See her how she flies
Golden sails across the sky
Close enough to touch
But careful if you try
Though she looks as warm as gold
The moon's a harsh mistress
The moon can be so cold
Once the sun did shine
And lord it felt so fine
The moon a phantom rose
Through the mountains and the pine
And then the darkness fell
The moon's a harsh mistress
It's hard to love her well
I fell out of her eyes
I fell out of her heart
I fell down on my face, yes I did
And I tripped and I missed my star
And I fell and fell alone
The moon's a harsh mistress
The sky is made of stone
The moon's a harsh mistress
She's hard to call your own
這是一首許多歌手喜歡演繹的著名曲目,但直到目前為止我認為還是Radka Toneff創下一個難以超越的經典。難以想像竟有如此清澈透明的聲音,搭配晶瑩剔透的鋼琴聲。真是靚呆了。可是詞意卻是癡迷於用美景描述的美人,甚至因此而耽誤了自己的幸福。如此美好的伊人怎會如此無情殘酷呢?我想,或許不是她無情,而是對於摯愛原本就會念念不忘,無法忘懷吧。因為痛苦才會覺得她殘酷又無情。其實是得不到而已嗎?抑或還有其他原因呢?無論如何,這是首意境十足又淡淡幽傷的作品。鋼琴和人聲聽起來還真帶有北國的悠冷感。不愧是挪威人啊!!台灣在夏天聽挺不錯的。黑膠唱片目前在許多唱片行都有出售,CD也是名盤。聽完自然就會想蒐藏的。