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2007-10-13 09:50:11| 人氣254| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Green Green Green of Home

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The lighting here rise down there alternatively in the sky again, at one moment, blustering, raining, hit to the roof everywhere, It sounds like the naughty kid playing the drum rhythm.
Several stones statues decorated in the backyard. A boy wearing a cap, holding the basketball; One girl lying down with one arm raise; another one playing with a dog. All of their faces are smile, warm. Behind them you can see auto fountain place in the middle of the artificial lake. Two tigers pictures hung on the wall in the bedroom. It’s hard to imagine when you wake up the tiger face appeared.
Dinner was ready. Hot, chilly, meatball soup, fried dumpline and mu xu meat with flour cake. Spinach, Cheese cake and fruit salad.
“What do you bring?”
“Diet coco and nuts.”
“Please eat cheese cake before melting. You won’t feel too sweet. It’s better to eat with coffee.” Jane said.
Chanting continued in the living room and ignoring the cool weather outside.
“How can I improved my writing skill”
“Observing, reading and practice more. Like planting, giving water, air and sunshine. dig dig what your thought would come out.”
To Jane, it was a wonderful night with several guests.
“Mom, I really understand what’s a peaceful feeling now.” Ruby called her from Taiwan.

台長: 無明


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2007-10-17 06:47:53
2007-11-21 23:55:20
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