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2008-10-12 23:00:04| 人氣557| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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A Little Warm Service
The front left tire of my car was flat. It had stayed in my garage for one week already.
A skinny Asian mechanic man pulled over my car. He found a nail in the tire, and he fixed it.
“Your all tires were made in 2001. Now they won’t be produced any more.”
I went to the cashier to pay for it. At the cash register, wearing an orange uniform, the kind man said, “no charge.”
It was my third time to go there, a vision center at the shopping mall.
The first time, a technician fixed my old, loosened glasses, and cleaned them. It is not easy for a stranger to have no charge.
This time I got a unique pair of new, light, glasses. Wearing them all the time, I couldn’t even feel whether they’re existed or not.
One day, I accidentally sat on them. Of course, they became a twisted mess metal that even superman could not fix.
Finally, I got a new, pair of the same style glasses for free.
How nice people are treat to a stranger like that, fixing your problems and having no charge during tough economic times.

台長: 無明
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬) | 個人分類: 豆豆集2 |
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此分類上一篇:The days after 風雨過後

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