He that climbs a ladder must begin at the first round. -scott 登梯者必從第一根橫擋開始。 -司各脫 Time the stuff life is made of. -Geoffrey Chauser 時間是造成人生的原料。 -喬叟 He who seeks for pleasure must sweat for it first. –Erasmus 找尋快樂的人,必須首要先為它流汗。 -伊拉斯莫士
He that climbs a ladder must begin at the first round. -scott
登梯者必從第一根橫擋開始。 -司各脫
Time the stuff life is made of. -Geoffrey Chauser
時間是造成人生的原料。 -喬叟
He who seeks for pleasure must sweat for it first. –Erasmus
找尋快樂的人,必須首要先為它流汗。 -伊拉斯莫士