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2014-03-12 13:07:47| 人氣737| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

You're in my love -Sinéad Lohan

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現在在一些大賣場還是有機會可以看到Goldfish Memory這部輕鬆有趣的藝文愛情電影在大特價。這其實是部挺不錯的好電影,有閒情雅致之人可以欣賞一下。


不過這部電影的配樂很用心挑選是真的,讓人看完電影後馬上忍不住去找來聽。這首 you're in my love 曲調簡單,很能展現歌手聲音的威力,詞也寫的很文青。 我喜歡這種不是開口閉口都是愛你愛我,卻用一些比喻或舉例說明愛的歌詞。但歌手我倒是不太認識,要寫文的時候才去搜尋資料,應該是一位值得認識的愛爾蘭歌手,可惜作品不多,將她列入我最近這幾月的CD清單好了。



You're in my love

you're in my love you're in my blood
you can be anything that you want
you climb into my mind
you drive everything inside wild
and then i curl around you madly
you say you'll mind me with your life

there are four corners on my bed
there are four angels on overhead
this is a carriage i am safe inside
it's refuge when my horses ride
into the stormy night

you don't say anything
don't say anything
you drown out any sound
with the feeling that you bring

i want nothing else instead
you are the colours in my head
when we were dancing in silence
you said

the silver shooting star
brought us to where we are
carried over everything
we have been through so far
our hearts are bound in hope
and spirits from above
have tangled us together
in never ending love

you are the only one
you are the only one
and i am the only one
you said that i belong to you
we go driving on your bike
and we make promises in the night
and then i curl around you madly
you say you'll mind me with your life

you're in my love...

madly:瘋狂地 神經錯亂地


drown out:(聲音等)壓過 蓋過




台長: 蒼子
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