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2014-11-24 23:42:50
2006-08-16 18:28:33

How Should One Read a Book?

In the first place, I want to emphasize the note of interrogation at the end of my title. Even if I could answer the question for myself, the answer would apply only to me and not to you. The only adv...

2006-08-16 01:52:29


前幾天小弟我和中國舒馬克去鼎王吃宵夜,一共花了五百塊。我直扒飯配老油條和豆皮感覺頗爽快,平均一人分攤兩百五倒還真不賴,。然後我也不是很介意小姐只來加過一次鍋底(似乎是看我們一副窮酸樣啊 但人光看外表哪準...

2006-08-15 10:20:31


We care for literature primarily on account of its deep and lasting human significance.A great book grows directly out of life: in reading it, we are brought into large, close, and fresh relation with...

2006-08-14 23:16:47


恩,事情是這樣開始的。那天鐵人到我這來修電腦,修了段時間後借用一下洗手間。我直言最近剛回國比較懶沒清洗,請他包涵包涵。(其實也不是挺髒 只是不符我的要求罷了)哪天有空再來清洗吧。那時心裡對自個這樣說…但...

2006-08-14 00:15:43

Do You Know How Important You Are to Me?

I’d like to share this thought with you, to tell you that you mean the world to me.In loving you, I have experienced the happiness, the hurt, the feeling of forever, the need to be with you and love ...

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