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2012-04-23 14:11:06| 人氣515| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[HTML] CSS: Coding with Style

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Beautifying More with Less

  • letter-spacing: [normal | 5px]
  • text-decoration: [none | underline | overline | line-through]
  • text-transform: [capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none]
  • text-align: [left | right | center | justify]
  • text-indent: [5px | 5%]
  • line-height: [normal | 5px | 5%]

I'm excited about CSS. I love CSS. I can't wait to learn more about CSS and start using CSS all over the place!

em {color:green}
span {font-family:monospace}

I'm <em>excited</em> about <span>CSS</span>. I <em>love</em> <span>CSS</span>. I can't <em>wait</em> to learn more about <span>CSS</span> and start using <span>CSS</span> <em>all over the place</em>!

This paragraph should be indented 20 pixels, it should be blue with a yellow background, it should have a black border and it should have 30 pixels of padding.

    p {text-indent:20px; boarder: solid 1px black; padding: 30px; color:blue; background: yellow;}
This paragraph should be indented 20 pixels, it should be blue with a yellow background, it should have a black border and it should have 30 pixels of padding.

    p {letter-spacing: 5px; text-decoration: line-through;
        text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center;
        text-indent: 1%; line-height: 50%;}
    Here is a long paragraph for you to play with. Go ahead and mess
    with it. All of the properties shown here are text properties. As
    a bonus, you can try using different units for the properties that
    take numerical values. There is already the demo of pixels and
    percent. Try "em", a relative unit (1em = the current font size). You can also try
    negative values (e.g. -10px). Some properties take negative values,
    and some do not.

台長: Morris
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