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2005-10-27 17:09:20

back to good

Its nothing; its normal you, ...just stand there; I could say so much, but I dont go there b/c I dont want to. I am lonely now, and I dont know how to get it back to good. This doesnt mean you ...

2005-10-26 18:09:20

在高中的時候,我有一個女朋友. 分手的時候,她問我到底懂不懂什麼是愛. 她這一句話,我永遠忘不了. 老實說,那個時候的我,並不懂什麼是愛,但卻可以信心十足的回答她,我懂. 一場緣份,沒想到,十年後,我和她己經成了最...

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