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[UVA][線段樹] 1232 - SKYLINE

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The skyline of Singapore as viewed from the Marina Promenade (shown on the left) is one of the iconic scenes of Singapore. Country X would also like to create an iconic skyline, and it has put up a call for proposals. Each submitted proposal is a description of a proposed skyline and one of the metrics that country X will use to evaluate a proposed skyline is the amount of overlap in the proposed sky-line.

As the assistant to the chair of the skyline evaluation committee, you have been tasked with determining the amount of overlap in each proposal. Each proposal is a sequence of buildings, b1, b2,..., bn , where a building is specified by its left and right endpoint and its height. The buildings are specified in back to front order, in other words a building which appears later in the sequence appears in front of a building which appears earlier in the sequence.

The skyline formed by the first k buildings is the union of the rectangles of the first k buildings (see Figure 4). The overlap of a building, bi , is defined as the total horizontal length of the parts of bi , whose height is greater than or equal to the skyline behind it. This is equivalent to the total horizontal length of parts of the skyline behind bi which has a height that is less than or equal to hi , where hi is the height of building bi . You may assume that initially the skyline has height zero everywhere.


The input consists of a line containing the number c of datasets, followed by c datasets, followed by a line containing the number `0'.

The first line of each dataset consists of a single positive integer, n (0 < n < 100000) , which is the number of buildings in the proposal. The following n lines of each dataset each contains a description of a single building. The i -th line is a description of building bi . Each building bi is described by three positive integers, separated by spaces, namely, li , ri and hi , where li and rj (0 < li < ri <=100000) represents the left and right end point of the building and hi represents the height of the building.


The output consists of one line for each dataset. The c -th line contains one single integer, representing the amount of overlap in the proposal for dataset c . You may assume that the amount of overlap for each dataset is at most 2000000.

Note: In this test case, the overlap of building b1 , b2 and b3 are 6, 4 and 4 respectively. Figure 4 shows how to compute the overlap of building b3 . The grey area represents the skyline formed by b1 and b2 and the black rectangle represents b3 . As shown in the figure, the length of the skyline covered by b3 is from position 3 to position 5 and from position 11 to position 13, therefore the overlap of b3 is 4.

Sample Input 

5 11 3 
1 10 1 
3 13 2 

Sample Output 


先說說題目, 建築物從海岸線開始退, 每個建築物可以當作一個長方形平行海岸,
而每個建築物都有其高度, 如果被前面的建築物遮蔽的區塊, 則在這建築物中的一小段區間
是無法看到海岸的, 計算所有建築物可以看到海岸的區間長度總和。

雖然說是線段樹, 但操作並不是 O(logn), 跟輸入有關, 不過能快就快了,
記錄每個區間的最大高度與最小高度, 最大高度用來判定能不能計算這個區間可以被看到,

因此最後會簡單地想到, 一個線段樹的區間如果被 matched, 不一定就這麼結束

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Node {
int mx, mn, label;
Node ST[(1<<18)+1];
long long ret;
void update(int k) {
ST[k].mx = max(ST[k<<1].mx, ST[k<<1|1].mx);
ST[k].mn = min(ST[k<<1].mn, ST[k<<1|1].mn);
void downdate(int k) {
if(ST[k].label) {
ST[k<<1].mx = ST[k<<1].mn = ST[k<<1].label = ST[k].label;
ST[k<<1|1].mx = ST[k<<1|1].mn = ST[k<<1|1].label = ST[k].label;
ST[k].label = 0;
void modify(int k, int l, int r, int &ql, int &qr, int h) {
if(l > r)
if(l != r)
if(ST[k].mn > h)
if(ql <= l && r <= qr) {
if(h >= ST[k].mx) {
ret += r-l+1;
ST[k].mx = ST[k].mn = ST[k].label = h;
// still update sub-interval
int m = (l+r)>>1;
if(ql > m)
modify(k<<1|1, m+1, r, ql, qr, h);
else if(qr <= m)
modify(k<<1, l, m, ql, qr, h);
else {
modify(k<<1, l, m, ql, qr, h);
modify(k<<1|1, m+1, r, ql, qr, h);
int main() {
int testcase, n, x, y, h;
int i, j;
scanf("%d", &testcase);
while(testcase--) {
scanf("%d", &n);
memset(ST, 0, sizeof(ST));
ret = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
scanf("%d %d %d", &x, &y, &h);
modify(1, 1, 100000, x, y, h);
printf("%lld\n", ret);
return 0;

台長: Morris
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