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2006-10-27 14:05:41


昨晚跟一个老师谈了很多。 谈了各种宗教及人生哲理的问题。 老师说他经过了那么多,研究了那么久,最终选择了基督教的原因就因为那最根本的问题 — 人从哪里来? 人从哪里来?现在的社会好像已经不关心的问题,...

2006-10-23 14:19:51

New memory of Malacca

I have almost forgotten the things I have done in Malacca during my last visit until I visited the town again yesterday. This historical town has changed a lot and looks so different from I what I...

2006-10-10 13:52:05

Good to be BACK!

I am back! I am back! I AM BACK!!! Not sure if there is anyone still visiting this site. Not sure if I will keep this site updated from time to time. Not sure if I have good things to share or some...

2004-10-22 10:02:35


哈﹗今天我拿了人生中第一次的小費耶﹗ 也是第一天在小意大利街上的餐廳打工,有種莫名的虛榮﹗嘻嘻﹗ 沒想到西餐廳的侍應工作真的很不容易,好多東西要學要記得。 一大堆莫名其妙的菜名和酒類就搞到我一個晚上都很...

2004-09-21 21:25:28


I don't think I fully understood the meaning of the phase 'time flies' until recently. At this very moment when I am actually counting down to my departure, I realised how months, weeks, days, hours p...

2004-09-08 20:24:19


決定了 不要再勉強了 就算空著再久 心中那個空缺不可能等到你來填補 其實一直都知道答案 只是不甘心接受 害怕一天你可能會想起我 還會記得我們那段淡淡的回憶 看著你侃侃而談膚淺的話題 我突然開竅了 ...

2004-08-22 18:47:21


21- Written by Melissa Tallon You left I never saw you again My greatest fear of you come on the morning of twenty-one I tried to hold you here with me Soon you were on your way You were drift...

2004-08-16 20:54:53

There was no one

It was the same room There was Angie like usual Some of the people from last term were there too And I sat on the seat where I used to sit on I looked around I could not see you And I look in...

2004-08-05 16:19:17


21歲生日 是一年前的事 好快噢 365天就這樣被用盡了 一點心裡準備也沒有 真的想賴著21歲不走 我好不捨得好不捨得 一生中只有一次的21歲 回想這一年 我 很多機會沒有好好把握 我 很多人沒有好好珍惜 我...

2004-07-01 11:57:08


'OK' 'Shut up' 'Pants' Chips Red Rooster Vanilla Coke Filming gear OutKast- Roses Black Eyed Peas Nissan's Pulsar Kylie Minogue Jewel Chris's house In front of 125 Drummond Street La Tr...

2004-06-19 18:02:30


J is the first alphabet of our names Opens up a chance for me to fall in love with you Heavenly creature that captures my eyes Nothing makes me wonder more than you do Hours and hours we spent t...

2004-06-05 21:37:23


好羨慕你噢﹗ 羨慕你的勇氣 羨慕你的際遇 羨慕你勇敢後換來的確定 還有那不再有遺憾的輕鬆 雖然答案也讓你傷心了一陣子 可是現在的你不也是自在許多 對前面的路也更加清楚了嗎﹖ 我真的好羨慕你噢 碰上跟...

2004-04-14 22:03:00

It has been a long time

多久了﹖ 多久沒有寫點東西了﹖ 多久沒有依照心情塗繪了﹖ 多久沒有打電話給父母聊聊了﹖ 多久沒有找個愛的人抱一抱了﹖ 多久沒有好好靜下來傾聽自己的心“聲”了﹖ ......多久了﹖

2003-12-23 09:31:39


剛知道你有新戀情的那一刻 我變得不知所措 有點傷心失落 一顆心空空的 這其實是多餘 因為我們之間原本就沒什麼 只是那些美好的回憶也陪伴了我很久 可是說起來奇怪 我現在回想 卻覺得它們很模糊 我已經看...

2003-11-04 18:56:26


長大原來真的不是一個好玩的過程 總要在快樂、傷心、期盼和失望之後 感覺好疲累 這種疲乏不是體力上的 是精神上﹐是心靈上的 在療傷﹐在休息的過程中 發現自己好像長大了些 可是 這長大卻是一點喜悅也沒有。

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