメントに気楽に触れるところで、場合、すべての女性の人形反語、通りの中を歩くこと
これは表明者を試みるどんなroland bartheです、買ってやる、何かを示す、したがって、女性はすべて全体として示されて含む従属のsufferです。



私の、額の下で、今よりよい、のために、私は錠剤を食べます、誰も、私がどのように額を傷つけるか知りません、私は<Taraneyインデックス>の小説上でそれについて説明します。また、私、neyがそうではないことを強調しましょう、から、したがって、日本語によって読まれた「ディズニー」、しかしそれは、蓄積としての仏教のwhitney hustonあるいはある意味のようなシンボルである、あなたがまだお母さんの腹部にいる場合、あるいは書棚中のすべてのライブラリー秘密、

さて、いとしい、氏、作家、私は、あなたの新しいタイプがウェブ上でちょうど読むのに非常にふさわしいことを知っています、それを引き起こす、読み取りをかすめて飛ぶのに容易、しかし、私は、あなたの小説についての深い考えを特に得ました<ジョッキ支持少女> l、私の姉妹から貸す、彼女、頻繁にcoのための本土磁器に行きます。
私が女性からの金銭を貸すことについて議論する場合、神経質な<下篇>空不異色(空虚は異なります、色)93.9.3 P.1は競歩側で私およびファジーなショーについて忘れます、誰、磁器信託会社のための工場、私はちょうど一連の幸運な店を実現させることのためにキャッシュカードを貸します。また、私は自由にほぼ議論する習慣のためのホームページ最下部としてそれを管理したい、ばかを言えとmilkteaを行う、彼らは、どのように聖人価値の知恵頭の明るい輪を食べるのに類似した方法で食品を感じるか。
93.9.16 P.2

93.9.19 P.3(法華文句)
(9) 空色色空以滅俗故、謂為空色、不滅色故、謂為色空
(11) 聲聞之人、但見於空、不見不空、智者見空及與不空
(14) 利人謂不空是妙有、故言不空、利利人聞不空、謂是如來藏
(18) 比前為妙、同見但空、方後能、以別入通、能見不空、是則為妙
(20) 智證不空真、即成別入通二諦、智證一切趣不空真、即成圓入通二諦
(1) 幻想のことは、僧と手段の非空想に雌ジカを空にするものがあるということです。
(2) 幻想のことは非僧です。あるいは、手段空想は空です。あるいは、すべてが実際のことに来るとは限りません。
(3) 幻想、非僧および手段空想である、空である、存在する、として、non/空
(4) 空で、法則のすべての意味に、存在する、として、非空、真実です。
93.9.19 P.4
93.9.19 P.5

93.9.19 P.8(結篇)
親切(慈)は慈悲向けです。その一方で悲劇(悲)はチャリティー向けです、前者はそうであると言われています、拷問を軽蔑する、また、後のものはある幸福(拔苦與樂)を与えることです、しかし、shakamony buttezが私たちのコミュニティー店の一階中の鶏を売るのを見て以来、私は彼が、肉にハンターのにならせる意図がある買い手を罰そようとしていることを理解します、報復に相当する。


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