Write a program that generates English language phrases and sentences
conforming to the following rules:
<sentence> ::= <trans-sentence> | <sentence> ::= <intrans-sentence>
<trans-sentence> ::= <subject> <verb-phrase> <object> <prep-phrase>
<intrans-sentence> ::= <subject> <intrans-verb-phrase>
<subject> ::= <noun-phrase>
<object> ::= <noun-phrase>
<noun-phrase> ::= <article> <modified-noun>
<modified-noun> ::= <noun> | <modifier> <noun>
<modifier> ::= <adjective> | <adverb> <adjective>
<verb-phrase> ::= <trans-verb> | <adverb> <trans-verb>
<intrans-verb-phrase> ::= <intrans-verb> | <adverb>
<prep-phrase> ::= <preposition> <noun-phrase> | <empty>
<noun> ::= man | dog | fish | computer | waves
<trans-verb> ::= struck | saw | bit | took
<intrans-verb> ::= slept | jumped | walked | swam
<article> ::= the | a
<adjective> ::= green | small | rabid | quick
<adverb> ::= nearly | suddenly | restlessly
<preposition> ::= on | over | through
<empty> ::= ""
For example, the first two lines say that to generate a sentence, one
may generate a ``trans-sentence'' or an
``intrans-sentence''. A transitive sentence, according to the
third rule, consists of a ``subject'', followed by a ``verb-phrase'', followed
by an ``object'', followed by a ``prep-phrase''. Similarly, the
next-to-last rule indicates that a ``preposition'' can be any of the
three words on, over, or through.
Your program should read from the input a number of requests for
various kinds of phrases. Each request may be for any of the phrase
names appearing on the left hand side of the above rules. It should
then attempt to generate the requested phrase by applying these rules
until all of the <...> have been replaced with appropriate
In many cases, you will face a choice of alternate rules for expanding
a phrase name. In these cases, you should make a choice as follows:
Suppose that this is the
such choice that you have faced
since the start of execution of your program, and that you must choose
one of n rules for expanding a given kind of phrase. Let the rules
for that phrase be numbered from
in the order of
appearance above, and then choose rule number
The input will consist of an unspecified number of lines. Each line
will contain, left-justified, a phrase name corresponding to one of
the names appearing on the left-hand-side of the rules above (without
the surrounding brackets).
For each phrase named in the output, print a single line containing
the expansion of that phrase according to the above rules. Each word
in the phrase should be separated from the others by a single space.
the small dog restlessly jumped through the quick dog
a dog took the quick computer
empty 讓我死在 PE。
此外 Kth 的選擇,如果只有一個 Rule,Kth 不會增加。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
struct data {
vector<vector<int> > KIND1;
vector<vector<string> > KIND2;
char input[] = "1 1 2\n1 1 3\n2 4 4 9 5 11\n3 3 4 10 11\n4 1 6\n\
5 1 6\n6 2 15 7\n7 1 12\n7 2 8 12\n8 1 16\n8 2 17 16\n9 1 13\n\
9 2 17 13\n10 1 14\n10 2 17 14\n11 2 18 6\n11 1 19\n12 1 man\n\
12 1 dog\n12 1 fish\n12 1 computer\n12 1 waves\n13 1 struck 13 1 saw\n\
13 1 bit\n13 1 took\n14 1 slept\n14 1 jumped\n14 1 walked\n\
14 1 swam\n15 1 the\n15 1 a\n16 1 green\n16 1 small\n16 1 rabid\n\
16 1 quick\n17 1 nearly\n17 1 suddenly\n17 1 restlessly\n\
18 1 on\n18 1 over\n18 1 through\n";
char start[20][20] = {
"", "sentence", "trans-sentence", "intrans-sentence",
"subject", "object", "noun-phrase", "modified-noun",
"modifier", "verb-phrase", "intrans-verb-phrase",
"prep-phrase", "noun", "trans-verb", "intrans-verb",
"article", "adjective", "adverb", "preposition", "empty"
<sentence> 1>(2 | 3)
<trans-sentence> 2>(4 9 5 11)
<intrans-sentence> 3>(4 10 11)
<subject> 4>(6)
<object> 5>(6)
<noun-phrase> 6>(15 7)
<modified-noun> 7>(12 | 8 12)
<modifier> 8>(16 | 17 16)
<verb-phrase> 9>(13 | 17 13)
<intrans-verb-phrase> 10>(14 | 17 14)
<prep-phrase> 11>(18 6 | 19)
<noun> 12> man | dog | fish | computer | waves
<trans-verb> 13> struck | saw | bit | took
<intrans-verb> 14> slept | jumped | walked | swam
<article> 15> the | a
<adjective> 16>green | small | rabid | quick
<adverb> 17>nearly | suddenly | restlessly
<preposition> 18>on | over | through
<empty> 19>""
int main() {
data CH[20];
int n, m, num;
stringstream sin(input);
while(sin >> n) {
sin >> m;
vector<int> buf1;
vector<string> buf2;
string token;
while(m--) {
sin >> token;
if(token[0] >= '0' && token[0] <= '9') {
stringstream nin(token);
nin >> num;
} else {
vector<string> buf2;
int k = 0, i, j;
char s[50];
while(scanf("%s", s) == 1) {
int st = 0, x, y;
for(i = 1; i <= 19; i++) {
if(!strcmp(start[i], s))
st = i, i = 20;
stack<int> stk;
int spaceflag = 0;
while(!stk.empty()) {
x = stk.top(), stk.pop();
if(CH[x].KIND1.size()+CH[x].KIND2.size() > 1)
if(CH[x].KIND1.size() == 0) {
y = k%CH[x].KIND2.size();
if(spaceflag && CH[x].KIND2[y][0].length()) putchar(' ');
spaceflag = 1;
printf("%s", CH[x].KIND2[y][0].c_str());
} else {
y = k%CH[x].KIND1.size();
//printf("ch %d\n", y);
for(j = CH[x].KIND1[y].size()-1; j >= 0; j--)
return 0;