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2004-11-25 03:07:21

To Fay

I guess you will never expect all these. Yes, I am still thinking of you, after such a long time. I think of you like I think of the ones I love. Yes, you are still loved by me, even though....

2004-11-25 02:43:54


黃霑終年六十四歳,在昨天凌晨與世長辭. 我唱的第一首歌,原來是黃霑填詞的. 當時還未懂說話的我,在外公外婆家中晚晚聽到電視劇集主題曲,耳濡目染下,聽說能夠把整首歌唱出. 今晚在電視重新聽到此歌,感到人生原來...

2004-11-24 02:07:30


到了冬天, 又是嚐鍋物的好時候. 鍋物是日文,日文羅馬發音是nabemono,即中國人的所謂煲仔菜,又或者是xx煲.總而言之,是把材料放進熱鍋加上上湯的一類菜式.日本人尤其愛這類菜式,除了日本菜均比較清淡之外,日本北部(...

2004-11-23 03:27:25


西岸良平, 一個在香港讀者中非常陌生的名字. 像很多上一輩的漫畫家一様,他從來不在公眾場合中露面,也不曾接受訪問,所以外界對他的了解少之又少. 他最為人所知的作品應該是了.「三丁目」是很多日本街道的名字,...

2004-11-23 02:34:23

Iris Chang's Funeral

According to the newspaper I read, Iris Chang's funeral was held on last Sunday. No one was 100% sure why did Iris, a successful, young and famous Historian writer, chose to end her life so soon. One ...

2004-11-20 00:25:45


日本人好鍾意努力去完成一些非常艱難的事.有時佢地會講: 揮多!揮多! 知否這表示什麼? Fight Fight 是也...... Anyway, 人如果欠缺動力,也許不能做出任何事來.例如餓了,會去找食物; 凍到發抖,會加添衣服. 一切都是...

2004-11-14 18:32:14

Iris Chang (1968-2004)

Iris Chang, one of my best Chinese-American writers, passed away on 11 November, 2004. Shocked, I couldn't believe what I was reading from the newspaper yesterday. My hero decided to end her 36-year-o...

2004-11-11 02:41:01



2004-11-11 02:11:01

Oh well...

Yes, I know that nothing is perfect. But when I come across the imperfection of life, I always get hurt. The pain got worse when I saw her smiling face, as if nothing had happened, that the only p...

2004-11-02 02:18:12


其實知道自己終有一天會像昨晚般哭一場的,但一直也懷着不肯認輸的心態,不去想,不想去想.人總有軟弱的時候,我這樣平庸的人當然不是例外. 想着想着,記得以前非常欣賞我的修女、老師和同學.一堆堆問號變成感歎號,以前...

2004-10-27 01:55:03


坐巴士回家途中,我看到我的偶像. 不是明星歌手,也不是為人所識的大人物,而是一位年紀逾百的老婆婆. 她在我家附近的大型屋苑獨居,每天也會風雨不改地往市場買當天的餸菜.每次出外也無法避免地吸引途人的目光,...

2004-10-25 00:43:02

When Bert's Not Here...

當Bert不在... When Bert's Not Here words and music by Joe Raposo When Bert's not here 當Bert不在 The hours last forever 時間彷彿永遠停留 The toys aren't fun 玩具變得不有趣 And the cookies...

2004-10-22 03:41:56


應該拍下照片 歌手:林一峰 | 作曲:林一峰 填詞:林一峰, 廖沛樑 | 編曲:林一峰 記得玉桂的氣味 記得秋天的假期 卻總想不起我於哪個咖啡室邂逅你 然後再度重遇你 拿著破地圖一起 到訪古堡跟雪地...

2004-10-15 01:19:43


No matter how many times I look at this picture, it will still makes me more cheerful. Whenever I eat a peach, I think of this picture. Heeheee.......

2004-10-15 01:14:41

Looking back

Sometimes I like to look back, but most of the time, I don't. I always believe tomorrow is better than today. That's why. Also because my past is so dull and grey that there were not much t...

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