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2012-09-25 12:59:39| 人氣1,067| 回應5 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A footprint in the East (from MMM)

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Part of our MMM history is the foundation begun at the end of 1961 in Taiwan, formerly known as Formosa. Mother Mary had met a Columban missionary, Father Aiden McGrath, who was encouraging missionary groups to establish houses in Taiwan as a stepping stone for entry into China.


Two MMM Sisters, Maria Glancy and Kieran Saunders, were the pioneers for MMM’s first and only mission in the East. Already experienced missionaries, Maria had been matron at our hospital in Anua, Nigeria and Kieran had been matron in Makiungu, Tanganyika (later Tanzania). They were to staff a hospital planned by the Swiss Bethlehem Fathers for Taitung, located in a mountainous region in the southeast. We had been invited to assist especially with obstetrics. Several Sisters eventually made their home there and St. Mary’s Hospital served the mainly poor, aboriginal people. However, it was a mission isolated from most of our other houses and the languages used were challenging, so regretfully, in 1974 our Chapter decided that we would withdraw.  We handed over to the Daughters of Charity, who continue to serve there.


So there was great excitement when, out of the blue in September, we received a phone call at the Communications Department from Sense Chen, the current CEO of St. Mary’s Hospital. He and Nicole Wu, an aromatherapist, were attending an aromatherapy conference at Trinity College Dublin. The purpose of Botanica 2012 was to ‘obtain an up-to-date global overview of the practical potentials, challenges and future of clinical aromatherapy and herbal therapeutics’. Their visit to Ireland coincided with the 50th anniversary of the Hospital. They wanted to visit and thank MMM for the seeds we had planted in Taiwan.


As with many similar health institutions providing services for the poor, St. Mary’s has experienced ups and downs over the years, mainly due to the difficulties in obtaining funding. Funding now comes mainly from local sources. It is presently a 29-bed unit, offering many general services, with the exception of surgery because there are no doctors. Sense explained that they want to be seen as a healing centre, changing from a hospital atmosphere. They brought us photographs showing a home-like setting at the entrance.


A traumatic event was responsible for much of the current focus. Several years ago, a severe typhoon caused terrible damage and loss of life. While help was available to repair injuries and damaged infrastructures, it seemed that little could be done for those who had experienced longer-lasting trauma and stress. St. Mary’s was the first hospital in Taiwan to use aromatherapy, introduced as part of a holistic approach to improve people’s quality of life. Initially the medical staff saw this therapy as peripheral and not very important so aromatherapists were trained to give treatment.


A hospice unit was opened and aromatherapy with massage was seen to improve the quality of life for the dying. Through the generosity of three companies that produce essential oils, the aromatherapy is available free of charge for both the patient and family.


The staff, with thirty volunteers, engage in health promotion, encouraging people to be responsible for their own health. On the compound is an organic farm so that organic food can be provided for patients. In addition an outreach home care centre provides 1000 meals per day for poor people in the community.


Neither Chen nor Nicole had met the MMMs and they only knew their Chinese names, but they had brought pictures of St. Mary’s from its early days to the present. There was much excitement in identifying the Sisters, and Chen told us that some nurses who have worked in the hospital for over forty years still remember and miss the Sisters.


He said that he and Nicole appreciated this opportunity to meet with us because we have much in common. We have the same desire to provide care with love, especially in service of the poor. On behalf of the people of Taitung, he wished to thank MMM for bringing new life and for leaving so much behind.


台長: 亞特蘭提斯的追夢人
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Thank you for the very interesting report on your recent visit to Dublin. I now understand a lot more that I had before and can imagine the interest and intense excitement you caused in the MMM Convent when you visited. Life is very different not only in Taiwan but also in Europe for so many of these congregations. Their numbers are falling greatly and the fittest of the religious now spend a lot of time minding their own Sisters and Brothers who are mostly retired and much older still.
The teaching orders of Nun’s and Brothers have almost entirely left their schools now and in many cases there are just a few religious in Houses and Convents all over the country that struggle to keep their building going…the lucky ones sold properties during our building boom about 5/7 years ago – but now there is no market. It is really very sad – as so many of them have done such good work during their lives.
2012-09-26 04:59:39
2012-09-29 19:33:38
2012-09-30 21:13:51
2012-10-02 08:12:34
Carol Breslin, MMM
Thank you so much for your visit. It was wonderful to meet you and hear about what has happened in St. Mary's Hospital since we left. We appreciated seeing the photos and remembering the MMMs that we knew. Thank you also for the gift of the oils.

I may have mentioned that we have a monthly e-newsletter with information about our work and events. I am attaching a story about your visit for our next letter and I hope you enjoy reading it. If you see anything that needs correction I would be grateful if you would let me know by next Wednesday so I can update the article.

Best wishes and blessings on your wonderful work to bring health and healing to others.

Yours sincerely,
2012-10-05 00:47:22
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